
13 years ago, Lao Chen, who had lived alone for 6 years, remarried and married a wife with a retirement salary, but the two were married for only one year before they got into trouble in the court, and the court ordered him to compensate his wife for 96,000 yuan

author:Too young

13 years ago, the old Chen who lived alone for 6 years remarried and married a wife with a retirement salary, but the two were married for only one year and then went to the court, the court ordered him to compensate his wife for 96,000 yuan, and the wife wanted a suite, this lawsuit is ten years, twice a year to respond to lawsuits, it takes a long time and costs a lot, why does a lawsuit last for up to ten years?

Because the children are out of the country for many years, and the original wife also died of illness, after living alone for six years, Chen Ding met Li Li under the introduction of others, Li Li has a gentle personality and retirement salary, and the conditions are superior in all aspects, so the two received a marriage license not long after getting along, but what he did not expect was that this marriage brought him nearly 10 years of litigation

The most eye-catching thing in the Chen family was the thick stack of couriers on the table, which contained all the summonses sent by the court to Chen Ding, who said that the information came from his ex-wife Li Li. So what kind of lawsuit has entangled them for nearly 10 years?

Chen Ding said that the ex-wife is completely a marriage fraud, I have no culture will not write, the two of us have not been together for a year, neither common children, nor common property, the court ruled divorce, she appealed to divide the property, the court ordered herself to compensate the ex-wife 96,000 yuan, but did not expect that not long ago, the ex-wife sued herself and her son and daughter-in-law to the court, why 10 years of litigation to fight with me, so that I do not have a day of tranquility

Subsequently, Chen Ding took the reporter to his ex-wife's house, and the reporter asked her why she had been suing Chen Ding. The ex-wife said that because she did not have a house, shortly after the marriage of the two of them that year, Chen Ding's family was going to expropriate, and he was a town hukou, and according to local policies, he did not have a head fee, and Chen Ding immediately proposed to divorce and marry another rural woman to marry, so as to get more compensation for expropriation

For Chen Ding's behavior of abandoning her for money, the ex-wife could not accept it, she said that she did not marry Chen Ding for money, she had a retirement salary, although not much, but could maintain daily expenses

Chen Ding said that the two were introduced to each other, and he originally wanted to find an old companion, but after marriage, his ex-wife did not come back, and it was rare to come back once a month, she was a marriage fraud, and she only proposed a divorce, which was not for the head fee at all

As for why he lived in his daughter's house, his ex-wife said that Chen Ding had been violent to his deceased wife before, although Chen Ding had never beaten himself, but he was very afraid, so he did not live in the Chen family

Under the reporter's questioning, the ex-wife only said the reason for suing Chen Ding, it turned out that when the two were fighting a divorce lawsuit, the house under her name was being levied, because it was not divorced at that time, the Chen family was also in the process of expropriation, and the Chen family's house was also identified as having her share, so she did not get a resettlement house in her name, but only got 600,000 yuan of levy money

After that, the court ruled that the two divorced, because the Chen family's expropriation money had not yet been issued, so the property of the two people was not divided, after the divorce, Chen Ding took 1.09 million yuan of the expropriation money and four sets of resettlement houses alone, and the ex-wife did not get anything, she sued

The ex-wife said that after the marriage, the two started a three-story house, which belonged to the joint property of the husband and wife, so she should have a share in the expropriation and resettlement house

Chen Ding denied his ex-wife's claims, he said that the land of the house was his own, but the daughter-in-law built it, not his own, let alone related to his ex-wife, now the lawsuit has reached the high court, the court has ruled, the ex-wife is making unreasonable trouble

Chen Ding frankly said that the two have been fighting lawsuits for 10 years, twice a year, each time for a month, until now he has paid 200,000 yuan in the lawsuit, these 10 years he has not had a comfortable day, and now he is physically and mentally exhausted, he only wants his ex-wife to let go of himself, and make a break between the two

Li Li said that the same are all expropriation households, Chen Ding divided 4 sets of resettlement houses, married a new wife, but she ended up with no house, and 10-year-old granddaughter squeezed in a room, she only wants to have a house of her own

At this time, Chen Ding's friend said that things were not like this, and it was Li Li who hated Chen Ding, who was born in the countryside, that he left the Chen family and came to this step today

Li Li was born in the city, and Chen Ding was born in the countryside, the two have a difference in living habits, Chen Ding said that he did his best to pay more li Li, but he was still disliked by Li Li, even if the two did not levy, there were differences in life sooner or later

Li Li said that although Chen Ding was born in the countryside, she never hated it, the two fell in love for four months and married, that is, she was financially independent with retirement salary, and there was a house, but Chen Ding divorced herself for the sake of benefit, and because of the time difference of divorce, she did not have a resettlement house under her name

After mediation, both parties said they would not back down, and Chen Ding said that as long as what legally belonged to Li Li, he would give Li Li, but it was impossible to give her a house

10 years of grace and resentment can not be changed overnight, I hope that the two sides can sit down, calm contemplation, has gone through a long court battle, is it because of a momentary anger to start a new round of fighting?

13 years ago, Lao Chen, who had lived alone for 6 years, remarried and married a wife with a retirement salary, but the two were married for only one year before they got into trouble in the court, and the court ordered him to compensate his wife for 96,000 yuan
13 years ago, Lao Chen, who had lived alone for 6 years, remarried and married a wife with a retirement salary, but the two were married for only one year before they got into trouble in the court, and the court ordered him to compensate his wife for 96,000 yuan
13 years ago, Lao Chen, who had lived alone for 6 years, remarried and married a wife with a retirement salary, but the two were married for only one year before they got into trouble in the court, and the court ordered him to compensate his wife for 96,000 yuan

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