
Gana W, E skills are weakened Designer: After that, it will weaken Shangdan Gana alone again

I believe that many players have recently learned a new "cancerous" way of playing: punishing Gana on the single. And in the LCS spring game, this routine also appeared. Since February, Gana has reached a 57.03% win rate in platinum and above, maintaining the highest win rate of all "single" heroes. Although Gana's current win rate has dropped to 54.58%, it is still higher than the win rate of other single heroes.

Gana W, E skills are weakened Designer: After that, it will weaken Shangdan Gana alone again

The gameplay of the single punishment cana is mainly "disgusting" opponents. Although it is a unit, it will still choose the auxiliary suit, and most of the time it is spent wandering and harassing the opposite side of the wild, while helping other road teammates and their own side to fight the wild. Due to the economic gap on the road, the opponent can generate a bounty, and after the opponent is killed, the bounty economy can also be cashed.

Gana W, E skills are weakened Designer: After that, it will weaken Shangdan Gana alone again

Recently, the designers have weakened Gana, but the main purpose is not to target the single disciplinary woman:

The changes to Cana in version 12.2 allowed her to quickly sweep through Summoner Canyon, making her one of the most powerful and popular assistants. However, due to the bug in the interaction between Jana Q, R, and glacier amplification, it is not clear in the previous patch how much she needs to weaken. Even after the restoration, Gana was still very strong when it came to using glacier amplification and other runes. So we decided to reduce her initial ability to wander and enhance the shield and healing effects.

These changes are not directed at the recent Shangdan Gana, we are working on a separate solution for this purpose, which will be updated as soon as the results are available.

Gana W, E skills are weakened Designer: After that, it will weaken Shangdan Gana alone again

Gana changes:

Base Movement: 330 reduced to 325

W Skills:

Movement speed bonus: 8/9/10/11/12% reduced to 6/7.5/9/10.5/12%;

E Skills:

Boost shield and healing duration: 5 seconds reduced to 4 seconds (after slowing down or knocking down at least one enemy hero).

After learning the designer's change direction, some netizens asked:

- Why is the Auxiliary Gana punished for going up to Gana?

- To be honest, they can continue to weaken the glacier amplification, and no other mage will use it anyway.

Gana W, E skills are weakened Designer: After that, it will weaken Shangdan Gana alone again

So what do players think about Gana's changes and innovative playing style?

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