
Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

"Tomatoes? This is my favorite! Mr. Zhang looked surprised, and Dr. Wang's words exploded in his mind like a bomb.

It was a sunny morning.

Mr. Zhang was a railway worker before retirement, and his body has always been very strong, but recently he has been feeling tired and his stomach is uncomfortable.

The weather is hot, and he especially likes to eat tomatoes, cold dressing, stir-frying, making soup, how fresh and how to come.

His wife also advised him not to do things all day long, but he didn't listen, and always felt that tomatoes were both healthy and relieving the heat.

"Tomatoes, that's a good thing, but ah, eat every day, eat so much, I think it has to be in moderation."

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

Li Ming pouted, he is an old Chinese medicine doctor, and he usually talks about diet therapy and health care.

"I see that your symptoms are not only the problem of eating too much, but there may be other reasons.

Otherwise, I'll go to the hospital tomorrow to see Uncle Zhao, who is sick, and you will come with me and do a comprehensive physical examination by the way? Li Ming proposed.

The next day, the two elderly men went to the hospital together.

Mr. Zhang did a series of examinations in the hospital,

Including blood routine, urine routine, liver and kidney function tests, etc. During the examination, the doctor also inquired in detail about Mr. Zhang's eating habits.

"Although tomatoes are a good thing, you may indeed cause some burden on the body if you consume them in large quantities and frequently."

After reading Mr. Zhang's examination results and diet records, Li Hua, a young dietitian, began to give advice.

The results of the examination showed that Mr. Zhang's physical indicators were basically normal, but his uric acid level was slightly higher.

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

It may also be related to his excessive consumption of tomatoes.

Tomatoes, a well-known vegetable in China, are loved for their bright red color and variety of cooking methods.

However, excessive consumption of tomatoes may not be a wise choice for older age groups, especially if they have specific health conditions.

High potassium content of tomatoes.

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

This risk should not be ignored, especially in some dietary habits that may inadvertently consume a large amount of tomatoes.

The sour taste of tomatoes mainly comes from the citric acid and malic acid they contain.

Although the soluble and insoluble fiber in tomatoes is beneficial to the health of the large intestine,

But in some older people, especially those who already have problems with their digestive system,

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

For the elderly, in addition to tomatoes, there are some common vegetables that may be bad for health in some cases,

This is especially true when these vegetables are consumed in excess or under certain conditions.

The first is cabbage.

Cabbage is a frequent guest on the table of Chinese, especially in winter, and cabbage is also rich in vitamin C and fiber,


Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

This is followed by potatoes.

Then there's spinach.

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

However, we have to talk about the oxalic acid in it.

Not only does this hurt terribly, but it is also troublesome to deal with.

Therefore, especially for those elderly friends whose kidneys are not very good or who are prone to stones, they really have to weigh and weigh when eating spinach.

To enjoy the benefits of spinach without getting into trouble, you may have to adjust your recipe with the advice of your doctor.

Finally, there is the eggplant.

Should the elderly stay away from tomatoes? The doctor reminds: When you are old, try to eat as little as possible in these 5 dishes

While these vegetables are all nutritious and healthy options, for seniors with specific health conditions,

It is very important to understand and adjust the intake of these vegetables appropriately.

Seniors should choose the type and amount of vegetables that best suit them according to their health status to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

By choosing foods wisely, we can maximize the benefits of our foods while avoiding possible risks and achieving a truly balanced diet.

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