
This is what you call a scumbag

author:Phase of the New Era
This is what you call a scumbag


Today I want to talk about "online love".

It is through dating software, looking for love.

According to china youth daily data, 62.4% of single young people make friends mainly online.

Have you found love on dating apps?

We interviewed nearly 20 girls and did an issue of Dating App Experience (Girls Edition)

One girl described this online relationship as "only kissing and not in love".

It looks more straightforward, but also more complex.

Dating App Experience (Girls' Edition)

Left slide represents dislike .

The right slide represents a moving heart.

First, who will you slide left?


Muscle men.

To the muscle male ptsd too. @small e

This is what you call a scumbag

Image source @ small fish


Jiangsu and Zhejiang Shanghai scumbags. @Sisyphus


Every time I brush I have to remind myself repeatedly:

Be wary of literary men! Be wary of literary men! @Music Shelter


The introduction is too long.

Like the stereotypical sociology student. @Sisyphus


Male college students, masks, dorm rooms in the mirror for selfies. @Hidden Junshi

This is what you call a scumbag


Take photos at your hotel or cruise ship.

A feeling of pua male packaging himself. @Zhuo Zhuo


The photos are obvious tourist photos,

Very untethered. @Hyperactivity


Photo Apochrome filter. @Human Peach

This is what you call a scumbag


Or sunburn abs to reflect height,

Or dry sports car sunglasses,

Not really. @Fruit


The university is strange,

Mostly scammers. @Fruit

This is what you call a scumbag


Divided into three categories.

The first category: p-plot excessive, skin without blemishes, eyes very large small fresh meat;

The second category: bodybuilding muscle men who have no characteristics and hard concave shape;

The third category: financial scammers.

The photo is created into a rich and handsome, chatting with you and greeting you warmly.

Think it touched your heart and then ask for your money.


Brushing back and forth are several kinds. @Junjun


Too purposeful.

I praised his profile as funny, the pictures he took were good,

He said but I'm here to make an appointment. @small e

This is what you call a scumbag

Image source @ hyperactivity



What could be more embarrassing than sliding into an old classmate?

Especially the New Year back to small cities,

It's also too easy to brush up on.

If you brush to me please let go. @cici

Second, who will you definitely slide right?

Loved Jay Chou's.

Doesn't mean I like the guy, just agree with that. @Zhuo Zhuo

Super like my people. (Super like)

Always give an extra chance. @cici

This is what you call a scumbag

Hong Kong wind man. @Hyperactivity

Styled and loved the outdoors.

You can p-plot, but don't p it too much. @Junjun

Good body proportions.

Seconds swipe right. @Hyperactivity

I don't look at the face.

Look at the character.

Will look closely at their profile. @Music Shelter

This is what you call a scumbag

A kind of guy I admire on the software:

It's not about coming up and going straight to the ambiguous,

Instead, boiled frogs in cold water.

The internet and reality are very separate,

Treat each other like paper people. @Sisyphus

This is what you call a scumbag

In addition to the appointment, people who can go out for a walk together. @Music Shelter

Just a little, be like a real person. @Candy

Third, online heartbeat moments

What do you get when sliding right? Love? accompany? Or is it a cure?

Just occasionally want to be hugged. @Sissi

One person for the New Year.

I asked a boy to make me Chinese New Year's Eve meal. @Music Shelter

This is what you call a scumbag

Last winter with a little brother Lian Mai,

He laughed all the time.

Suddenly he said:

"You laugh so hard,

You must be very unhappy in life, right? "@Fish Lemon

This is what you call a scumbag

Found a boy on the software,

Held me for a nap.

Nothing was done. @Don't know

We didn't add WeChat.

Software chat can not take pictures,

Just use words to describe your life.

He shared with me his collection of rarely visited seashores.

Also took me there.

We never saw each other again. @Fruit

This is what you call a scumbag

The guy I met on the software lives in the same neighborhood as me.

He's a lovely guy.

Study art, live in the attic, and wear black T and boots in the summer.

One night at twelve o'clock,

He suddenly asked me, do you want to come down and chat?

The first time I didn't wear makeup, I went to see a guy.

We talked until two o'clock in the morning.

Finally he asked me:

"Can I hug you?"

I agreed.

He hugged me for a long time. I had been breathing very hard, and finally said softly:

"Thank you."

Later, we tacitly agreed that we would never contact each other again. @Kaka

This is what you call a scumbag

Fourth, online heartbreak moments

Where there is a heartbeat, there is heartbreak. Is it for love and not heartbreak? Heartbroken for loneliness? Or for something else?

A software annual appointment report says,

In 2021, 4.67 billion heartbeats quietly occurred.

This year I met 4254 people,

2980 people liked me,

Successfully Matched 239 times.

But I didn't have a single heartbeat. @cici

This is what you call a scumbag

Slid to the high school male god.

My heart skipped a beat.

The software was emptied once,

The day before yesterday slid on top of him again,

But he still didn't recognize me. @LYC

The guy who likes me is 8 years older than me.

Talked for 3 or 4 months,

I even forgot why I didn't continue chatting.

Suddenly one day I found out that he was married,

I took my wedding photos.

Later, I found out that I couldn't see his circle of friends.

His cover background is a wedding photo with the girl. @Hyperactivity

This is what you call a scumbag

He was my first "friend" on the software to chat seriously.

The picture shows the song played on his phone when he swiped right into him.

This is what you call a scumbag

Later, I... Deleted him. There is no trace of it.

It was as if he had just disappeared.

Hearing this song,

It was as if there was still a strange boy who was very familiar in the middle of the night, typing on the keyboard of his mobile phone and chatting with a girl about life ......@moon

I met a guy I really liked and kept chatting and saying ambiguous things.

One day he suddenly stopped hearing back, though I knew what that meant.

But it still hurt a little in my heart, and it hurts to like him. @iris

This is what you call a scumbag

V. Summary of software experience (girls' version)

Match is one-to-one,

There is a special feeling of being chosen. @Sisyphus

This is what you call a scumbag

The core need that social software solves is not to fall in love,

It is a place where you can communicate emotionally with your face. @Hyperactivity

You can say a lot of garbage together,

Share interesting things about life,

It makes me feel liked and cared for.

But when I think of maintaining a relationship, I still can't avoid differences and quarrels and break up.

I didn't want to continue.

Chat less frequently,

Until one day no one can remember each other,

Even if it's over. @Sisyphus

This is what you call a scumbag

The best chat in social software is kept fresh for a week,

Common is 2, 3 days.

A lot of messages don't remind you,

Who would set a message from a social software as a reminder?

What happens often is that you suddenly forget about this person,

One day I suddenly saw a message on my phone,

I'll think, hey, who's this guy clicking into it.

Only to find out that we had talked about the day. @ Fist

This is what you call a scumbag

Everyone's enthusiasm faded quickly. @small e

There is a question on the software, what kind of opposite sex makes you most excited?

I'll just say two words: sincerity.

But it's hard.

I'm not sincere myself. @Hyperactivity

This is what you call a scumbag

It's hard to say if it's scum with dating apps.

Whether a person's emotional or social needs have been met, how to solve this vacancy, what methods will be used to judge whether this person is really scum.

In the usual sense, I have a stable boyfriend who occasionally uses it, and that must be scum.

But I will write clearly that I have a boyfriend, only chat without adding WeChat.

This is what you call a scumbag

Because my boyfriend is too busy at work, he only wants to do his own thing when he rests.

It's hard to see me.

So I probably,

Just wanted to find a place to be seen. @Don't know

Let's all accompany each other.

Any kind of companionship will do. @Fruit

We also hope to add a more issue [Dating Software Experience (Boys Version)], welcome boys and friends to leave messages in the background, share your experience. Happy New Year to all.

Written by: DawnStar Commondodo

Editor-in-Charge: Tintin

This is what you call a scumbag

Vespers Hours:

Can I get love on dating apps?

I do not know.

But interviewee @Qimo told me her truest thoughts:

"I don't believe in love, and I don't know how to love people,

But very eager for love. ”

This is what you call a scumbag

There is a word in Sanskrit poetics, Gotraskhalana,

Describe calling the wrong lover's name.

It literally means, "meet a name unexpectedly."

Please also keep looking forward to it.
