
Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

On the morning of February 6, 2022, Beijing time, in Cardiff, Wales, England, Clarissa Shields, a top professional boxing woman P4P boxer, finally returned to the boxing ring she was most familiar with. The two-time Olympic boxing queen appeared at Chris Ubank Jr.'s match against Liam Williams to defend her midweight World Title, and after 10 rounds of fierce fighting, Clarissa Shields defeated opponent Emma Kozin 3-0.

Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

Although Clarissa Shields had been out of the boxing arena for a while, Clarissa Shields still showed superior strength at the beginning of the tournament, so everyone understood that Emma Kozin's defeat of Clarissa Shields was an unfinished task.

From the very beginning of the race, Clarissa Shields had firmly taken the initiative on the field, and Emma Kozin was simply not able to pose a threat to Clarissa Shields.

Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

By the middle of the game, Clarissa Shields had improved her punching efficiency, and not only did he start to punch harder and harder, but she also hit more and more. Compared to Clarissa Shields, Emma Kozin's performance has little to mention, and her achievement is to persevere until the end of the game, hearing the bell ringing at the end of the game.

In the end, the 10-legged match ended, and the three referees unanimously gave a 10-90 score, so Clarissa Shields defeated Emma Kozin in a unanimous 3-0 decision to win the game.

After the match, Clarissa Shields still felt some regret, believing that she had the opportunity to knock down Emma Kozin and thus end the game.

Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

In a post-match interview, Clarissa Shields told reporters: "I think there are many times when the referee should call off the game. I felt like I had hurt her and she would feel it when she got home. I won every round, so I won the race without a doubt. But I can only give myself an A-. Because I regret not beating Emma Kozin the way of KO. ”

According to the next plan, Clarissa Shields should go against her opponent Savannah Marshall in the amateur arena, of course, on the basis of Savannah Marshall's ability to beat Farmuk Hermans on March 12. Savannah Marshall was chosen primarily because Savannah Marshall was the only one who had beaten Clarissa Shields in boxing, and of course that was at the 2012 World Boxing Championships.

Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

Out of concern for her old rivals, Savannah Marshall also came to the scene to watch the match between Clarissa Shields and Emma Kozin, and she also gave an interview to reporters after the game.

When asked by a reporter about Clarissa Shields' performance, Savannah Marshall said: "I will play a different game. ”

Seeing her old rival being interviewed at the scene, Clarissa Shields also stepped forward and said to Savannah Marshall: "You can't take away my gold belt, have you heard?" ”

Shields returned to boxing to beat Emma Kozin by absolute advantage

In order not to let the two female boxers clash, the team members of both sides separated the two, and it is believed that it will not be long before we hear the news of the match between Clarissa Shields and Savannah Marshall.

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