
2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

author:Athletic frenzy
2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

On June 29, Beijing time, the Chinese Super League rekindled. In a key battle in the 17th round, the promoted horse Shenzhen Xinpeng City challenged the Tianjin Jinmen Tigers away from home. What was supposed to be a close contest was made unusual by successive red cards from Shenzhen's players. I can't help but delve into the deeper reasons behind this turmoil and the impact on Shenzhen Xinpeng City and the entire Chinese Super League.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

1. 11 minutes out of control

Just 11 minutes into the opening game, Tian Yinong, a player of Shenzhen Xinpeng City, was sent off for stepping on his opponent Kompagno. This sudden change not only disrupted the tactical deployment of the Shenzhen team, but also made the whole team passive. Know that on the football field, every player is an indispensable part of the tactical system, especially in such a crucial game.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Tian Yinong's behavior undoubtedly put the Shenzhen team in a huge predicament. I can't help but wonder, as a professional player, why would you behave so irrationally in such an important game? Is it too stressful, or is it emotionally out of control? The question behind this is worth pondering.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Second, another blow, Thiago's red card

Just when the Shenzhen team was trying to adjust and try to save the situation, in the 27th minute, foreign aid Thiago received a red card for boxing opponent Guo Hao. This scene once again put the Shenzhen team in a desperate situation. Thiago is an important scoring point for the team, and his departure is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Shenzhen team.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Both red cards were confirmed by the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) and there was no suspicion of misjudgment. This made me question the professionalism and emotional control of the players. In such a high-level league, every move of a player will affect the trend of the game, and even more so the overall image and reputation of the team.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

3. Coach Tato's anger

In the face of continuous blows, Shenzhen Xinpeng City's head coach Tato smashed the water bottle angrily on the sidelines, obviously dissatisfied and disappointed with the performance of the players. As the manager of the team, he knows how much of an impact every red card can have on the team. Especially in such a crucial game, every mistake can be an opportunity for the opponent to break through.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Tato's anger is understandable, but he also needs to reflect. As a head coach, does he pay enough attention to the cultivation of the mental quality and emotional control of the players? In a high-pressure game environment, how to keep players calm and focused is a problem that every coach needs to face.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Fourth, the consequences of the red card

According to the relevant regulations of the Chinese Football Association, Tian Yinong and Thiago are likely to receive additional penalties. Tian Yinong could be banned for at least one match, while Thiago could face a ban of at least three. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Shenzhen Xinpeng City, which is replacing foreign aid.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Especially Thiago, his behavior not only affected his career in the Chinese Super League, but also may affect Shenzhen Xinpengcheng's future tactical arrangements and recruitment plans. As a foreign player, he was supposed to be an important pillar of the team, but now he has become a "burden" for the team.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

5. Reflection and enlightenment

This red card turmoil has brought a deep reflection to Shenzhen Xinpeng City and even the entire Chinese Super League. In the pursuit of winning the game, have we neglected the cultivation of the professionalism and mental quality of the players? In a high-pressure game environment, how to keep players calm and rational to avoid similar out-of-control incidents?

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

As a senior sports blogger, I think this is not only a problem for one team in Shenzhen Xinpeng City, but also a problem for the entire Chinese Super League and even Chinese football. We need to learn from this turmoil, strengthen the overall development of players, and improve their professionalism and mental quality. Only in this way can our league develop more healthily and steadily.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Conclusion: Thinking beyond the red card

Although the red card incident has brought a lot of blows to Shenzhen Xinpeng City, it has also provided us with an opportunity for in-depth reflection. As fans and practitioners, we need to look at this turmoil from multiple angles, not only focusing on the results of the game, but also on the growth of the players and the development of the league. Hopefully, this incident will be a turning point in the development of the Chinese Super League and propel us towards a more mature and professional path.

2 red cards in 11 minutes! The Chinese Super League promoted horse players stepped on and then boxed, and the coach was so angry that he threw the water bottle

Football is not only a battle of victory and defeat, but also a contest of spirit, professionalism and teamwork. May we enjoy the game while also seeing a deeper level of sportsmanship.

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