
Write a few lines behind the car, the Volkswagen female driver is on the road in a high profile, and the old driver has to hide when he sees it

When it comes to the name of the female driver, many people are frightened, and even the old driver does not dare to say anything more. The reason why many girls are called female drivers is because they are naturally insensitive to mechanical operations, and they can't react when they take the driver's license, and it takes a lot of effort to get the driver's license.

Write a few lines behind the car, the Volkswagen female driver is on the road in a high profile, and the old driver has to hide when he sees it

Xiao Liu just got her driver's license this year, she just got it before her driving test time was about to expire, before this she had taken 9 times subject two and four times subject three. Although he has already got his driver's license, but because of the failure of many road tests, Xiao Liu is very worried about driving on the road, if he encounters an emergency during the driving process, he has no way to deal with what to do?

In order to celebrate Xiao Liu's successful pass of the driver's license test, Xiao Liu's parents bought her a Volkswagen car and let her walk out of the house. Although Xiao Liu is very happy that his parents bought a car for himself, but he just got a driver's license not long ago, he has not how to drive on the road to practice, in case of unexpected situations on the road, it is difficult to deal with, and he wants to come up with a method for Xiao Liu.

Write a few lines behind the car, the Volkswagen female driver is on the road in a high profile, and the old driver has to hide when he sees it

After all, it is easy to be hit by other vehicles on the road, and it may also affect the normal driving of other owners because of operational errors. In order to let others notice that his car has left more driving space for himself, Xiao Liu directly pasted a piece of paper behind his car. One might wonder if it's just a piece of paper, but what's the problem? But the power of this piece of paper is indeed very large, many people see Xiao Liu's car after automatically avoiding, and Xiao Liu pulled away from a large safety distance. The paper reads "Female novice, road test 9 times, three 1 million".

Although Xiao Liu's behavior is not advisable, you can't let others force your own vehicle in this way, but as a novice who has just been on the road, with this piece of paper pasted on the back of the car, it does solve a lot of trouble for Xiao Liu. Many car owners see that Xiao Liu's car does not dare to get close at all, and some even feel that they can't afford to take the initiative to change lanes and dare not follow Behind Xiao Liu's car.

Write a few lines behind the car, the Volkswagen female driver is on the road in a high profile, and the old driver has to hide when he sees it

After this matter was posted on the Internet, netizens criticized and praised. Some people think that Xiao Liu is really smart, she wrote her own road test on the car 9 times, whether this matter is true or not, but the owner of the car in the back will be very scared, and will not bother with her, a novice who has just started driving.

There are also some people who criticize Xiao Liu for only considering himself and not for others, posting a piece of paper himself to feel that he is foolproof, others dare not bump into himself, and do whatever he wants on the road. Such a situation can not give Xiao Liu's driving skills to increase experience, but will make Xiao Liu feel that no one dares to crash when he drives like this, and it is even more lawless.

Write a few lines behind the car, the Volkswagen female driver is on the road in a high profile, and the old driver has to hide when he sees it

In fact, Xiao Liu's behavior is really useful when he first starts driving, because everyone will take the initiative to avoid Xiao Liu's car, so that Xiao Liu will avoid unexpected conditions due to poor technology on the road. However, this behavior cannot be persisted for a long time.

Editor's Comments:

It is not the obligation of every car owner to be courteous to a novice, and if everyone has been indulging in such behavior as a novice, it will not be good for the novice's own experience growth. All people accumulate experience in dealing with unexpected situations little by little through practice, rather than relying on the courtesy and avoidance of others. Therefore, in the process of driving, we should not do such things to rely on others, but learn the driving experience through our own efforts.

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