
Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

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As a "electric" power model, in recent years can be said to have undergone "earth-shaking" changes, as a small connoisseur of insiders, it can be clearly felt that electric vehicles from the previous more scattered state, gradually into the standardization, standardization, the most obvious of which is a little change, like electric vehicles, tricycles, old scooters also have a driver's license.

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

With the april 1, 2022 driver's license will usher in the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses", some car owners will send private letters to small connoisseurs and ask questions about the driver's license of "electric" cars, of which the most asked is to take the driver's license? How to take the test? How much does it cost?

Regarding the 3 major problems that car owners are more concerned about, the following small connoisseurs will introduce one by one, look at the requirements of electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters on the driver's license in 2022, and also hope that everyone can do the examination and drive on the road with a certificate.

2022 electric vehicles, tricycles, old scooters to test driver's license? Why take the test?

People often ask why such an "electric" car also needs to take a driver's license, in fact, the answer is also very simple, the models that need to test for a driver's license are all motor vehicles, according to the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, driving a motor vehicle requires the driver to hold a driver's license, which is a mandatory rule. With the entry into 2022, "electric" cars meet the standards of motor vehicles, belonging to motor vehicles that require a driver's license on the road, and have also been clarified, which also has different driving license requirements for electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters.

About electric vehicles

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

It is a two-wheeled model, if the vehicle meets the "Electric Bicycle Safety Technical Specifications", it belongs to the electric bicycle, it does not require a driver's license, but belongs to the electric two-wheeled motorcycle (speed greater than 50 km / h), must hold a D or E driving license, and belongs to the electric two-wheeled moped (less than 50 km / h but greater than 25 km / h), must hold a D, E or F driver's license.

About electric tricycles and old scooters

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

As three-wheeled and four-wheeled electric vehicles, they all meet the standards of motor vehicles, according to the provisions of the third paragraph of article 119 of the Road Traffic Safety Law: motor vehicles refer to wheeled vehicles driven or pulled by power devices, driven on the road for passenger use by personnel or used to transport goods and carry out special engineering operations. Electric tricycles require a D driver's license, while old scooters, as four-wheeled electric vehicles, need a C2 or C1 driver's license.

Paragraph summary: In general, the driving license required for electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters mainly includeSC2, C1, D, E, F, including motorcycle driver's licenses and car driver's licenses, and these 2 types of driver's licenses do not have mutual permission to drive, and car owners should pay attention.

How to test the driver's license of electric vehicles, tricycles and old scooters in 2022?

The above looked at the electric vehicle, tricycle, old scooter why to test the driver's license, which driver's license needs to be tested, let's take a look at how to test, especially the upcoming implementation of the new driving test regulations, what changes have been brought about.

Electric cars and electric tricycles

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

These 2 models, their driving licenses are all "motorcycle" driver's license, although there are D, E, F grades, but the content of the test is basically the same, the subjects are divided into one to four, of which:

Module 1: Theoretical knowledge related to traffic laws, 90 points passed;

Subject 2 and 3 consecutive examinations: driving skills test on venues and roads, 80 points passed;

Subject 4: Theoretical knowledge of safe and civilized driving, 90 points qualified.

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

In most places, D, E, F level examinations, are simplified and cumbersome procedures, as far as possible to ensure that car owners can complete all 4 subjects a day, to achieve the fastest can be 1 day to get a certificate.

On April 1, after the implementation of the new driving test regulations, there are also changes in the test for the "motorcycle" driver's license, when the F certificate of the moped wants to increase the driving D or E, when the E certificate of the two-wheeled motorcycle wants to increase the D certificate of the tricycle, the examination process will be simplified, and the content of subjects 1 and 4 will be simplified for the driver, and the speed of obtaining the certificate will be simplified.

Old Scooter (Four-Wheel Electric Vehicle)

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

As a four-wheeled electric vehicle, the current requirement is C2 or C1 driving license, this type of driving license test, the same subject one and subject four, the same subject one and subject four for theoretical knowledge, and subject three and subject two for the road and the site of the driving training, the difference is that C2 or C1 driving test cycle will be longer, it has a school hour requirement for each subject, each subject of the test also has interval time requirements, driving test difficulty compared to motorcycle driver's license, will be greater.

After the new regulations on April 1, the driving test of C2 also has a large change, first of all, the examination items of subject two are reduced, followed by C2 to increase driving C1, eliminating the theoretical examination of subject one and subject four, and the driving test changes of the 2 simplified examination C2 certificates make it relatively easier for the elderly to obtain the license of the old scooter.

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

Paragraph summary: Whether it is an electric vehicle, a tricycle, an old scooter to obtain a driver's license, the basic requirements are: carry the original ID card, one-inch photo, to the county or county level or above with physical examination qualifications for physical examination, and for the applicant is 70 years old, you need to pass the reaction, judgment, memory test, before you can apply.

How much does it cost to test for a driver's license for electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters in 2022?

In terms of costs, the driving schools in the mainland belong to profitable institutions, and they have their own pricing power, so the cost of each place and each test will vary slightly, but basically there will be no difference, let's take a look at the small connoisseurs sorted out, through the driving school and not through the driving school to apply, how much is the cost of the exam:

Pass the driving school

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

Electric vehicles and electric tricycles need to obtain a motorcycle driver's license, through the driving school cost is basically 800 yuan ~ 1200 yuan or so, mainly with the driving school site, to train, and the car driver's license, the cost will be slightly higher, basically more than 2500 yuan, and its fee, there are also different grades, in principle, the less people to teach at the same time, the higher the cost, and even some one-on-one driving test, the cost can reach more than 5000 yuan.

Do not pass the driving school

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

With the optimization and adjustment of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses", in 2022, motorcycle and automobile driving license examinations have been released to teach themselves, which means that drivers can completely skip the school, go to the vehicle management office to register, book the test, and in terms of cost, it will be much cheaper.

If it is a motorcycle driver's license D, E, F driver's license, including 4 subjects of the examination fee, cost of production costs, etc., basically about 300 yuan, and if it is a C2 or C1 driver's license, the basic cost is about 500 yuan, although there are slight differences between places, but it must be more affordable than applying for a driving school.

Only to know, in 2022, electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters test driver's licenses? How much does it cost?

The above is the relevant introduction of electric vehicles, tricycles, and old scooters in the driver's license test in 2022, what do you think about this? Comments are welcome.

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