
Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Before reading this article, please click "Follow" above so that you can receive your favorite content for free every day. In today's society, the driver's license has basically become a necessary certificate in our lives, for people who have not yet tested the driver's license, the test rules for the driver's license are also very concerned, recently, the new regulations for the driver's license test have been adjusted, mainly in 3 aspects, of which C1, C2 and F certificate adjustment range is larger, this article will sort out the new rules in detail, and do specific analysis.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

The C card removes the maximum age limit

In the past, the age limit of the C card was 18-70 years old, but now there is no maximum age limit, as long as you are 18 years old and pass the medical examination, you can take the C card study exam. The implementation of the 5+4 policy subject 2 exam in many places is the focus of the exam, and there were only 5 exams before, including reversing into the garage, side parking, corner driving, right angle turning and climbing start, and now on the basis of these 5 items, 4 policies have been added, including: limited width doors, narrow road U-turns, parking cards and simulated tunnels. These four items are undoubtedly more difficult than before.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Driving tests C2, E and F do not require theory tests

For example, if you were originally an automatic C2 certificate and now take the C1 certificate, or two rounds of F card to three rounds of D card, you do not have to take the theoretical test of subject 1 and subject 4 again, you only need to take subject 2 and subject 3. This is a boon for the elderly, who have some difficulty with theory exams and computer operations. In the past, many elderly people did not get a driver's license because they failed the theory test.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Cancel your driver's license directly on behalf of others

This regulation is very strict, after all, the driver's license is a guarantee for yourself and others, if the test can not be retaken, but if you let others replace the test, you will be directly cancelled the driver's license. And for those who have not yet held a driver's license, if there is a substitute test within three years, they are not allowed to apply for a motor vehicle driving license, which is commendable.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Penalties for motor vehicle violations that do not match the type of quasi-driving are reduced

Each driver's license has a corresponding quasi-driving type, such as you are c1 certificate can not drive a large truck, you have a D license can not drive a car, but if someone beyond the range, such as you are F certificate, but open an electric tricycle, that is a violation, in the past such a situation to face a deduction of 12 points, now the deduction points are reduced to 9 points. So everyone should remember that what driver's license you are holding, you can only drive what kind of car, and you cannot exceed this regulation.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

For expired driver's licenses can be tested elsewhere

The validity period of the driver's license, that is, the renewal of the license, has three different stages, the first license is renewed after 6 years, the second renewal is 10 years later, and the third renewal is permanent. If you forget during the renewal of the certificate, there is more than 3 years overdue, you have to re-examine, the previous re-examination to return to the driver's license to apply for the territory, the new regulations stipulate that after April 1 in all parts of the country can be processed, take the subject 1 exam, after passing the original qualification of the driver's license, this is another convenient move.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger

Holding an F card without wearing a helmet deducts points

In the past, if you held an F license to drive a motorcycle, you would face a deduction of 2 points for not wearing a helmet, but the new rules are a deduction of one point. For example, if you answer a handheld phone while driving (except for headphones), you will face a deduction of 3 points, which turned out to be a deduction of 2 points, which is related to safety, and the deduction of points is also necessary.

Since April 1, the driver's license test has ushered in three new regulations, and the adjustment of C1, C2 and F certificates has been larger


The new regulations on the driver's license are loose and tight, such as the increase in driving without the theoretical test, the expired driver's license can be re-tested in a different place, the deduction of points without wearing a helmet, etc.; the tight aspects such as the increase in the deduction of points for driving with a handheld telephone, and the increase in the C certificate test by 4 test contents, there is a certain increase in difficulty. Overall, for the aspects involving safety are more stringent, for the elderly driver's license test there is a certain relaxation, such as driving without the theoretical test, for the elderly is the green light, so the overall performance is good, we wait for the official implementation of April 1.

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