
The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

With more and more people on the mainland who can afford to buy a car now, there are also many people who take driver's licenses. Many people are old but suddenly want to live a car addiction, even when they are about 70 years old. The mainland is a very affectionate country, and knowing that many elderly people have the idea of wanting to take a driver's license will gradually be satisfied. From 20 years old, the elderly over 70 years old in the mainland can also take the driver's license.

The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

Lao Wu, 67 years old this year, was very happy to learn that he could take a driver's license last year and immediately signed up for the driver's license test. After all, it is very tiring to go out and walk every day, and it is very expensive to take a taxi, so it is better to take a driver's license and drive on the road. Many people will feel that the elderly are slow to learn a driver's license, and their hands and feet are not so sensitive, and it will be very unsafe if they drive on the road.

Lao Wu actually has this problem, but he has nothing to do now, and he usually spends most of his time practicing how to drive. Even so, it took him a year to get his driver's license. After getting his driver's license, Lao Wu couldn't wait to drive out to try his hand, but this year's driving test life also tossed him enough.

The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

There are so many vehicles on the road, and Lao Wu is a little afraid, worried that he will have an accident on the road. After learning that Lao Wu had obtained a driver's license, his son bought a car for Lao Wu. Originally, he planned to buy a new car for Lao Wu, but he felt that he didn't know how many years he could live anyway, so it was better to buy a second-hand car. Although Lao Wu's son did not agree with his father's statement that he would not live long, he still bought him a second-hand car.

So Lao Wu thought of a way, he pulled a banner behind the car, which read, "67 years old just got a poor second-hand car, please pay more attention." After that, Lao Wu drove his own car on the road to experience a ride, without the shackles of the driving school and the coach, Lao Wu drove very smoothly this time.

The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

What Lao Wu didn't know was that after he got on the road, the car behind him saw Old Wu La's banner and avoided it, and did not dare to touch it at all. Some of the owners of the car behind the car posted a photo of Lao Wu's banner on the Internet, causing netizens to talk about it. Some people say that this is really not dare to get close, after all, the elderly are not as responsive as the young.

In the event of an emergency, the elderly may be flustered and make mistakes. Driving around him is dangerous and can cause traffic accidents. Everyone didn't want to find more trouble for themselves, so they didn't dare to go near it.

The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

Some netizens said that the driver was a 67-year-old grandfather, and his physical condition was certainly not very good. If you accidentally rub with it and cause the other party to have cardiac arrest or bump, you can't afford it.

A car owner came out and said that he was driving a Bentley, but he did not dare to go forward when he encountered this situation, and no one did anything when something happened. In fact, everyone does not have to panic at all, the elderly can pass the driver's license test, before this will be carried out a variety of tests, to ensure that there is no mistake before they will be allowed to drive on the road.

The 67-year-old uncle just took his driver's license on the road, saw a line behind the car, Bentley owner: I didn't recruit either

Editor's Comments:

Many elderly people are not more impulsive and aggressive than young people, they drive on the road with a very stable mentality, they do not panic when encountering things, and they handle it better than some young people. Therefore, there is no need for everyone to express distrust of the owner of the car because he is an elderly person.

The image comes from the Internet, and if there is infringement, it is deleted

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