
When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

The spleen is an important lymphatic organ in the human body, which can play a role in storing and discharging blood.

It can also filter blood and produce immunoglobulins and lymphocytes, which have immune functions.

However, if there are some bad living habits, the spleen will be dysfunctional, resulting in spleen deficiency.

Not only does it affect the normal functioning of the spleen, but it can also lead to damage to overall health.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

Therefore, in daily life, we must pay attention to the maintenance of the spleen. If the phenomenon of spleen deficiency is found, it is necessary to carry out corresponding treatment and conditioning at the first time.

However, many people do not know what symptoms the body will show when the spleen is weak. In response to this problem, the following, for everyone to do the most detailed answer, let's take a look at it.

What are the symptoms of the body when the spleen is weak?

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

1. Digestive system symptoms

The spleen has the effect of helping to digest food, and it can also transport some nutrients from food to the whole body. Once the function of the spleen declines, the overall digestive capacity becomes relatively poor.

After food enters the digestive tract, it cannot be digested, absorbed and decomposed in the fastest time, resulting in a series of digestive tract symptoms. Then, after each meal, the patient will have a longer abdominal distension.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

And in the process, it is very likely that abdominal pain or nausea will occur. With the emergence of this phenomenon, the patient's appetite will begin to decline slowly, and some of the foods that were once loved will also show more obvious anorexia.

In addition, due to abnormal water transport function, a large amount of water will accumulate in the patient's intestine, which will increase the water in the stool. Every time a patient has a bowel movement, the stool becomes too sticky. There are also many patients who will have a situation where the stool sticks to the toilet after defecation and cannot be washed clean.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

Second, the body is too weak

The spleen can transport some of the essence of food to the whole body, which can play a series of functions such as nourishing muscles and generating blood.

Once the phenomenon of spleen deficiency occurs, the muscles cannot get enough nutritional support, which will cause people to have more obvious muscle weakness, as well as a series of abnormal manifestations of excessive fatigue, less breath and lazy speech, and limb burnout.

No matter what the patient does, he will show no spirit and no strength.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

Third, dry mouth, bad breath, thick tongue

Due to the abnormal water and wet metabolism in the body, the patient has indigestion, the food will be over-fermented in the stomach, and some gas will be generated, which will make the patient's mouth emit a peculiar smell.

Especially after getting up in the morning, the patient's mouth will emit a more obvious bad breath, and accompanied by dry mouth or bitter mouth.

Moreover, the patient's tongue will become thicker, such as yellow and greasy tongue, or white and greasy tongue. On both sides of the tongue, some dental marks usually appear.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

Fourth, the body edema

When the spleen is weak, a large amount of water will accumulate in the body and cannot be metabolized in time, which will cause the patient to have edema.

Especially in patients, edema occurs in the ankles, feet, and calves. There are also patients who wake up in the morning, and the eyelid area will have a more obvious edema.

When the spleen is weak, the body will have 4 symptoms, which need to be observed carefully, and after discovery, timely conditioning

If the above four symptoms are repeated in the body in daily life, then vigilance should be caused, usually due to spleen deficiency. When this phenomenon occurs, it is best to go to the hospital for a series of examinations.

If the situation is serious, it is necessary to take some drugs for treatment under the guidance of a doctor, and must pay attention to diet, living environment, mentality, work and rest and other aspects of the work.

In addition, it is best to supplement some hot water and strengthen exercise every day, which can promote the water transport and metabolism in the body and achieve the effect of improving spleen deficiency.

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