
There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

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Pregnancy and childbirth is actually a very high-risk thing, coupled with the fact that today's women generally marry late, the age of childbearing increases, and many pregnant women are easily targeted by "high blood sugar" during pregnancy.

High blood sugar during pregnancy cannot be ignored

According to incomplete statistics, one and a half out of every 10 pregnant women in the mainland will have gestational diabetes, but only 80% can recover well after childbirth, and 20% of women still face the problem and impact of high blood sugar after childbirth.

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

Usually, pregnant women with high blood sugar during pregnancy are prone to preterm or difficult labor due to too much amniotic fluid, and when they are older, they are more likely to develop diabetes than others.

For the fetus, high maternal blood glucose can affect the normal development of the fetus and may lead to mental retardation or deformity after birth. The manifestations of elevated blood sugar are often very common, so they are very easy to be ignored by pregnant women and their families.

Whether it is a pregnant woman or a fetus, it is a highly lethal "time bomb", which must cause enough attention, if there are the following usual manifestations during pregnancy, then it is very likely that the blood sugar has been high, pregnant mothers please check yourself.

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high

Often "hungry":

After pregnancy, because of the baby in the body to share nutrition and food, pregnant mothers must eat more than before pregnancy, and it is normal to feel hungry often.

But "hungry" is also an important signal of abnormal blood sugar in pregnant mothers, such as being hungry after eating and waking up, eating a lot of food very often or feeling hungry... This may be due to an increase in blood sugar.

Thirst for no reason:

During pregnancy, the body temperature of pregnant women will be slightly higher than others, and it is easy to be thirsty, but if pregnant women are still frequently thirsty and want to drink water in the case of normal temperature and no activity to consume water, then it is necessary to screen blood sugar in time.

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

Urinary frequency:

The more in the middle and late stages of pregnant women, the more obvious the urinary frequency, because the fetal development is getting bigger and bigger, the uterus compresses the bladder, which is normal and does not have to worry too much, but if the pregnant woman is both frequently thirsty and urinates, it needs to be paid attention to.

Chronic fatigue:

Pregnant women in the first trimester can feel weak, which is a normal reaction of the body after conception. However, if after the first trimester, pregnant women are still often weak and unable to lift their spirits, it may be that blood sugar is "ghosting".

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

Itchy skin, eczema:

If the skin is dehydrated, it is easy to dry and itch, especially in the summer, and the rise in blood sugar will lead to dehydration of the skin and then the symptoms of dry itching, it is best to actively measure blood sugar.

Blood sugar is too high is harmful, reasonable control of sugar is learned, but do not be careless

Pregnant women's eating habits during pregnancy have a great impact on blood sugar, and if you want to control blood sugar reasonably, you must start with diet.

The most ideal diet during pregnancy is to ensure the nutrition needed by pregnant women and fetal development during pregnancy, and to avoid the appearance of high blood sugar.

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

Three meals a day should be reasonably matched, breakfast should pay attention to nutrition, lunch is guaranteed to be rich in variety, the lighter the dinner, the better, the intake of rice should be moderate, and the more snacks to eat, the more you need to reduce the intake of staple foods.

In addition, the pregnant women's meal is steamed and stewed as much as possible, reducing the practice of frying, grilling and frying, and ensuring that the calories do not exceed the standard. Pregnant women should not gobble up their meals, learn to chew carefully and swallow slowly, enhance the feeling of fullness, and eat less and eat more meals.

If gestational diabetes cannot be treated by dietary control, insulin therapy can also be chosen because insulin is a macromolecular protein that does not pass through the placenta even if injected into the body.

There are 5 common manifestations during pregnancy, but it indicates that your blood sugar is high, and reasonable sugar control is learned

The safety of other drugs for fetal development and the effectiveness of treating diabetes during pregnancy have yet to be studied, and pregnant women should use them correctly under the guidance of doctors and monitor blood sugar in time.

In addition to diet and medicine, exercise can also play a role in controlling blood sugar, but it should be noted that the time should not be too long, as for which exercise is suitable for doing or according to the doctor's advice, can not follow the trend, exercise if uncomfortable, but also stop immediately.

Pregnant women are more careful and cautious than other periods, there are many things that need to be paid attention to, before pregnancy or early pregnancy, you should use the energetic time to learn more, to avoid problems, I hope that all pregnant women in the world can be healthy and smooth pregnancy ~

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