
Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

author:Geng child

Chapter Six: The Opera

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

Batman never rests, but Bruce Wayne needs to make an appearance in the public eye from time to time. Even in his suit and with his trademark smile, sitting in a car other than the Batmobile, his mind was still thinking that tonight, he should have patrolled in the darkness of the night.

His enemies, himself, did not have a clue. But this unknown opponent had enough research on himself, his way of acting, his way of thinking, and even the kind of rope he used. Not only that, but the unknown adversary also studied all of Batman's enemies and taught them new ways to commit crimes. Crocodile learns to kidnap, Poison Ivy woman has enough kryptonite elements to confuse Superman... God knows who else...

Poison Ivy has been sent back to Gotham, but she has not provided any useful information about the instructions behind the scenes, not even a rough body outline, which can be said to be nothing. But what makes Batman even more uneasy is that Poison Ivy remains silent, she seems to be very determined, it seems that someone keeps silent on time, it seems that everything is expected, it seems that she is full of confidence in this mysterious person behind the scenes.

What is certain is that this is just getting started...

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

Bruce stepped out of the car, and before entering the opera house, he had to listen to Alfred nag a few more words.

"I've packed your stuff and hopefully you'll stick to the intermission, and besides, Selena Kyle will be waiting for you at the opera house, and I'm confident she'll be inside by now."

"Anything else?" Bruce asked with a smile.

"Lucius wants to talk to you about Wayne Technologies' new product, but that can wait."

Bruce's mind flashes to Catwoman, but tonight he will face Catwoman under the mask, he has long known that Catwoman's true identity is Selena Kyle, but Catwoman knows nothing about Batman's identity, he uses Bruce's identity to approach Selena, which feels a little strange...

Tonight with Bruce, it's not just Selena who comes to the opera, but also Dr. Elliott, who saved his life, and Dr. Leslie Tompkins, who saved his life.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Bruce, you're here." Elliott laughed.

"How could I have missed this fundraising opera, let alone by Dr. Leslie?" Bruce replied.

Dr. Leslie, though no longer young, remained energetic, and she took Selena's hand and praised, "You're so beautiful tonight, Selena." ”

As socialites, Selena and Leslie have known each other for a long time, but they don't know that Leslie denies Selena's true purpose of the charity party.

"Let's go fast," said Dr. Leslie, "and that's it, Bruce, next to Selena, wronged you Dr. Elliott, and let you accompany me, the old woman." ”

"I think I'm the luckier one." Dr. Elliott laughed.


In Bruce's mind, his father was very passionate about opera. Many things in the opera habitually end in tragedy, which attracts the father. Alfred once said that his father would even put opera in the operating room, and if the patient died, his father would say that they did not like opera. My father's sense of humor was always very cold.

Bruce's eyes are aimed at Selena from time to time, and all the time, Bruce approaches Selena in the same way as a brother, and Selena's smile at Bruce is both warm and false. What if it was Batman, the thought crossed his mind, what if Selena knew he was Batman...

That kiss felt both genuine and passionate...

Selena and Bruce, Catwoman and Batman...

What is real and what is a mask...

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

There was a brisk drum beat on the stage, it was the clown who appeared, the comedy role has always been the audience's expectation, in a look of anticipation, the clown began to sing... "I have eaten all the fried honey ~ ~ ~ ~ "

"Bruce," Cried Selena softly, "you listen to the lyrics..."

"Hmm... It's a bit strange..."

At this time, the harlequin suddenly tore open his clothes, and in the heavy cotton costume, there was a frightening character...

Harry Quinn!

Joker Woman...

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Opera is a tragicomedy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A group of gunmen wearing clown masks also poured into the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen ~ ~ ~ Tonight's performance has a little change ~ ~ ~ No longer the opera house with $1,000 to rob you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ instead we come to rob ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " The clown girl's voice is always so sharp, it makes people shiver.

"Call the police." Elliott said, and as he spoke, he reached for the phone.

The clown girl actually jumped on the second floor with the help of the stone pillar.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Please turn off your phone during the show~~~~~" She kicked away the phone in Elliott's hand.

Bruce sat quietly to the side, unable to move at this time. He spent a lot of time researching Harry Quinn, including her experiences before she became a clown girl, and there was no indication that Harley Quinn had received professional physical training, but where did her amazing physical qualities and physical abilities come from... This has always been an unsolved mystery... All this seems to pass with her mental state... In other words, it's all about the Joker.

The Clown Girl turned her gun on Bruce and said, "Look at it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Isn't this a rich man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"No!" Selena replied angrily.

"It's a pity that you'll be very popular there," laughed the clown woman, and took Selena's earrings along the way.

"Take everything you want, don't hurt us." Dr. Leslie said.

The clown woman glanced at Dr. Leslie and said, "You're kidding me ~~~I don't take a bargain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"No!" Elliot shouted.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

Bruce recognized the pendant, which had been given to him by Elliot's mother, and it was his treasure. I know what mother's stuff means. As a child, Bruce once had a fight with Elliott, and after playing chess once, Bruce, who had lost the chess piece, snatched Elliott's pendant, and Elliott pressed Bruce to the ground like crazy and punched him several times. Bruce had never seen Elliott so angry and crazy.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

The clown woman grabbed the pendant, "Whoever grabs it belongs to whom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "

Elliott tried to snatch it back, but was kicked aside by the Clown Woman.

The clown girl flipped back to the middle of the stage, "Let's have some fun~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All the gunmen were firing wildly, but not at the crowd, but in mid-air, and they were trying to cause panic.

"Elliott! Get down! Selena shouted, and Elliott was boldly trying to rush out.

"No one can take my pendant!" Elliott said.

"Bruce, persuade your friend, Bruce..." Only then did Selena realize that Bruce was gone. Where did Bruce go? ”

"I think he went for help." Dr. Leslie said.

"Hmm, man..."

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

Dr. Leslie leaned over to Selena and said, "Aren't you going to do something?" I bet you don't just have lipstick in your little pouch. ”

Selena was not very concerned about whether Leslie knew her privacy now, after all, saving her life was important, "I will not leave your Dr. Leslie." ”

"Go ahead, I've seen worse scenes. Don't let them hurt others. ”

At this time, the real protagonist has come to the middle of the stage.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Don't come and steal my limelight, bats~~~~~"

Batman throws tear gas at the gunmen, trapping them to temporarily bring the situation under control. Under the influence of tear gas, those gunmen are not worth Batman wasting his fists.

"The show is over, Harry." Batman said. It was a strange thing, shooting at the crowd and looting the opera house with great fanfare, even if it was a little too far for Harley Quinn, who wrote the script.

"Mr. B, haven't you read the script?" The Joker quickly fired a few shots, but not at Batman, but at the top of the stage. The bullets hit several thick hemp ropes, and several full sandbags fell. A trap that looks a bit stupid actually hits Batman.

The head wound hadn't healed yet, and he was using a reinforced helmet when he went to the Met, but tonight, he didn't take that one with him. Carelessness and arrogance give enemies an opportunity to hit even the trap of stupidity on time.

Batman's head was hit by a sandbag, his body could not resist the feeling of vertigo, he could not move.

The clown girl walked over and taunted, "How about ~~~~~ come to some improvisation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Such a bad opera, the audience has long wanted to refund the ticket!" Catwoman suddenly rushed up and kicked the Joker Woman's gun away.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Ha ~~~~Are you Robin's stuntman~~~~"

"No!" Catwoman kicked hard, "Never! ”

"Then please leave the stage ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "

The Clown Woman's physical fitness is no less than that of Catwoman, and the two people wrestle back and forth on the stage.


The clown girl has crossed the line...

A bullet hit Catwoman's left abdomen. Catwoman rolled off the stage.

He caught her.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song


"Don't move, you need first aid."

"I know... You're close to the point... If only you had chosen me instead of catching the bad guys... I swear... I'll gouge out your eyes..."

"Don't move."

"I'm not the kid you picked up...."

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

"Batman! I came to take care of her. Dr. Leslie ran onto the stage, "Do what you're supposed to do!" ”

Leslie Tompkins, on that tragic night, reached out to a little boy and gave him warmth, the kind of warmth he thought he would never get again. After that time, she had done the same thing countless times.

Seeing Dr. Leslie, Batman can be assured of Catwoman. Yes, he still has things to do.

"Tonight's performance is over ~~~~~ Please watch "Full Body Retreat", the clown girl laughed.

"Give me back the pendant!" Elliott also rushed out, chasing the Clown Woman in the back.

Batman followed.

There was a delay in rescuing Catwoman, but Batman still relied on the diamond earrings that Harry Quinn had left behind, and such an obvious clue was a trap?

His headache was cracking, and he couldn't delay at this time, but he didn't have too much energy to think. He's going to chase after him.

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

He heard gunshots again!

This time the gunfire was more muffled, like a modified revolver with an extended barrel...

Batman seems to have some impression of this dull gunshot...


Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

Batman turns to the corner and sees the body of Elliott shot in the chest...

It's him!

"Hahahahaha ~~~~Hahahahaha!!!!ha Hahahahahaha

Chapter 6 of Batman: Silence, Song

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