
1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

author:Murosuke Yakit

According to the official website of Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Public Resources Exchange Center) on February 8, Nanshan Houhai will list a commercial service office land with parcel number T107-0096 on March 9, with a starting price of 1.052 billion.

1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

■Parcel overview

According to the data, the plot is specifically located in the southwest side of the intersection of Binhai Avenue and Keyuan Avenue in the central area of Houhai District, Nanshan District (directly opposite China Resources Shenzhen Wanyue House), and the parcel code is 440305005007GB00237, which is a very advantageous geographical location.

1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

According to the plan, the land use life is 30 years. The plot area is 6788.38 square meters, the construction area is about 70,000 square meters; the building volume ratio is ≤ 10.31, and the total construction area included in the plot ratio does not exceed 70,000 square meters (the underground garage, equipment room and public passage do not count the plot ratio), of which:

(1) Office 62560㎡;

(2) Commercial 900㎡;

(3) Canteen 4200㎡;

(4) 140㎡ for property services;

(5) The first and last bus stop is 2200㎡.

1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

The starting price of the land plot is 1.052 billion yuan, and the bidding deposit is 210.4 million yuan, which will be sold at 15:00 on March 9.

According to the conditions for the transfer of the "Headquarters Project Industrial Development Supervision Agreement" announced, the name of the plot project is the digital music cultural industry headquarters project, and the access industry is the development system of digital content products such as digital music and mobile media in the "Shenzhen Industrial Structure Adjustment Optimization and Industrial Orientation Catalogue (Revised in 2016)".

1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming
1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

This means that Houhai ABP will add another new member in the near future. Today, Houhai ABP has attracted about 80 well-known enterprise headquarters such as Tencent, Ali, China Resources, Lenovo, CNOOC and other well-known enterprise headquarters to settle in, focusing on headquarters economy, technological innovation and financial services, and has become one of the most densely populated areas of China's headquarters enterprises, with unlimited potential!

1.052 billion! Houhai ABP Naxin, another mobile phone media and other digital headquarters projects are coming

■Bidder requirements and conditions

Notably, the plot allows joint bidding. At the stage of listing announcement, if 1 member unit of the joint bidding body withdraws, the transfer of the land will be terminated.

In addition, the 100% GFA of the parcel is not transferable during the whole year.

Among them, the office space is shared by the member units of the joint bidding body, and the construction area occupied by the member units of the joint bidding body is subject to the joint bidding agreement, and the sub-certificate can be handled according to the proportion of the joint bidding agreement; the supporting commercial and canteen shall not handle the sub-certificate, and the member units of the joint bidding body shall hold it according to the proportion agreed in the joint bidding agreement.

When signing the "Transfer Contract", the bidder may choose to pay in installments or make a one-time payment within 5 working days from the date of obtaining the "Transaction Confirmation"; if the "Transaction Confirmation" is selected, the down payment of 50% within 15 working days from the date of obtaining the "Transaction Confirmation" is made, and the balance is paid within 1 year without interest. The parcel transfer must start within 2 years from the date of signing the "Transfer Contract" and be completed within 5 years.

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