
3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

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Electric vehicles are now the mainstream means of transportation on the road, is a very easy to use in life for short-distance transportation, but after the strict management of electric vehicles, some models are defined as motor vehicles, the threshold on the road is raised, not only need to be licensed, but also need drivers to hold a driver's license, pay insurance and other thresholds.

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

Of course, there are still some electric vehicles that are temporarily in the situation of not requiring a driver's license, and these vehicles are also a better means of transportation for the elderly without a driver's license, but even if they do not need a driver's license, after the strict management of electric vehicles, many places are also strictly investigating some illegal road behaviors, small connoisseurs remind the following 3 kinds of electric vehicle owners who do not want to drive a license, there are six behaviors to remember to comply, so as not to be investigated and punished.

What are the 3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds

The so-called low threshold is not required in accordance with the motor vehicle standards, the vehicle needs to pay insurance premiums every year, does not need to be inspected annually, and the driver does not need to hold a driver's license, this model in addition to the rickshaw, which also includes 3 kinds of electric vehicles, and these electric vehicles are also more suitable for the elderly.

Non-enclosed electric small tricycle

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

It is a kind of "customized baby" electric vehicle that emerged in Guangdong in the early days, and then because the safety is relatively high, the price is relatively low, the practicality is also good, it can be seen on the road in many places, and the main driver is also the elderly, this car currently has no driving license requirements, and there is no insurance, annual inspection requirements.

Miniature four-wheeled low-speed electric vehicle

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

Although it is a four-wheeled electric vehicle, it is very different from an electric vehicle, its model is smaller, the speed is slower, and the power is relatively poor, therefore, the main audience is the elderly, so it is also known as the old age scooter, this model, if the local side can allow it to go on the road, then, it is also a model that does not require a license plate and insurance.


3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

If the above 2 are to meet the motor vehicle standards, but there is no driver's license requirements for the time being, the electric bicycle is completely non-motorized, the "Electric Bicycle Safety Technical Specification" clarifies its identity, so no matter where it is, it can be on the road without a driver's license, and the insurance, annual inspection, etc. required by other motor vehicles have nothing to do with it.

There are six behaviors on the road that the owner should obey

Behavior 1: There can be no conduct of an operational nature

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

Electric vehicles are a good means of transportation to solve the "last kilometer" such short-distance transportation in the early days, therefore, the previous subway stations, shopping malls have two-wheeled, three-wheeled, four-wheeled electric vehicles to carry passengers, and this existence of operational nature of the person, is not in line with the relevant regulations, all places are also in governance, once found, or face penalties such as car arrest, fines and so on.

Behavior 2: Do a good job of registration or filing

As a participant in road traffic, in order to achieve the purpose of good restraint of vehicles, now all vehicles with road qualifications should be registered, electric bicycles can apply for a license plate listing for free, and other vehicles are allowed on the road in the local area, and also need to do a good job of filing registration, otherwise it is unlicensed on the road, and it is also one of the main strict investigations in various places.

Behavior three: the road is parked randomly

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

If the car is parked casually on the road, it is a very headache, so now the car will be directly ticketed for parking casually, and electric bicycles, tricycles, and old scooters, although not as big as cars, but random parking will also affect the traffic order, is also not allowed behavior.

Behavior 4: Violating the road "flush ban"

The so-called flush ban refers to the prohibition of driving in the local area or in the road, the common is that the urban area prohibits electric tricycles, four-wheeled vehicles to enter, and some expressways prohibit slow cars such as electric bicycles from entering, which is to ensure the safety of electric bicycles and old scooters, and if the owner violates the road ban, he is not only not responsible for his own safety, but also punished accordingly.

Behavior Five: Not wearing a helmet or fastening a seat belt

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

Whether it is a two-wheeled electric bicycle, a three-wheeled, four-wheeled electric vehicle, the old age scooter, in the protection ability is far worse than the car, not only poor protection, such a car does not have insurance protection, therefore, there is such a provision, like electric bicycles, electric tricycles, are needed to wear helmets on the road, and the old scooters generally have seat belts, go out on the road to drive need to be tied, so as to ensure the personal safety of the driver.

Behavior 6: Running a red light, retrograde and other behaviors

This should be the most basic safety common sense on the road, but there are still red lights on the road, retrograde and other behaviors, of course, with the electric vehicle on the road governance, the past 2 years have been much better, but such behavior has been a normalized governance behavior, worthy of the attention of car owners.

3 types of electric vehicles with low thresholds, suitable for elderly people without a driver's license, but there are six behaviors to follow

Summary: Although the management standardization on the road has intensified, but still retained some low-threshold electric vehicles, such a practice is more friendly to the elderly, after all, the mainland over 60 years old holding a driver's license accounted for only about 3%, but even if the low threshold on the road models can be on the road, but for the safety of the road environment, for the driving safety of the owner, are also set up a certain "rules", as a car owner, should not ignore these "rules", but also because they feel that they do not have a driver's license constraints, Only when everyone obeys it, our road environment will be safer, and it is the obligation of all traffic participants to abide by road traffic rules.

So, what do you think about the 6 behavioral constraints on electric bicycles, electric tricycles, and old scooters on the road? Comments are welcome.

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