
"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

author:Logistics product network
"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Logistics Product Network (ID: products56) original

Author | Logistics talk

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Spring is here, and we have entered the season of revival and spring blossoms. After the Spring Festival, the land of China has been renewed, and an economic environment full of vitality and progress for everyone has embarked on a new journey.

In 2022 and even in the next few years, the changes in the economic situation and the release of policy dividends will make logistics people feel that the spring of logistics has come. Of course, there are still huge challenges, but more full of opportunities. The plan of the year lies in the spring, the spring of logistics, there is hope, let us relax and revitalize the bones, shake the spirit, in the new era, the environment of large logistics, interpret the new way of playing logistics.

First, the new era

New era, where is the new? New we are in the "century of unprecedented changes", the new in the "double cycle" represented by the domestic industrial transformation is advancing.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Needless to say, the current external environment of the mainland is becoming more complex and severe and uncertain, and China's economy is facing the triple pressure of contraction in demand, supply shock, and weak expectations, but the characteristics of the mainland's economic development with strong resilience, great potential, broad prospects, and long-term improvement have not changed, and there is a foundation, conditions, confidence, and ability to maintain stable, healthy, and sustainable economic development.

China's economic growth potential is constantly strengthening, the policy level has been relatively fully prepared, and policies conducive to economic stability will continue to be introduced and effective.

In the medium and long term, with the in-depth advancement of the important reform and opening up tasks deployed in the outline of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the construction of a new development pattern has been accelerated, and the advantages of a complete industrial system have continued to be highlighted, the vitality of the mainland economy will continue to increase, and the qualitative and quantitative reasonable growth will be achieved.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the demand characterized by high quality, new varieties and heavy services has risen rapidly, and the digital economy will provide solid support for the high-quality development of China's economy, and China's manufacturing industry will continue the momentum of industrial upgrading driven by scientific and technological innovation. Logistics, as the foundation of economic development, will play an important role.

In short, the curtain of the new era has been opened, the storm of subversive industrial innovation is brewing here, and an era of zero carbon, efficient and intelligent industrial ecology is coming. Logistics will be the protagonist of this era, logistics has entered a new era of development and competition, accelerating the extension and expansion of digitalization, networking and intelligence, building a pattern, and taking new steps.

The state has introduced a series of policies to promote the development of logistics. When the development of an industry is elevated to "national action", the enterprises in it will inevitably benefit, so the development of logistics will present a pattern of a hundred flowers.

At the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, Liu Kuo, a brother of SF Express, as a representative of the postal express industry, appeared in the ranks of the five-star red flag transmission, which reflects the importance that the state attaches to the logistics industry and logistics people.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

According to the data of the State Post Bureau, 38% of the global cross-border parcels come from the Chinese market, logistics is a large and systematic industry, the logistics of the new era, not only based on the domestic, but also in the international break, through the construction of a world logistics hub, overseas warehouses and overseas distribution centers throughout the key markets, the construction of dense trunk lines and overseas terminal distribution network, the formation of a future-oriented Advantage of China's industrial chain.

In the era of no enterprise, there is only the enterprise of the era. In the new era, logistics people, especially the helmsmen of logistics enterprises, must have a big pattern, have a sense of social responsibility, and cannot only consider their own acres and three points of land. Under the call of common prosperity, we must not only do a good job in enterprises, but also repay the society.

During the Spring Festival, Liu Qiangdong, founder, chairman of the board and CEO of, donated a large amount of shares worth about US$2.3 billion, nearly 15 billion yuan, for social welfare undertakings such as education and environmental protection.

This is another embodiment of giving back to the society after Jingdong has become bigger and stronger, and it is also a new trend of large enterprises in the new era. Enterprises like and entrepreneurs like Liu Qiangdong are what we need most in this era.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Inner volume is a high-frequency word in the express logistics industry in recent years. In the new era, the head of large companies is no longer a simple "market share" and "price" competition, but the competition of industrial chain, all-scenario products and even integrated logistics, which is the competition of value innovation.

In short, in the new era, it is necessary to re-examine logistics. As a new type of entity enterprise, logistics should cultivate the real strength rooted in the real economy, growing in the real economy and serving the real economy.

Second, new logistics

As we all know, the mainland is already a logistics power, but it is not a logistics power. Looking closely at the bottom of the mainland logistics industry, an unavoidable status quo is that the body of China's logistics industry has grown strong enough, but it has not yet matured to match its body enough strength, so the "big" here means big and strong, which is to form a logistics power.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Made in China has created one "world first" after another, but Chinese logistics companies are quite weak in the process of global layout with "Made in China".

To this end, in this market that should be fully competitive, the country has to plan, personally enter the field - to create an integrated logistics "national team", on December 6, 2021, China Logistics Group Co., Ltd. was officially established, the giant of this industry, the five companies involved, covering many logistics subdivisions, benchmarking global logistics giants, it can be seen that the country's determination and strength to build a logistics power.

Big logistics is also the need for brands to go to sea. Under the general trend of brand going overseas, a number of Chinese logistics leaders with international influence are needed, at present, the situation is that the mainland is changing from exporting "Made in China competitive advantage" to exporting "Chinese brand competitive advantage", triggering the demand for more stable and higher quality international logistics services.

"Made in China" has gradually got rid of the label of simple repetitive OEM and entered a new stage of brand development. 2022 is the first year of brand going overseas, and in the next decade, China will enter the era of large-scale brand going overseas. Brand going to sea has become a national policy, but also by many brand manufacturers recognized and positive action, large logistics is the "Made in China" efficiency of the most fundamental guarantee.

For domestic large-scale private express logistics enterprises, going to the world and building a logistics power is also a rare opportunity to participate and temper, and the leading domestic logistics enterprises have been depicted globally and have taken great strides in internationalization.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

SF,, cainiao are well-known domestic logistics benchmarking enterprises, but internationally, compared with DHL, UPS, FedEx, Dexun, DSV and other world logistics leading enterprises, there is still a certain distance. The ultimate goal of becoming bigger and stronger is to rely on the global network and a strong IT information system to ensure the fastest logistics timeliness, high delivery rate and good integrity.

In the prospectus, JD Logistics positions itself as the world's most trusted supply chain infrastructure service provider; Cainiao's vision is to enhance the consumer experience for global consumers and provide smart supply chain solutions for global merchants.

Cainiao, as Ali's logistics channel, has built six core logistics hubs around the world, including smart logistics hubs (eHub), overseas distribution centers, overseas warehouses, bonded warehouses, central warehouses, etc. Cainiao directly operates more than 3 million square meters of cross-border logistics warehouses, which are distributed in Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia, South America and other regions around the world and China's bonded areas.

SF Holdings acquired 51.5% of the shares of Kerry Logistics, which means that SF has officially joined forces with Kerry Logistics to open up the expansion of the international market, and SF Ezhou Airport will soon be put into operation, which will make its competitiveness in world logistics grow rapidly.

In fact, for the domestic logistics leader, not only in Europe and the United States and the world logistics leader to compete, but also in the emerging market Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Russia, etc. to do a good job layout, emerging market growth potential is huge, is the development of the blue ocean region, can be overtake in the bend.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

J&T Jitu Express from Southeast Asia, during the Spring Festival, officially announced at LEAP, the world's top science and technology event held in Saudi Arabia: Jitu will have its regional headquarters in riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and jointly build the largest intelligent logistics industrial park in the Middle East and North Africa region in Saudi Arabia.

Large logistics, need time to accumulate and precipitate, as long as one step at a time, in the future, the local express logistics enterprises in the international logistics market will continue to improve their voice.

Of course, as a logistics enterprise, in the new era, the background of big logistics, we must first have the spirit of hard work, to have the Chinese women's football team in the Asian Cup final will never accept the "sonorous rose" spirit, the great reversal, 3:2 kill the Korean women's football team, 16 years later to the top of Asia, to have its firm faith and self-confidence, but also to have a good attitude in the face of difficulties.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Liu Qiangdong once said: As long as you sweat more than others, you have more opportunities for success than others, and big logistics needs such a spirit.

Third, the new way to play

Compared with the past, logistics enterprises will present new ways of playing in the new era, which is embodied in openness, materialization, science and technology, era and so on.

1. Openness

Open, become the strong voice of the times, logistics leading enterprises, as an Internet platform, different from the past way of operation.

Last year, on April 10, the State Administration for Market Regulation imposed an administrative penalty on Alibaba under the Anti-Monopoly Law, fining it 18.228 billion yuan. Globally, the anti-monopoly fine of 18.228 billion yuan is also a huge amount of money, marking that the mainland has entered an era of strong supervision of Internet platforms.

Of course, "Internet anti-monopoly" is not against Internet companies, but to make correct guidance for some Internet companies. After some Internet companies became giant companies, they soon embarked on the road of disorderly expansion of capital, forming an industry monopoly in fact, and the Behavior of choosing one of the Two Choices of the Internet and killing big data is its performance.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Open, become the inevitable choice for the growth of Internet enterprises, more and more large enterprises to start-ups, open innovation platforms, investment institutions, cutting-edge research institutions, and other large enterprises open arms, through multi-party cooperation to transform innovation from a paper concept into a real landing application, so that enterprises in the change of the times, always maintain a leading position and development vitality, open, throughout the value chain of innovation cooperation is more and more important.

2. Materialization

Ma Huateng pointed out that the second half of the Internet belongs to the industrial Internet. At a time when the dividends of Internet users and traffic are gradually fading, only by firmly following the path of new types of entity enterprises and continuing to transform to technology can we achieve better performance.

Jingdong is a rare "heavy asset" enterprise, and Cainiao from the beginning of the "logistics Rookie" to the current "Rookie Logistics", Cainiao has long ceased to be a platform, but quietly grew into a real logistics company.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

For example, the door-to-door delivery service of Tmall Supermarket is the warehouse and distribution integrated logistics independently operated by Cainiao. Up to now, the intelligent storage facilities operated by Cainiao have spread all over the country, and have their own high-quality landing team to provide high-quality urban distribution service experience for customers with high requirements.

Entityization is also reflected in the service industry, seamlessly connecting the manufacturing industry, connecting the real economy, providing industrial belt solutions, and providing end-to-end omni-channel solutions for the brand side, such as Cainiao and Taote to make supply chain services deep into the manufacturing industry, providing warehouse integration services through the production warehouse, and the goods manufactured by the factory can be directly sent to consumers. Express logistics can not only serve C-end customers, the future in the process of serving B-end customers need to create more value.

3. Science and technology

Logistics is transforming into science and technology. Technology itself has become an asset, injecting emerging and strong vitality into the industry with the power of innovation, releasing a steady stream of vitality.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

The technology of logistics companies is not the technology of small troubles, nor the technology of replacing equipment, but the fundamental technology of technology. SF has given the company a new positioning to become a data technology service company dedicated to independent third-party industry solutions. The acquisition of competitiveness and cost optimization of logistics enterprises are through science and technology. In the face of small pieces, fragmentation, multi-SKUs, high frequencies and other characteristics, it is necessary to be empowered by science and technology.

On the occasion of the Spring Festival, the "2021 Frontiers of Supply Chain and Logistics Technology Innovation in China" white paper co-authored by GLP Research Institute and Plug and Play Puyue China Supply Chain and Logistics Team was officially released, letting us know the current overview of logistics technology.

The white paper points out that in logistics, artificial intelligence and big data, SaaS and digital tools are relatively mature; robots and automation equipment, the Internet of Things are widely used in specific scenarios; autonomous driving and drones, virtual reality, augmented reality and digital twins, blockchain, and sustainable development related technologies are mostly in the cutting-edge exploration stage.

With the large-scale application of emerging technologies in the field of logistics, logistics will show a different look, and its operation mode will show different characteristics. The deepening of digital technology will bring more new logistics experiences and new industrial opportunities. The logistics ecology based on logistics technology will grow up against the wind.

4. Epochality

Logistics, integrated with the events of the times, logistics in the important activities of the country and society to show themselves, improve the ability. won the high-profile Spring Festival Gala sponsorship with 1.5 billion yuan, which gave a wider degree of recognition; Jingdong, through this move, directly turned the traditional Spring Festival off-season into a busy season.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

In addition to the regular red envelopes, the "Spring Festival Gala Interaction" activity launched by Jingdong on the Chinese New Year's Eve night also brought users a shopping policy of directly enjoying preferential treatment on the Jingdong platform, which is the first time that "traffic play" and "physical play" are cooperated side by side, and the test is the double pressure of Jingdong's online "huge traffic" and offline "physical delivery".

Logistics meets the Winter Olympics, the birth of many new trends in logistics, behind the solid Real Economy of the Winter Olympics, is the process of logistics and digital technology integration, bringing a new upgrade of logistics service capabilities. In the main media center of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the robot restaurant has become the object of praise by global media reporters; the Winter Olympic version of the Beijing-Zhang high-speed railway intelligent revival EMU, the train has achieved automatic driving at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

The annual Spring Festival will also promote new logistics trends. Digital logistics let the new year taste of all parts of the country interconnected, hometown goods into the city, the city's home appliances to the countryside, fresh from the world's origin also across the ocean to catch up with the Chinese Year, Canada Arctic shellfish, Atlantic bread crab, etc. joined the Chinese New Year's Eve new feast, generating long-distance cross-border logistics demand, overseas warehouse is an integral part of the cross-border logistics supply chain of Chinese merchants, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the order volume of overseas warehouses in Europe increased by 159% year-on-year.

"Original" new era, new logistics, new gameplay

Conclusion: The foundation of logistics needs to be deeply accumulated, whether it is logistics enterprises or individuals, in 2022 and even the next few years, what can be done is still to maintain unconditional optimism, to dare to act, focus on core capability construction, come up with endurance and determination, stimulate the determination and confidence of original innovation, and constantly make breakthroughs, and vividly interpret the new play of logistics enterprises in the new era.