
#Harbin Headline #There is a very important thing, remind everyone that during the New Year, there are Ha who buy and eat betel nut taro, golden cake, and single frozen abalone at the Daowai Antarctic Food Trading Center

author:It makes sense

#Harbin Headlines # There is a very important thing, remind everyone that during the New Year, there are Harbin citizens who buy and eat betel nut taro, golden cake, and single frozen abalone at the Daowai Antarctic Food Trading Center, please seize the time to report.

Recently, the betel nut taro, golden cake and single frozen abalone sold to Harbin from other provinces and cities have a risk of being contaminated by the new crown virus, and the relevant departments in Harbin have issued a notice to remind them.

Citizens and friends are invited to obtain accurate and authoritative information from official authoritative channels, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, do not publish false information, and fully support and cooperate with epidemic prevention and control work.

#Harbin Headline #There is a very important thing, remind everyone that during the New Year, there are Ha who buy and eat betel nut taro, golden cake, and single frozen abalone at the Daowai Antarctic Food Trading Center

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