
"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

author:Fart grandpa and tiger grandpa

The national football record has still not improved in recent years, exposing scandals, losing weak brigades, and finally finding out that we are the biggest weak brigade.

Whether Chinese football has its own dreams, whether Chinese players have their own professionalism, while the pockets are bulging, the level of competition is like a deflated ball, getting worse and worse.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Is it only the 2002 World Cup that is the pinnacle of Chinese football, and the spirit of fighting for dreams will really be forgotten after having money?

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Recently, I watched "The Richest Man in Xihong" again, and found that the football spirit and the pace of pursuing dreams that we have been looking forward to can only be seen in a comedy film, which should not arouse our attention enough.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

When our economic level is adequately guaranteed, what will we think of the dreams that were once regarded as treasures.

<h1>01, "money" and "dreams" will conflict</h1>

Wang Duoyu is a goalkeeper who is mixed in the lowest team, has always had the dream of being a good player, and has gained a huge fortune by chance and changed his life ever since.

Although such a plot is designed with a slight exaggeration for the sake of film and television effects, if a person faces such a large wealth, will he still stick to the "dream" that has always been hanging on his lips?

In the film, although Wang Duoyu has been completing the test given to him by his second grandfather and letting him spend a billion in 30 days, he has not forgotten his pursuit of his dreams while constantly scattering his wealth.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Being a qualified player has always been his dream, and now it's just better to do it.

That's why he will first return to the football team after he has money, change the training ground, improve the team's food, and change the vision of the players.

Having money does not delay him from continuing to pursue his dreams.

The works of "Happy Twist" can always reflect the hot issues in the current social phenomenon through small characters, and Shen Teng's performance makes this phenomenon deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, causing reflection and resonance.

"Money" is really a vulgar word that can no longer be vulgar, but now there are people in society who are not working hard for this word, and no one can refute such a piercing question.

Ma Yun once said that he had no interest in money and no concept, and then added that he was still very interested in spending money, and maybe how to spend money correctly was his dream.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

There is some arrogance, but who makes the family have arrogant capital, no matter who stands at the top of the pyramid can make bold words, provided that you have this strength, and Ma Yun is such a powerful person.

Having money can live a better life, can provide more comfortable living conditions for the family, can help more people in need, and more importantly, can provide a certain economic security for our "dreams", if we can't even live a life, let alone talk about "dreams".

After Wang Duoyu became rich, he still did not change his mind, but used the money to facilitate the "dream", and when everyone was immersed in the life of drunken dreams, he did not forget his love for football and the spirit of chasing dreams.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"
"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

"The Richest Man in Xihong" was originally a comedy movie, and Wang Duoyu was a comedic character, but in the whole film, his dedication to his dreams had to be moved, and this spirit was the most valuable asset no matter when and where.

"Money" and "dreams" are not in conflict, just how people treat the relationship between the two, if you give up your dreams because you have money, it can only mean that this person is a person without dreams, because the real dream will not be abandoned.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

<h1>02, whether you can buy your "dream" with "money"</h1>

The earliest idea of using money to buy dreams is reflected in the movie "Party A and Party B" filmed by Feng Xiaogang and Ge You, and the "Good Dream Day Trip" they opened is to meet the various strange ideas of rich people.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

In the film "The Richest Man in Xihong City", it actually borrows this idea, spending money to buy dreams, not only meeting the test requirements of Wang Duoyu's second master, but also helping more people to realize their dreams, absurd and funny ideas have really helped many people.

Everyone regards Wang Duoyu as a madman, and the crazy behavior of scattering money makes many people feel that it is immoral, and Zhang Shaogang's performance in the film is really both realistic and ironic.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

So let's face up to this problem, can you buy your dreams with "money"?

In the film, Wang Duoyu uses money to make the high-end hotel manager instantly become an obedient servant, so that scholars like Liu Jiannan change into a hypocritical face, let the top teams on the top play with their own amateur teams, money seems to be omnipotent, but in the end, Wang Duoyu has made the most correct choice of human nature when choosing lovers and money, and some inner preciousness cannot be bought with money, such as his "beloved person".

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Money can buy friends, but you can't buy true feelings; you can buy lovers with money, but you can't buy true love; you can buy comfort with money, but you can't buy health; you can buy all tangible materials with money, but you can't buy invisible dreams.

You can use money to enjoy life, but you can't use money to enjoy your dreams, because the real dreams can only be realized by your own hands.

Ancient emperors sat on the wealth of the world, dreamed of immortality, and finally just a handful of yellow earth.

Modern rich people are all tyrants in the world, and in the face of life, old age, illness and death, they can only sigh helplessly in the end.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Money cannot cure all kinds of diseases, but it can use money to break through and find a cure.

Money cannot buy friendship and love, but it can be a tool to bring feelings closer together.

You can't buy a dream with "money", but it can be the best help to realize the "dream".

<h1>03, "money" or "dream" which is more important</h1>

The real society is cruel, money is a necessary condition for our survival, but dreams are not.

"Dreams" themselves are more illusory, while "money" is more realistic.

Some people's dreams are to grow old with their beloved, so here's the problem.

In life, we encounter this unrealistic but often asked question: If you give you five million, will you leave your family, friends or lovers?

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

This multiple choice question seems to be the only answer, but how many people can make the right choice.

Wang Duoyu gave up the inheritance right of 30 billion yuan for Xia Zhu, because he knew that if he chose money, then the rest of his life would be left with irreparable regrets.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

As Wang Duoyu said, after having money, you can forget all the troubles, what the dream is has long been irrelevant, very profound lines, once again stabbed people's hearts, and in the end his opposite choice is the "most important".

Wang Duoyu has been sticking to his dream of football, but he did not expect that this dream was just him insisting on it.

Coaches and players behind the scenes say that he is an explosive household psychology, too ostentatious, their good friends are bent on making money, investing in projects.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

The wrong investment has not only not spent Wang Duoyu's money, but more and more, which is not a reason.

When you have enough capital, it seems to be easier to make money, of course, this is not today's topic.

Wang Duoyu's spirit of dreaming is worth learning from many people, and when there is money, dreams should become more important.

Under the infection of Wang Duoyu, in the end, in order to defend the dignity of his football team, in order to defend the dignity of his player identity, and even more for his football dreams, the player insisted on not letting the other side play the tenth goal.

Obviously already lost, but working hard not to concede the 10th goal, dignity came a little late, but it was better than not.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Seemingly funny persistence, but it stimulates our inner feelings for the truth.

Nowadays, the works of "Happy Twist" are really in addition to deep comedy, but also contain a strong portrayal of human nature, after watching their works, there will be thinking about life after being happy.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

In terms of strength, we can be inferior to each other, because time can make up the gap, but in the spirit of chasing dreams, we are never worse than anyone.

Just finished watching a TV series with family and country feelings, "Meng Fu on the Sea", starring Duan Yihong, Liao Fan and Chen Chong, the male protagonist Mr. Meng is a person with a heart for the country, in the face of countless money and status temptations, he still maintains his original heart and contributes to the country. For him, the dream of family and country feelings is always the first, and money is never as important as dreams.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Money is the basic guarantee of life, with money can have the strength to talk about their dreams, Wang Duoyu is a small person, but Shen Teng is expounding a big truth through this small person, that is, "money" and "dreams" are very important, and with money, you can't give up your dreams.


"Dream" is called a dream because their own ability is not enough to achieve. It is said that people who have money will become bad, and Shen Teng tells you with the story of a small person that he will not.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

Yumi Dai is the habit of "happy twist" works, once "Charlotte Troubles" let Charlotte wake up and begin to cherish her wife, which makes us cherish the people around us even more.

Now "The Richest Man in Xihong" has let us see the relationship between "money" and "dreams" through metaphors, reminding us that if we really have enough economic strength in the future, please don't forget the dreams we once had.

"The Richest Man in Xihong City": After Wang Duoyu has money, the spirit of continuing to chase his dreams is worth pondering 01, whether "money" and "dreams" will conflict 02, whether he can buy his own "dream" with "money" 03, and which is more important ending between "money" and "dream"

The last question, if you are given the opportunity, one day you really have money, will you be the first to realize your dreams?

Author: Zhang of the North

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