
Thai IVF six major misunderstandings, do not be caught

We all know that if you do test tubes in Thailand, it is easy to take detours and step into some misunderstandings. Today, Hengjian Overseas will take you to learn more about these misunderstandings about IVF in Thailand, hoping to help people in need.

Thai IVF six major misunderstandings, do not be caught

There are six common misunderstandings about IVF in Thailand

Myth 1: The third generation of IVF technology must be better than the first generation

IVF technology is not better than one generation. Different situations, different groups of people, the choice of IVF technology is not the same. As a simple example, if both parties have a person with a genetic disorder, third-generation IVF technique is recommended. If the woman is infertile, it is recommended to choose the first generation of IVF technology. If the man is infertile, second-generation IVF techniques are recommended. Which generation to use, it depends on the actual situation.

Myth two: going to Thailand to do test tubes can be successful

Go to Thailand to do IVF in order to be convenient, many people will choose the institution, but to Thailand to do IVF institutions, many institutions will be under the banner of "package success", many family couples can not help but choose, if you choose, it is likely to be deceived. We know that if you do IVF in Thailand, the success rate is not 100%, and it is also possible to fail, and the IVF success rate is related to many factors, including age, personal physical fitness, choice of hospital, doctors, laboratory equipment and so on.

Thai IVF six major misunderstandings, do not be caught

Myth 3: The success rate of test tubes in thailand at an advanced age is very high

For older women who want to do test tubes in Thailand, success rates are generally the first factor to consider. Some patients go to Thailand for IVF because of advanced age, especially those over 35 years of age with hypoveal function. We need to know that the success rate of elderly patients doing test tubes is not high.

For women, their fertility has decreased significantly from the age of 35, and it has decreased significantly after the age of 40, mainly reflected in the decline in the number of eggs and the increase in the rate of chromosomal abnormalities, so the success rate of IVF will also be greatly affected. The success rate is much lower than that of younger patients.

Myth 4: The more ivory tubes in Thailand induce ovulation, the better

In Thailand, IVF will be evaluated, not the more the better, many patients think that it is not easy to go to Thailand, if the egg retrieval is more, even if it is not successful, there are multiple transplant opportunities, so there will always be a successful one, so it is wrong to think.

The doctor will consider the patient's body, the number of eggs retrieved, and the female ovarian reserve function, the patient's ovaries response to the drug will be different, but also according to the patient's own situation to determine, some patients can take a dozen, some patients can only take two or three, so, the patient's son Ah Doctor's assessment of the egg retrieval range, the more eggs are retrieved, the greater the harm to the body.

Thai IVF six major misunderstandings, do not be caught

Myth five: DOING IVF is not your own

In the traditional thinking, or after 50, 60 or below which era, there will be people feel that IVF is not biological, misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding, IVF is the father's sperm and the mother's luan from the body taken out, in vitro insemination, and then the formation of embryos implanted into the mother's uterus, which is only the process of insemination does not work, its IVF 100% is their own birth.

Myth 6: IVF birth defects

Most families who are skeptical and prejudiced about IVF may feel the same way, but the truth is that whether a baby is conceived normally or conceived through IVF, there is fundamentally no difference. They were all born through the combination of the mother's luan and the father's sperm, and only after being conceived in october by the mother. IVF is nothing more than a spin outside the body and doesn't actually change in nature.

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