
How prosperous was the Tang Dynasty? In the 1980s, the Yellow River salvaged the millennium prosperous "Iron Bull"

The Yellow River, the fifth longest river in the world and the second largest river in China, was the second largest river in the last century


At the end of the year, after more than a year of investigation, archaeologists in Yongji County, Shanxi Province, finally fished out what they wanted under the Yellow River bed, and it became a sensational news.

How prosperous was the Tang Dynasty? In the 1980s, the Yellow River salvaged the millennium prosperous "Iron Bull"

We all know that the Yellow River can provide water resources for human beings, but at the same time it has also brought endless disasters to human beings, such as flood disasters, and various diseases caused, so in ancient times, people would use sacrifices to find spiritual comfort. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xianzong of Tang ordered that the skilled craftsmen of the time cast it


Only the iron bull, in order to be placed on both sides of the Yellow River, use the five elements of the method of mutual restraint to suppress the demons and rebellion, so as to avoid the people along the coast from suffering natural disasters again.

How prosperous was the Tang Dynasty? In the 1980s, the Yellow River salvaged the millennium prosperous "Iron Bull"


In 2000, due to the flood storage in the Sanmenxia reservoir area, the riverbed siltation, and the water level dropped, the Yellow River actually surprised the iron bull, and the local villagers immediately reported it to the government after discovering it, and after more than a year of efforts by personnel from all sides, they finally pulled the "iron cows" that had been sleeping for more than a thousand years ashore. According to statistics, four iron bulls, four iron men, two iron mountains, a group of seven-star iron pillars, and three earth and stone rammed piles have been unearthed, and the four iron bulls from the Tang Dynasty plus the weight of each of the pedestals are in


Tons, two round eyes, weight-bearing, even the eyelashes are depicted, the shaft head and ornamentation, the outline is very clear, this is the continent is currently found in the heaviest weight, the longest history, the highest level of craftsmanship of precious cultural relics, the key is that even after a thousand years, they still have no traces of decay.

tang dynasty

Of Kaiyuan

Iron Bull not only has creative practical value,

Moreover, it also showed a different aesthetic realm of sculpture art at that time, and experts also said that the grandeur and grandeur of Kaiyuan's prosperity were amazing and unimaginable!

How prosperous was the Tang Dynasty? In the 1980s, the Yellow River salvaged the millennium prosperous "Iron Bull"

Reference: The Heaviest Cultural Relics on the Mainland


A large iron bull buried deep in the Yellow River for a thousand years

After excavation each weighs up






Tons of Yellow River iron cattle were fished out

Why not protected in the open air




Don't dare to do it"

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