
China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

Cultural relics will be coveted by people, sometimes experts in the excavation of a site, a day can not be completed, but the site is opened, will not be hung here, because afraid that in the middle of the night will be someone to steal the cultural relics inside, so there will be archaeologists specially outside the site to guard the tomb, it is someone to guard, all the cultural relics of the site will not be stolen.

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

If you put the cultural relics outside like this, in a few days, this treasure will be gone, but in Shanxi, there is such a cultural relic, which is nakedly placed outside, although it is the heaviest national treasure in history, but if someone really wants to steal it, it can be stolen, but in the thirty years that the cultural relics have been placed outside, no one has stolen it, what is going on?

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

In 1989, Shanxi unearthed four of the heaviest national treasures in the history of the mainland, when we were children, everyone should have learned the story of the Yellow River iron bull, some people may have forgotten, but the cultural relics found in Shanxi is the iron cow that fell into the Yellow River in the story.

Since the Yellow River Iron Bull was unearthed, it has been placed on the top of the square, and no one is guarding it around, and it seems that there is no worry at all about the theft of the Iron Bull. Sure enough, in 30 years, no one really stole it. The weight of those iron bulls was really too heavy.

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

Most of the iron cattle cast during the Tang Dynasty were used to fix the two banks of the Yellow River. At that time, people used iron cattle as fixtures, and then used iron cables to connect the two sides, so that the first super-large pontoon bridge in history, Pujindu, was built, which can be said to be a major miracle in the history of bridges in the world.

Since the iron bull is a fixture, then its weight everyone knows it, it is estimated that the iron bull itself weighs at least 70 tons, and then under the base is also installed a wedge inserted into the ground, and then heavy and then reinforced, such a large thing, it is estimated that there is really no thief will come to steal.

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

Some people may wonder why these iron knots are said to be national treasures, what is precious, this idea is simply a mistake. First of all, don't say that it is a cultural relic of the Tang Dynasty, and if such a large iron statue could be cast a thousand years ago, how high the smelting technology would be, just these few iron cows and iron men, it is already a set of perfect works of art.

The appearance of the Iron Bull and the Iron Man and its transmission, and the difficulty of casting the Iron Bull and the Iron Man, are far greater than those ancient stone statues. Then ancient carvings can be said to be national treasures, and these iron bulls are even more national treasures.

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

In addition, the Yellow River Iron Bull not only has great historical and artistic value, but also represents the highest level of ancient bridge building technology on the mainland.

Ancient humans wanted to cross the Yellow River, only by boat, but the water is turbulent, it is very dangerous, and to build a bridge hundreds of meters above the Yellow River, it is also very difficult to build a bridge.

China's heaviest national treasure has been in the open air in the square for thirty years, but no one has stolen it, which represents the highest level of ancient bridge-building technology

The people of the Tang Dynasty, however, used iron cattle to fix a pontoon bridge of hundreds of meters, and used it for hundreds of years, the wisdom and technology said by the ancients were really powerful, in fact, there were a total of eight iron cows in the ancient Pujindu, but until now, the country has only found four, and the other four are missing.

These iron bulls represent the highest level of molten iron ware technology in the Tang Dynasty, and from these iron cattle, it is entirely possible to see how exquisite the craftsmanship of ancient craftsmen was. Thousands of years have passed, those few iron cows are still here, completely failing to live up to the good intentions of the ancients when casting these iron cows, this kind of craftsman spirit is worthy of admiration.

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