
Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

"Yellow River Iron Bull" once said: "The black hooves straighten Pujindu, and the yellow water is high Qin Jinxian." "Since ancient times, the Yellow River has been the mother river of the Chinese nation, and between the flow of the Yellow River, the Chinese nation has been able to develop steadily, and there are countless secrets in the rolling Yellow River.

Compared with other countries in the world, Chinese culture is profound and has a long history, and in the course of development in the past few thousand years, the mainland has created countless civilization treasures. In the process of promoting the research of modern social history, many cultural relics from ancient societies can also provide us with corresponding help and show the world a more realistic historical development background.

Since the founding of New China, mainland archaeologists have traveled from place to place, hoping to find more cultural relics and fill in the gaps in history. Once, a 70-ton Tang Dynasty Yellow River iron bull was successfully fished out by experts, and after fishing out this precious cultural relic, experts placed it in the open air. When people asked the experts why they placed cultural relics in the open air and did not protect them, the experts said: Do not dare to move. What is the origin of this Yellow River iron bull? Why do experts treat this artifact this way?

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

In the process of ancient Chinese social development, the Yellow River Iron Bull was called the Kaiyuan Iron Bull.

。 By the end of the Yuan Dynasty, wars were frequent in various places, and the Yellow River Iron Bull was abandoned.

As the yellow riverbed continued to rise, the Yellow River iron bull was gradually buried in the riverbank

, fading out of people's line of sight.

In the 1940s, when the people of Yongji, Shanxi Province, were playing in the lower river, they accidentally touched the horns of iron bulls, and when boats traveled to and from this place, they also saw that the horns of the cattle were scratched at the bottom of the boat. Beginning in the 1950s, in order to control the flooding of the Yellow River, the relevant departments on the mainland decided to build a reservoir for flood storage in the local area to ensure the safety of the nearby people.

Affected by the construction of the reservoir, the riverbed where the Yellow River Iron Bull is located is increasingly silted up, and the Yellow River Iron Bull is deeply buried in the silt of the Yellow River.

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

In the late 1980s, the museum staff in yongji area determined the location of the iron bull after investigation and visit, and then the relevant experts decided to excavate the yellow river iron bull and study it accordingly. After a period of planning, finally,

In August 1989, four Yellow River iron bulls reappeared in front of the world

After the end of this archaeological excavation, in addition to the Yellow River iron bull, there are other iron relics that came out together.

Since the excavation of the Yellow River Iron Bull, it has received widespread attention from the people of the mainland. After understanding the Yellow River Iron Bull, it can be found that

The Yellow River Iron Bull is the first cultural relics of the Yellow River Ancient Ferry Site discovered since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Its appearance provides important information for the mainland to study the ancient Yellow River water conservancy and local geographical environment.

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

According to the calculation of relevant experts,

Each Yellow River iron bull is about 3 meters long, about 1.3 meters wide and about 1.9 meters high, and has a horizontal shaft with a diameter of about 0.4 meters and a length of about 2.3 meters at the tail of the ox

。 It is estimated that

Iron Bulls each weigh about 30 tons, plus the chassis and pillars weighing up to 40 tons at the bottom, for a total of 70 tons.

Even in modern society, it is very difficult to build an iron bull of this scale, not to mention the ancient society with a relatively low level of productivity.

For this reason, experts believe that the Yellow River Iron Bull gathers the unique wisdom of ancient craftsmen, and after observing the Yellow River Iron Bull, it can be found that the shape of the Yellow River Iron Bull is more vivid and complete, reflecting the highest level of casting technology in ancient society.

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

Although the four Yellow River iron cattle were successfully excavated, the protection of the Yellow River iron cattle caused headaches for the experts present.

If all the Yellow River Iron Bulls are moved back to the museum, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to the Yellow River Iron Bulls during transportation

。 After some consideration,

Experts decided to raise other cultural relics such as the Yellow River Iron Bull to 12.2 meters in situ, restore their original appearance above the surface, and then display the two sides of the river in an open-air manner.

In fact, in the process of the development of archaeology in various countries around the world, the protection of iron cultural relics has always been a headache for experts. Unlike other material relics, iron artifacts are difficult to recover from the damage suffered after they are excavated.

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move

In order to solve this problem, relevant experts have devoted themselves to the protection of the Yellow River Iron Bull.

To this day, the Yellow River Iron Bull is still placed in the open in the Yongji area

。 Although some rust appeared on the surface of the Yellow River Iron Bull after being damaged by wind and rain, after repeated efforts by experts, the damage to the Yellow River Iron Bull was minimized.

Tang Dynasty 70 tons of "Yellow River iron cattle" fished out, why is it not protected in the open air? Expert: Don't dare to move


For mainland cultural relics experts, the reason why they will treat the Yellow River iron bull in this way is also limited by technology. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the experts' open placement of the Yellow River iron bull is not correct, but after weighing the pros and cons, the experts had to make such a decision.

Nowadays, the level of development in various fields on the mainland has improved, and it is believed that in the coming days, relevant experts can also find a better way to place the Yellow River Iron Bull and find a way to properly store the Yellow River Iron Bull. In modern society, more and more people can realize the importance of cultural relics protection, and with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, the mainland cultural relics protection cause has been able to have remarkable achievements.

Reference: The Mystery of the Millennium Iron Bull

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