
| learn the piano, and it is never a child who gives up halfway

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Some parents have doubts about whether their children will be able to learn the piano. Often parents ask the piano teacher to see if their child's hand can play the piano. At the same time, parents are also worried about what to do if the child who buys the piano does not learn for a month. Today we will mainly discuss the above two issues.

A hand that can type can play the piano

In fact, learning to play the piano is far less mysterious than imagined. Physiologically, any hand that can type on a computer can play the piano. We've never heard of someone learning to type and having to find someone to see if it works.

Of course, a pianist's hand may indeed be born different, but this is difficult to see from the appearance at a few years of age. You must have heard people say things like "So-and-so's fingers are thin and long, and they are very suitable for playing the piano" or "So-and-so has a pair of pianist's hands, thin and long" or something like that. Even many parents will use such a standard to measure whether to let their children learn the piano, as if children with shorter fingers cannot learn the piano well. In fact, these words do not make any sense.

| learn the piano, and it is never a child who gives up halfway

Few of the hands of famous pianists in history meet the criteria of "thin and long". On the contrary, although most pianists have a pair of large hands, in terms of proportion, the vast majority of fingers look thick and short, and the palms are also wide and thick.

Other things being equal, usually slender fingers are at a disadvantage in speed. To complete an action, a longer finger takes longer than a shorter finger. Even five hundredths of a second's time can have an impact on a piece of music where the notes are flowing fast.

For piano playing, the most important finger conditions are dexterity, freedom, flexibility and control, rather than the size, thickness and length of the appearance. It is said that the fingers of the "piano poet" Chopin, as one of the few examples, meet the criterion of elongation. Although no modern person has ever heard Chopin himself play, the existence of astonishing speed and strength can be felt in many of his works, which he personally played and succeeded. Most pianists' hands are far less "charming" than Chopin's, but this does not in any way prevent them from playing music as movingly as possible. Therefore, judging the development prospects of piano playing technology only by looking at the shape of the hand is as unreliable as picking oranges based on appearance alone.

A famous piano pedagogue once thought that a twelve-year-old child's hands were "too small to become a professional pianist" made his parents worried about their children's future in the field of piano performance. But just a few years later, the boy became one of the youngest gold medalists in the world's most famous piano competitions.

| learn the piano, and it is never a child who gives up halfway

It can be said that there may not be a pianist among the ten thousand children who learn the piano, and there may not be a Chopin among the ten thousand pianists. For children learning piano, the so-called finger length, thickness and thickness of the advantages and disadvantages are absolutely negligible. Moreover, let the child learn the piano, there is no need to hold the purpose of making him Chopin, most people only need to learn the piano to cultivate a strong "bamboo pole" for the child, from this point of view, the brain is far more important than the hand.

A brain who can learn Chinese and mathematics can certainly learn piano, and in many cases it takes no more to learn piano than to learn other knowledge and skills - because it is so easy to get started.

It's never a child who gives up halfway

Buying a piano and taking piano lessons is a big expense for most families, every weekend to run to the teacher's house or piano shop rain or shine, every night to argue with the child whether it should be practiced for another ten minutes, spent so much money and energy, and finally only a lonely piano in the living room, its only role is to add to the parents' hearts. A few years have passed, and the child not only does not want to play the piano again, but even if he wants to play, he will not be able to play at all.

Stories like this I believe many parents have heard, and many parents are terrified and discouraged in the face of the piano. Think about it, or buy a cheaper musical instrument to learn first, such as the pipa, really can't learn it can be put in the box, at least not to see the heart is not bothered, just as it has not happened, the loss is smaller.

| learn the piano, and it is never a child who gives up halfway

For a group of mature and responsible parents, as long as you analyze the causes, you can easily find a way to prevent and a good medicine for treatment.

First of all, since so many people have heard of the example of children learning piano halfway, how many people have heard of children dropping out of primary school and never going up again? As we all know, there are very few examples of such dropouts around. In fact, learning piano and going to school are the same, most parents will not let their children drop out of school, parents have different mentalities about going to school and learning piano, which will cause different results. The mindset and attitude of parents will largely determine the child's choice.

Therefore, parents must first correct their mentality. Understand that letting children learn the piano is the cultivation and shaping of children, not the capital to show off to friends and colleagues. Don't compare your child with anyone else's child, because it's a meaningless thing, but let your child keep comparing himself to himself, and push your child to keep improving. As long as the child is constantly improving, then even if other children who are learning the piano at the same time have passed the sixth-level exam and their own children are still trying to practice Cherny 599, do not feel discouraged or ashamed. It's the same as what children learn in school, and in general, there are always children of the same age who do better, but so what? Parents should indeed analyze the reasons and help their children find ways to close the gap, but their hearts should at least think like this: their children are not the first, but they have not learned to add, subtract, multiply and divide and ABCD? More importantly, you would never let your child drop out of school from the third grade of elementary school, right?

While correcting the mentality, parents should also show a firm attitude

If parents hold the idea of not being able to learn from the beginning, and somehow reveal this unsteady attitude to children who are not yet able to think maturely, they have already buried hidden dangers in the middle of the way. School education can roughly help children cultivate two "bamboo poles", and the cultivation of the third "bamboo pole" we talked about needs to be cultivated by learning the piano. Therefore, the two kinds of teaching are of the same importance. So since piano must be learned, why not tell the child about it directly?

While maintaining a firm attitude, parents should also face difficulties with a positive attitude

Learning piano from a piano teacher is just as difficult as learning Chinese and mathematics at school. These difficulties may be purely academic or interpersonal. In school, children may be unhappy with a classmate or teacher and lead to psychological stress, and children may also have this kind of thing when facing the piano teacher. No matter what kind of difficulties are encountered, parents should actively face and solve them. As the saying goes: there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. As long as parents help and encourage their children with a positive attitude, not only can they avoid learning piano halfway, but also help their children cultivate an attitude of life that never gives up lightly. It should be known that piano education is part of the overall quality education, and it bears the same heavy responsibility for shaping the personality of children as the education of schools and families. Learning piano is not just learning piano, but learning music; learning music is not simply learning music, but learning to be a person. This is often overlooked by some parents.

You may wonder why children learn piano halfway, there is no mention of whether children have an "interest" in music and piano, but just think about it and it is clear: not every child has a strong interest in school, and in the end, they do not all obediently go to school? Of course, interest is extremely important in the learning process. When deciding whether to let your child learn piano, you can not consider the problem of interest, but in the process of learning, you must pay attention to the role of interest.

All in all, music must be learned, which is the third "bamboo pole" that supports everyone's wisdom shelf and achievement shelf; to get this "bamboo pole", learning piano is a good way; learning piano is not a difficult thing, every child has such an ability; don't worry that the child will give up halfway, as long as the parents handle it properly, nothing can stop the child from getting this qualified "bamboo pole".

The next issue will answer the question of "early learning, or late learning" for everyone.

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