
Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar February 14, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar February 14, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Monday, February 14, 2022 (the fourteenth day of the first lunar month). Stems: 壬寅, 壬寅, 戊戌.

Good luck on the day

Kokichi: Kokoduku, Naruharu, Yahaku Seiji.

Ji Shen: Si Ming, Chuan Xing, Sanhe, Tianxi.

Fierceness: Moon Weariness, Earth Fire, Moon Taboo, Flying Lian.

Suitable: sacrifice, blessing, travel, membership, engagement, market opening, trading, construction, soil moving, burial, dressing, disobedience.

Taboo: marriage, moving, cooking.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to cattle, sheep, tigers, horses, and rabbits.

Unfavorable dragons, chickens Do not use Pepsi.

Shipping colors: yellow, green, red.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

New Year's Yoshikata:

Tiande is on the Ding side, and Yuede is on the C side. Tiandehe is in Nonfang, and Yuedehe is in Xinfang. The moon is on the C side, and the moon sky is on the nong side. When the sun is in the spring, it is in the sea side after the rain. The Heavenly Emperor is in Kunfang, and the Heavenly Emperor is in Gongfang. The three-element sun is dry, and the yin is in Gong. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is in the middle, and the Heavenly Solution Star is in Kun. The Yang nobles are in qian, and the yin nobles are in Gong.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the southeast, six white stars are in the south, eight white stars are in the southwest, and nine purple stars are in the east.

This month's funeral of Dali: 卯, B, 辰, 戌, 巳, 未, 坤, 庚, 辛, 乾.

Dali Xiufang: 卯, B, 辰, 戌, 巳, 辛, 酉.

New Year's Day:

Moon break in Shen Fang. Three brakes in the nonzi decoction ugly side. The main yin house is in the departure square, and the side yin house is in the nong. The monthly punishment is in the side of the moon, and the harm of the month is in the side of the party. The Heavenly Official Symbol is on the Gen side, and the Earth Official Symbol is on the departure side. The big moon is built in Kunfang, and the small moon is built in the middle. The funeral door is in exchange, the white tiger is in Sundanese, and the five yellows are in Gong. The sword blade is in the armor.

This month's fetal god party: the fetal god is at the bed.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are in the northeast and southwest; Lu Shen is in the southeast, stagecoach is in the southwest, and Wenchang is in the southwest.

One white star is in the west, six white stars are in the east, eight white stars are in the middle, and nine purple stars are in the northwest.

The murderer of the day:

Sanxu is in the north, Wuhuang is in the southwest, it is not appropriate to build in the nonzi decoction ugly, unkun Shen fang, moving the earth, anmen, an stove, an bed and other Pepsi.

The fetal god is in the bed and the room south, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus.

Twelve o'clock

壬子4,癸 ugly5、甲寅6、乙卯7,,000,000,000,,癸 ugly,,癸统 7,,癸

Bing Chen 8, Ding Wei 9, Peng Wu 1, Ji Wei 2,

Gengshen 3, Xin You 4, 壬戌 5, 癸海6.

The day is ugly, not at the time, and when it is auspicious.

Unfavorable hours, noon hours, and unitary hours.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day was born in the yin month and lost his order, sitting on the soil to obtain the land, but the year and month of Mizuki ke consumption is heavier, and his body is weaker, so he is happy to see indyo as an auspicious. He was born in the month of Yin, when the wood god was prosperous, the wood was in the soil, and the soil was vain. Although Yin was born in Yin for the longevity of penta soil and fire, Yin is the land of Jia mu Linguan, yin in the original qi jia mu strong, fire qi weak, insufficient life, more than enough, Mu Wang earth collapse. Therefore, the lack of spring soil is the nature of penta soil. In the early spring, there is still a cold after the winter month, so if you need C fire to be born, then the soil is solid, and if there is no C, it is weak, so you need to use the C fire first. Fire is the star of the seal of the earth, so it is better to like the fire and earth. Therefore, the time is optional: Bing Chen, Ding Wei.

Hour: Penta is weak and loves fire, but Tatsumi is in conflict and is not available.

Shi Chen Ding Wei: Penta earth likes fire, fire is strong and solid, and the star is wrapped and available.

On the whole, Ding Wei's hour is better. Peng Tu was born in yin yue, mizuki was more prosperous in the bureau, and the Japanese lord was weak, so he was happy to see indie than fire earth to help him. The soil of the day has already taken root, so it is better to see the fire, but it is not happy to see the soil. Therefore, Ding Wei hour is available.

Career: The Lord of the Day was born in the month of Yin, mizuki gained power in the bureau, and Penta was weak, so the fire earth helped him to be Yoshi. Therefore, ding mi is used for the hour, and the eight characters are combined as: 壬寅, 壬寅, 戊戌, 丁巳. Weak print ratio for use.

From the perspective of these eight characters, peng tu sees that nongshui is partial wealth, and in the middle of the bureau, tiangan has two partial wealth, so wealth is not weak. The moon orders to see Yinmu for the official star seven kills, and two Yinmu for the seven kills. Only to see the time of Ding Wei seal star to help the body, so the eight characters for the weak and rich life.

The official killing of the fate bureau is more prosperous, but the day and the penta soil are helped by Inbi, and his body is not weak, so the official killing is not fierce, so he is just, clearly distinguishes right from wrong, treats people honestly and has a sense of responsibility, politeness and enthusiasm, speaks of conscience, is down-to-earth, attaches importance to the family, is honest and rational, and handles things steadily. The seven kills also represent majesty and boldness, so they dare to do things.

Nian Dry sees the water and wealth, is proud, generous, does not skimp on money, indifferent to fame and fortune, treats people frankly, sees righteousness and courage, and has excellent popularity. Sociable, humane, and know how to take care of others. Quite business-minded, will make money, but also use money, generous. However, the wealth star is leaky, easy to spend more, and it is not too likely to gather wealth.

The Treasurer of the Fortune Bureau is more prosperous, and he is happy to see indochina to help himself before he can serve as a Treasurer. Fire for the star for the use of God, star for use, representing strong learning ability, rich thinking, of course, also represents wisdom, so in the study and work is more capable, with the help of nobles, beneficial to personnel.

From the perspective of the local branch, the eight characters are weak and rich, and there is a better than robbery to help themselves, then they are more than robbery to use God, and they are more useful than robbery, so in seeking wealth and career, they like to cooperate and seek wealth, and like to develop in public institutions. From the perspective of fate, Cai Wang is weak, and the eight characters lack of food and injury to make money, then it means that the ups and downs of fortune are large and not easy to stabilize, so it is necessary to seek stability and wealth. Therefore, the suitable industries are: finance, finance, management, culture, education and other industries.

Marriage: look at marriage, men look at the wealth star, women look at the official star. From the perspective of fate, there are more financial stars, two partial financial stars in the years and months, male life, more financial stars, the opposite sex in the relationship is relatively strong, representing their own side of the opposite sex fate, easy to get the girl's like. From the perspective of female life, seven kills are official stars, and seven kills are more, indicating that they will bring more pressure and troubles to themselves because of feelings, or the other party has more shortcomings, and the early feelings are not smooth, but the feelings after marriage are more stable. Husbands are more capable.

Judging from the great fortune, the male life is better.

Recommended eight characters:

壬寅 壬寅 戊戌 丁巳

With God: Fire Earth

Jealousy: Mizuki

Male Fate Great Fortune: 癸卯 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申

Five-element arrangement: water, wood, wood, earth, fire, fire, earth, earth, and gold

Great Fortune of Women's Life: Xin Ugly Gengzi Hehai Peng Shu Ding You Bing Shen

Five-element arrangement: gold earth gold water earth water earth earth fire gold

Li Shuanglin said

On this day, the zodiac is small and auspicious, and it is generally feasible for civil affairs. Wuhuang is in the southwest, and it is not appropriate to build ground.

Build the C direction of the Ji Nong Mountain, the noon direction of the Zi Shan, and the Ding direction of the Decan Mountain. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. Cultivators can repair the northwest, not the southeast, and not to the dragons.

Today's fetal god is in the room bed, there are pregnant women at home do not move this party, can not be randomly knocked and smashed, move scissors, moving objects, etc., easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

Green Dragon Tips

There are many ways to choose the day and choose the auspicious, but the folk also often use the Green Dragon Ji God as a reference for the choice of the day. The Green Dragon Recipe was initially applied to travel, and later quoted on the selection of auspicious times, and its application is as follows:

Qinglong Mingtang and Heavenly Punishment, Suzaku Jinzai Tiande God.

The White Tiger Jade Hall was dark, and Xuanwu Si ordered a joint hook.

Among them, Qinglong, Mingtang, Jinkui, Tiande, Yutang, and Si Ming are auspicious gods. Heavenly Punishment, Suzaku, White Tiger, Heavenly Prison, Xuanwu, and Gou Chen are fierce. Therefore, when we choose auspiciousness, we should use more auspicious gods, and it is better to use less fierce gods.

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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