
The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

On the first day of this year's Chinese New Year, that is, on February 1st, from 8:00 a.m., I received not New Year's greetings in my work group.

It's January sales of new power brands.

On February 1, Zero Run, Nezha, Xiaopeng, Ideal and NIO all released their january deliveries by 4 p.m.

Five new car-making brands released on February 1, 2022 delivery volume ——

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

Subtly, the sales announcement of the entire automotive industry is also quietly changed by the new forces: the first change is to release the last month's sales on the first day of the month. The second change is that the release is "delivery" instead of "batch volume".

Don't underestimate this series of changes, under the "wholesale volume" used by traditional brands in the past, more than half of the figures in the most prosperous period were pressed in the warehouse of dealers. The epidemic that began in 2020 has made "pressure inventory" a thing of the past. The real delivery volume (announced by the manufacturer itself) and the insurance volume of compulsory traffic insurance (announced by professional third-party data companies) have become the mainstream.

So, whether it's the first day of the Chinese New Year or not, as long as it's February 1, that's when January sales are announced. Taking it a step further, why was this figure released so quickly? It is also because these brands have made in-depth changes in sales channels: from the 4S store agent model to the direct marketing dominance, coupled with the way of online ordering.

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

Don't say that every month, every day, every hour of delivery and order volume, can be clearly displayed in the background.

A small action shows the changes in China's automotive industry in the past two years, not on the surface, but on the inside.

After the five new car-making forces released sales figures on the first day of the Chinese New Year, during the holidays, a number of brands subsequently announced their sales in January:

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

I struggled with the above table. Because the data that can be queried by public information shows some discrepancies - for example, in the sales volume released by Honda China, the terminal sales of Dongben are 66668 vehicles, and the sales volume of Guangben is 79973 vehicles, and the sales volume released by the brands are quite different, and the sales of the two Hondas in the table should be the batch sales volume, who is "watery" I will not say.

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

Toyota also has a similar situation, Toyota China released sales data, GAC Toyota terminal sales of about 87,500 vehicles, a slight increase of 0.8% year-on-year, but in Guangfeng's official release data, this number became 99,900 vehicles in the table; affected by the Tianjin epidemic, FAW Toyota, which fell sharply year-on-year, had not yet released official data at the time of writing.

There is a clear difference is the above pointed out these, Dongfeng Nissan, Mazda announced are delivery, need to praise is Dongfeng Nissan, the official release of terminal data is very real. In fact, the official data released by major brands now, whether it is batch sales, retail sales or delivery, we can actually grasp their terminal sales in time - because each month's traffic insurance data is public, released by professional third-party institutions in the middle of the following month.

(Remarks: The reason why some car companies release batch sales data is mainly because the batch sales data is more representative of the operation of car companies, and car companies internally adjust production and operation according to batch sales data. )

It is worth noting that if you look at the terminal sales data, the four Japanese brands have a significant year-on-year decline, of which Toyota China's sales fell by more than 20% in January. The impact of the epidemic and chips is still there, and we can continue to wait and see how the future market will be.

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

Looking at the growing brands, BYD is undoubtedly the biggest highlight. Although the pick-up time of the DM-i model has become the biggest point of complaint, it does not affect BYD's single-month sales of more than 95,000 vehicles in the first month of 2022, and the annual sales of more than one million is no longer a suspense.

Great Wall Motors shows a full line of growth, each sub-brand looks down almost no short board, new energy brand Euler monthly sales exceeded 10,000, the next Great Wall of attraction is actually whether the DHT model can lead the brand to continue to rise, after all, the most expensive WEY MOCHA DHT PHEV has exceeded 300,000 yuan - this is not a simple price, this is the Great Wall in technology and new energy empowerment, an important force to break through the ceiling.

Driver's Summary:

It can be said that the earlier the sales data is released, the more dare to release terminal data, in fact, are full of confidence brands. This article should actually be written during the Spring Festival holiday, because the overtime momentum of everyone who has "not for the new year" particularly makes me sigh. Especially for Chinese brands that have a lot to watch, GAC Passenger Cars, Geely and SAIC Passenger Cars have particularly emphasized the strong growth of their new energy models, change does not happen in a day, and the penetration of new energy models in the terminal market in 2022 will be much faster and fiercer than we imagined at the beginning of the year.

Because I received a friend's inquiry about buying a car during the holidays, more than 80% of the intentions were new energy vehicles. I also noticed that most of my friends want to replace the older car in the family (basically there are more than two cars in the family), so there is no hesitation in "oil to electricity". Based on this, I think that in 2022, the mid-to-high-end new energy model market will usher in a strong outbreak of upgrading and replacement demand.

The new forces are not the Spring Festival, Toyota fell 20% | a brief analysis of car brand sales in January

At this time, I can't help but reiterate my view: for the need for upgrades, consumers with higher budgets actually pay more attention to the upgrading of the consumer experience, and brands not only need to provide matching products, but more importantly, to provide matching emotional value to achieve brand appeal.

There is not much time left for everyone to change their thinking.

2022 is destined to be a year of great changes and no "touching the fish" is allowed. Doing the right thing in a down-to-earth manner is the attitude that every brand and individual should hold.

Some of the achievements on the list today must have been at an earlier point in time, when brands made extremely important but extremely difficult choices, without having to ask for false "ifs" and "what ifs" in the past, because from this moment on, you can make countless choices that are very important for the future but may be very difficult.


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