
There are only 4 of them, but they raise the Chinese alpine skiing flag!

There are only 4 of them, but they raise the Chinese alpine skiing flag!

Zhang Yangming

A historic breakthrough! The Chinese Alpine Ski Team spelled out the full number of seats for the Beijing Winter Olympics and is about to complete the beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Zhang Yangming, Xu Mingfu, Kong Fanying, and Ni Yueming, these four athletes, but they raised the Chinese alpine skiing flag.

Achieve a historic breakthrough

There are only 4 of them, but they raise the Chinese alpine skiing flag!

Kong Fanying

This time, the Chinese alpine ski team participated in the Beijing Winter Olympics with its head held high, because we could participate in all 11 sub-events of alpine skiing, which in itself was a historic breakthrough.

Long-term conquest and training abroad, so that the Chinese alpine ski team has become an authentic "field force", the team has won the Beijing Winter Olympics in the women's downhill, women's all-around and men's all-around three Winter Olympic events. Kong Fanying has successively qualified for the women's downhill, slalom, big slalom and all-around 4 sub-events, and after hard work in the International Snow Federation points competition, she finally got the qualification for the women's super big slalom, becoming the first female athlete of the Chinese National Alpine Ski Team to meet the standard in all 5 individual sports. Previously, Zhang Yangming and Xu Mingfu had already qualified for the men's competition in 5 individual events, so the Chinese Alpine Ski Team achieved the goal of participating in 11 sub-events, including mixed teams.

The downhill in the alpine skiing project is also known as alpine downhill, it and the super giant slalom project, both belong to the Winter Olympics racing project, the project competition is very difficult, the Chinese team has not participated in this project in the past. In 2017, the Chinese team set up the downhill and super big slalom events. In the face of strong European and American masters, the level of Chinese players is huge, if you want to qualify for the Beijing Winter Olympics, you must overcome many difficulties, and full participation is a very high goal. Xu Mingfu said bluntly: "In the case of the fastest speed of 140 kilometers per hour, competing with European and American athletes, we have no advantage, only courage, each taxi is just a training warm-up for European and American masters, but it is an adventure for us." Zhang Yangming said: "It is to fight and spell out opportunities." ”

"We are going all out to sprint and tackle key problems to achieve this goal." Liu Zhen, the leader of the national alpine ski team, sighed. It is with this strength that the Chinese national alpine ski team has achieved a very difficult full participation. Alpine skiing is known as the "diamond in the crown" of the previous Winter Olympic Games and is one of the most ornamental Winter Olympic events. For the fledgling Chinese national alpine ski team, being able to participate in the Winter Olympics in full is a historic breakthrough.

The women will raise their sails

There are only 4 of them, but they raise the Chinese alpine skiing flag!

Ni Yue name

Chinese women's kong fanying and Ni Yueming raised their sails at the Beijing Winter Olympics and continued to break through themselves with the full-event participation posture, which is commendable.

Kong Fanying, 26, from the "ice city" of Harbin, is the main player of the Chinese alpine ski team and the leader of the Chinese alpine skiing women's team, winning the national championship many times. In December 2017, Kong Fanying won the gold medal in the women's three events of the National Alpine Skiing Championships. In 2018, she participated in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and won the 55th place in the alpine skiing women's giant slalom competition. On January 7, 2022, the Chinese alpine ski team participated in the International Snow Federation points competition for the women's super giant slalom event held in Reitlam, Austria, and Kong Fanying won the Winter Olympic points, thus enabling the Chinese women's team to meet the standard in all 5 individual events, thus enabling the Chinese alpine ski team to participate in the morning of the 11 small events of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

After the first round, 30 players did not finish the race, and the Chinese player Ni Yueming was also among them, and there were 8 more players in the second round, and a total of 38 players in the whole race did not finish, which showed the difficulty of the slalom race. In the end, China's Kong Fanying ranked 47th with a total time of 2:11.95.

Rotation belongs to the competition, which is not so difficult for Kong Fanying and Ni Yueming. The key to being able to participate in the whole project this time is to make a breakthrough in the racing project. Participation itself is a breakthrough, and being able to finish the competition is a breakthrough, which is a matter of two levels.

On February 11, the Beijing Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing Women's Super Giant Slalom, a total of 44 players participated, 42 runners finished, China's Kong Fanying and Ni Yueming participated in the Winter Olympics for the first time, Ni Yueming finished in 1 minute 22.59 seconds and ranked 40th, Kong Fanying finished in 1 minute 23.51 seconds, which was a historic big step for the Chinese alpine skiing team.

Kong Fanying said bluntly that he overcame his fear and completed the speed event of this track for the first time. They have been tackling racing events, Kong Fanying and Ni Yueming are followed by women's downhill, women's all-around and team competitions, and the full-event participation is destined to enter the annals of China's alpine skiing history.

Similarly, Ni Yueming also completed the women's super big slalom for the first time at the Winter Olympics. Ni Yueming said: "No matter what, this is the first time I have completed a race on this track, and I am very excited to represent China in the first time to complete the Winter Olympics speed project." ”

The 26-year-old Ni Yueming is a runner from Heilongjiang Province, and kong Fanying is also the main player of the national alpine ski team. Ni Yueming said: "Alpine skiing in the mainland belongs to a middle and lower level, and the domestic start is relatively late. I practiced skiing when I was 10 years old, but when I went abroad to train, my children started practicing skiing at the age of two or three. Racing projects are high-risk projects, and the people know less, and now our development trend is significantly better than in the past. There are more and more ski resorts in the mainland, and with the arrival of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, it is bound to promote the development of alpine skiing in China. ”

The men's team marched forward courageously

There are only 4 of them, but they raise the Chinese alpine skiing flag!

Xu Mingfu

Zhang Yangming, 27, and Xu Mingfu, 24, are both from Tonghua, Jilin Province, and their Chinese alpine skiing men's team bravely marched forward at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and the two young men practiced the history of Chinese's first Winter Olympics with their actions.

Zhang Yangming finished 69th in the men's grand slalom at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. On December 30, 2021, the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China released that Xu Mingfu and Zhang Yangming, male alpine skiers in Tonghua City, won the international snow federation participation conditions in five individual events: men's downhill, super big slalom, all-around, big slalom and slalom, and locked the qualification for alpine skiing at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Tonghua's alpine skiing program has always been a national leader, with Park Dong-seok being the first male alpine skier to represent China at the Winter Olympics, and Wang Guizhen being the first female alpine skier to represent China at the Winter Olympics, the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics in the United States. Zhang Yangming and Xu Mingfu are both natives of Tonghua, who have been training in alpine skiing at Tonghua Children's Sports School and Tonghua Sports School since childhood, and have won many gold medals in the National Championships, National Championships and National Winter Games, and are the main force of the Chinese alpine skiing men's team.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the two young men are constantly refreshing the history of alpine skiing in China. As a player in the big slalom and slalom competition, the key breakthrough lies in the downhill and super big slalom in the racing event. On February 7, "Xue Feiyan" witnessed the historic first step of China's alpine skiing, Zhang Yangming failed to finish the race, and Xu Mingfu successfully completed the race in 1 minute 56.93 seconds, ranking 36th in the men's downhill, which was the first time in history that the Chinese alpine skiing team participated in the winter Olympic alpine skiing men's downhill competition and completed the race.

"Finally finished the race! I feel certainly excited, our country to carry out alpine skiing projects for a relatively short time, everyone has made a lot of efforts, just to be able to participate today, and finish. After the end of the game, I also handed over a satisfactory answer sheet to myself. Xu Mingfu said, "I have been preparing for many years, just to challenge my limits." ”

On February 8, in the men's super slalom competition of alpine skiing, China's Zhang Yangming finished in 33rd place with a time of 1:29.39. At the moment when the game ended, Zhang Yangming shouted excitedly and said that he was very happy to be able to complete such a first time, because Zhang Yangming's first time was also the first time Chinese. Zhang Yangming's mentality is very good, he said: "My mentality is very peaceful, I don't think much about it, and to be able to slide down is to show Chinese style." Moreover, Zhang Yangming's cheerful personality has won the love of outsiders. Just on February 10, Zhang Yangming and Xu Mingfu completed the men's all-around competition again, and Zhang Yangming and Xu Mingfu ranked 23rd and 24th respectively. The first item of the all-around is to slide down, the second item is to rotate, no wonder Zhang Yangming said bluntly: "My brain is numb!" Still, they did. Zhang Yangming said that he also has to participate in the big slalom, slalom and team competitions, in fact, to participate in all the men's competitions of alpine skiing at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is a way of participation in which there are very few foreign players.

The men's team Zhang Yangming and Xu Mingfu, the women's team Kong Fanying and Ni Yueming, their goal this time is to participate in the whole project, and this goal has been achieved. Zhang Yangming said bluntly: "The national team has selected four of us, and we want to show the best side of China's alpine skiers." ”

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