
European mobile phone market share survey released, who said that domestic mobile phones only sell in Southeast Asia?

With the development of social science and technology, mobile phones have long become an indispensable necessity for everyone, "there are mobile phones all over the world, no mobile phone is difficult to walk" has become the portrayal of the real life of the vast majority of people. At present, the situation of the world's head mobile phone brands is also relatively clear and clear, in addition to Apple Samsung, the rest are several domestic mobile phone brands. Mobile phone replacement fast, there is a need to change the mobile phone friends can be on the "everyone rent" free rental one, as long as a few dollars a day, with the rent and return, both save money and worry!

European mobile phone market share survey released, who said that domestic mobile phones only sell in Southeast Asia?

Before that, some netizens have commented that domestic mobile phones cannot be on the low end, and can only be sold in developing countries such as Southeast Asia, and few people in developed countries such as Europe and the United States can see it. But the news a few days ago may have to punch the netizens who made these remarks, on February 8, the well-known market research agency Counterpoint announced the 2021 European smartphone market share ranking. Looking at the top six mobile phone brands, domestic mobile phones occupy 4 seats.

European mobile phone market share survey released, who said that domestic mobile phones only sell in Southeast Asia?

In fact, if Huawei is not restricted, there should be one more position for Huawei on the current list, and the share will not necessarily be under Samsung Apple, Huawei's brand in the high-end market is very successful, and it is very popular in many developed countries in Europe and the United States. Huawei briefly surpassed Samsung on the global list in 19 years and became the world's first, but it was targeted at the time of the highest development and directly fell into the ranks of other.

European mobile phone market share survey released, who said that domestic mobile phones only sell in Southeast Asia?

Although Huawei has been suppressed, other domestic mobile phones are still in momentum, especially Xiaomi, which has soared from 14% of the market share in 2020 to 20% in 2021 in the European market, and the growth rate is not fast. Those who say that Xiaomi can't get on the table at the low end and is not popular with developed countries in Europe and the United States, Xiaomi has proved itself with actual data.

However, the low-end remarks on the Internet that domestic mobile phones are not unfounded, although the sales of domestic mobile phones such as Xiaomi OV in the world are rising steadily, but the main popularity is the low-end price of mobile phones, high-end mobile phones in the field of not to mention the international competition with Apple Samsung, in the country and Apple are not a battle. However, every place has a demand for low-end mobile phones, because domestic brands such as Xiaomi OV judge that domestic brands are not high-end in the main sales of low-end models abroad, and such remarks are not popular in developed countries in Europe and the United States.

European mobile phone market share survey released, who said that domestic mobile phones only sell in Southeast Asia?

Compared with Apple Samsung, domestic smart phones started late, even if the core technology of many mobile phones has not yet mastered in their own hands today, from the perspective of strength, the gap between domestic brands and US and Korean giants is not small. However, it is undeniable that in recent years, the development speed of domestic mobile phones has been very rapid, not only in the domestic market, but also in the international market has begun to rise. We need to give more time and confidence to domestic mobile phones, small rent believes that domestic smart phones surpass Apple, comparable to Samsung is just around the corner!

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