
Dedicated to the bravest dancers in finance, they are willful, they are wild, they dare to admit their mistakes, they accompany the "black swans" they realize their dreams, they have sacrificed them for more rebirth

author:Maple leaves are frost-free

Dedicated to the bravest dancers in finance

They are willful

They are wild

They have the courage to admit mistakes

They're accompanied by "black swans."

They achieve their dreams

They have sacrifices

They are more reborn from the fire

They have a dark wound

They have the fascination of phoenix nirvana

They can withstand the bumps

They have the courage of a gecko with a broken tail

They are more alert than eagles

They endure the torment like crocodiles

They are different from the world

They are strong enough to overcome themselves

They have a common name

They are futures traders

They can withstand the ups and downs of life

They laugh at the world

They are the bravest dancers in finance

#Finance # #期货 #

Dedicated to the bravest dancers in finance, they are willful, they are wild, they dare to admit their mistakes, they accompany the "black swans" they realize their dreams, they have sacrificed them for more rebirth

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