
03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

author:Tenacious elves

Today, let's talk about the 03 platinum generation that blew through the sky, especially the points race of those bigwigs.

Speaking of which, Lao Zhan is really no one, his score is as high as a rocket, and he has reached 40474 points! Thinking that he had just joined the alliance back then, who would have thought that he could stand at this height?

Let's talk about Bosh, this is also a hardcore among hardcores, with a full 17189 points, although it is not as exaggerated as Lao Zhan, but this number is still something to look up to.

Bosh has a flexible style of play, and he shoots outside the middle, which is quite powerful at key moments.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

And then there's our Wade brothers, hey, this guy's career is legendary.

Short and concise body, it is a rampage under the basket, and it is called a wind and water on the court.

The final total score stopped at 23,165 points, which is also the level of a gold medal veteran.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

As for melon, Carmelo Anthony, this guy's scoring ability is also top-notch, and his average points per game are among the top in the league all year round, although his exact score is not given in the original text, but compared with his performance, that score must be a beautiful number.

You say, when these bigwigs get together, how exciting the game is! Every game is a star-studded feast, and every goal can be a textbook classic.

It's not just a game, it's an art show of basketball, and every star is interpreting the charm of basketball in their own way.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

And, if you think about it, their battles on the field over the years have been so exciting that you don't want to.

Every time Lao Zhan and Wade face off, it is a headline in the media and a grand event for fans.

Bosh's agile pace, Melon's accurate shooting, every pass on the field, every breakthrough, are full of highlights.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

Of course, in addition to their amazing scoring and the excitement of their games, their contribution to basketball culture cannot be ignored.

Lao Zhan's leadership, Wade's fighting spirit, Bosh's team role, and Melon's perseverance are all important factors that have inspired countless teenagers to take to the basketball court.

Therefore, the platinum generation of the class of 2003 is really not covered, they not only changed the pattern of the NBA, but also promoted basketball around the world, so that more people can feel the charm and passion of basketball.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

Every minute and every second of their game is worth remembering and cherishing.

Finally, for the future of these stars, although some have retired, and some may be about to say goodbye to the court, their stories, their legends, will forever shine in the long history of basketball.

We look forward to more young stars who can continue to carry on this spirit and shine and continue to write their own legends on the basketball court."

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

Speaking of these bigwigs, it is really impossible to admire their love and contribution to basketball.

Take Lao Zhan as an example, this guy's basketball IQ is frighteningly high, and on the court, he is watching and listening to all directions, and he can see his overall situation in the gap between passing and shooting.

And, don't forget, he's also a super assist king, you say, can this not give the opponent a headache?

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

A netizen commented: "Really, every time I watch Lao Zhan's game, it's like watching a wonderful movie, the plot is constantly reversed, the climax is repeated, and I can't stop!" His skills and leadership on the field are indeed phenomenal.

And then our Wade, heck, this dude's speed and explosiveness, that's top-notch.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

Every time I break through to the basket, it's not basketball, it's just ballet, it's very elegant! That nimble foot, looking at it, feels like he is opening a small stove for the opponent, especially his signature step-back jumper, beautiful! It's like coming out of a painting, and every time I watch him play, I can't help but smile.

And Bosh, this buddy's skills are comprehensive, and he can not only be tough on the inside, but also on the outside.

Especially his three-point shot, which is as accurate as some money, and he hits it at one point! You say, this kind of player is in demand wherever he goes, right?

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

Some netizens said: "Bosh's style of play is really unique, his calmness and wisdom on the field are like a master tactician directing the battle."

Every time I watch him play, I learn a lot, and I really enjoy it! ”

And then there's Melon, Carmelo Anthony, the scoring machine, that's really admirable.

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

His ability to fight alone is amazing, and his steady output in the middle range is like a sniper on the basketball court.

Whenever the game is deadlocked, I see him come forward and shoot the country, and the audience screams off the field, the picture is too beautiful!

A netizen commented: "Melon's scoring ability is really top-notch, his fearless momentum on the court, and his determination to stand up at every critical moment make people feel blood pumping every time they watch his game."

03 The platinum generation Lao Zhan has 40,474 points and ranks first in history, Bosh has 17,189 points, and what about Wade melon?

When it comes to the games of these stars, it has to be mentioned that there is the camaraderie between them.

Yes, they are rivals on the field, but they are good brothers off the field.

For example, Lao Zhan and Wade, they not only fought together during the Heat period and won countless honors, but even in private, the relationship between the two was too good.

Isn't this the best embodiment of the spirit of basketball?

And each of these bigwigs' games is a textbook-level duel, not only a display of technology, but also a contest of wisdom and will.

Every time the season returns, the fans are like a holiday, whether it is the wonderful moments on the pitch or the wonderful remarks of the stars, it has become the focus of heated discussions among fans.

Some netizens said: "Every basketball season, I am especially looking forward to the performance of these veterans, and I watch every offense and defense of them with relish."

Especially those classic matchups, it's like a lively basketball lesson! ”

Therefore, whether it is Lao Zhan, Wade, Bosh or Melon, these platinum generation of the class of 2003 are not only warriors on the basketball court, but also role models for countless basketball players.

Their stories, their legends, will continue to inspire those who come after them to continue to move forward on the road of basketball.

And we, as loyal viewers and lovers of basketball, will continue to pay attention to their every game, every moment, because this is not just a sports competition, it is a spirit, a culture, a heritage.

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