
Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

| Planner/Editor: Xiao Ya Editor: Ya Yun &cici Review: Li Yun

Can nails reflect a person's physical health?

Answer: Yes, nails are a barometer of human health (you are brushing the text, hurry up and take a closer look at your nail caps).

Normal nail color is pink, the nail surface is smooth and rounded to the touch, and the thickness is moderate, which is the healthy performance of the nail.

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

(Normal nails should look like this)

However, healthy nails are roughly similar, but abnormal nails are different. For example, if the nails become black or a black line appears, do you have any? Is there some strange disease when the nails suddenly turn black? Read on and you'll know...

About Black Armor

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

The deck or nail bed appears black or brown visible to the naked eye, while other aspects are normal, called black nails.

Black armor has longitudinal black armor, horizontal black armor and all-black armor. Among them, longitudinal black nails are more common, manifested by one or more longitudinal pigment bands extending from the nail folds to the distal edge of the nails.

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

Longitudinal black or brown bands have been reported in 77% to 96% of blacks and 11% of Asians, with an incidence increasing with age, most commonly in patients aged 56 to 65 years.

There are two main causes of longitudinal black nails:

One is melanocyte activation (referring to abnormal deposition of melanin, but the number of melanocytes does not increase); the other is melanocyte hyperplasia (referring to the increase in the number of melanocytes).

The above two causes may be related to chronic recurrent trauma, pregnancy, ethnic factors, fungal infections, phototherapy, chemotherapy, drugs, systemic diseases (such as Addison disease, porphyria, etc.), skin diseases (such as paronychia, psoriasis, lichen planus, etc.), pigmented nevi, and melanoma.

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

Let's talk about the various black armors:

Mother mole

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

It is more common in children, often on the fingers, especially the thumb, and the appearance of the nails is visible with regular brown or black longitudinal bands, and the mother-of-nail nevi can be congenital or acquired, and most of them are borderline nevi.

How to deal with it: Follow-up with regular observation. If an adult suddenly appears a female mole, or finds that the width of the black nail suddenly widens, then be vigilant and be careful of the possibility of melanoma!

A female nevus freckled nevi

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

More common in adults, it appears as a regular brown band under the nail with light black lines on a brown background.

How to deal with: subparagraphic freckled nevi is benign melanocyte hyperplasia, generally do not need special treatment, regular observation and follow-up can be, but when abnormal changes are found, they should be treated as soon as possible.

Subparathyroid bleeding

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

More common in post-traumatic, such as subparathyroid bleeding after long runs or walking. Commonly found on the medial side of the first toe, it presents as irregular subdial purplish or reddish-blue patches, with old bleeding may be black patches, sometimes scattered short linear or scattered punctate hemorrhagic spots.

When there is more bleeding and cannot be discharged in time, it may be secondary to nail malnutrition or deck detachment. Can occur at any age, and thumb and thumb are relatively common. When trauma is severe, the pain is more easily identifiable.

How to deal with it: No special treatment is required, and subungual hemorrhage will gradually absorb over time.

Black nails caused by nail removal, nail biting, friction

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

Trauma such as nail removal, nail bite, and friction can lead to nail matrix damage and secondary nail lesions, including superficial unevenness and longitudinal black nail. Friction black nails are common in the fourth and fifth toenails of women, and the mother melanocytes are activated by friction between the shoe and the adjacent toes, which may be multiple black bands.

How to deal with it: It can recover on its own after the physical stimulation is lifted. Bad enthusiasts such as biting nails should change bad habits and see a psychologist if necessary.

The above several kinds of black nails do not require special treatment, but if the melanin is uneven and the shape is irregular, it should be paid attention to, such as the following.

Key: Melanoma !!!

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment
Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

(Source 3)

When the nail black line > 3 mm, the proximal black line widens, grows rapidly, the color is uneven, the band edges are irregular or blurred, hutchinson sign (periungophanic pigmentation), ulcers or bleeding spots and other signs suggest malignancy, then the possibility of melanoma should be vigilant.

However, the incidence of melanoma on the black line of nails is relatively low and relatively rare, and studies have shown that it accounts for 0.7% to 3.5% of all melanomas.

How to deal with it: If it has recently become a little wrong but you can't tell the difference, first stabilize yourself, don't panic, what is the specific, go to the regular hospital to check it out ~ hurry up and go to the hospital to see it!

In fact, there are many more types of black armor, but the several black armors introduced by Xiaohua today end here.

Nail black lines? Don't worry, these conditions do not require special treatment

See if the people around you or your nails have a similar situation, if the nails are black lines, the number is seated, if not, you can also continue to look at some of the daily armor tips (love yourself, start from love nails).

Daily armor tips

● Trimming nails should be of moderate length, and if they are too short, they may be easily targeted by "paronychia".

●Wear gloves when exposed to products such as washing powder and dish soap.

●Usually pay attention to care, apply moisturizing products such as hand cream after washing hands or trimming nails, and apply to the skin around the nails.

● Exercise appropriately, do not overdo or strenuous exercise, it is recommended to choose to wear shoes that fit comfortably during exercise or daily life.

●Do not nibble on your nails when you are idle, and trim your nails with clean nail clippers.

●Active treatment of underlying medical conditions.

After reading it, quickly collect it, maybe one day it will come in handy?

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