
There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

These days, Zhimei saw a news and was shocked.

A 42-year-old Lady Cao (pseudonym) in Hubei Province, who has always had a mole on the sole of her foot, did not care because it was not painful or itchy.

But a few years ago, she overheard relatives say that this mole may be cancerous and had to be careful, so she rushed to a large local hospital for examination, and sure enough, she was diagnosed with melanoma.

Ms. Cao ran many hospitals and found many orthopedic and oncology experts, all of whom suggested that it was safer to amputate her right lower limb.

Fortunately, with the help of her fellow countrymen, she found a surgical director, and eventually surgery removed part of the paw bone, saving her right foot.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

(Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily)

After reading this news, Zhimei quickly looked at whether there was a mole on her jio (foot) board, after all, Ms. Cao did not find anything unusual until she was diagnosed.

It should be noted that not only the footboard, but also moles in other parts of the body, even if it is a small one, may be at risk of cancer.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

In the bottom layer of our epidermis, there is a group of melanocytes, which not only give the skin color, but also the skin's "filter", which absorbs ultraviolet rays in the sun and protects other skin cells.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

When their number increases and they "cling", they will form the pigmented nevi we usually see.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!
There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

Depending on the pigment content in the cells of a mole, the mole may have brown, brown, or even bluish-black.

It is usually normal for some people to have moles that protrude slightly from the surface of the skin or are hairy because they grow on the follicles.

So under what circumstances will a mole turn into malignant melanoma?

At present, the mechanism of mole cancer is not fully understood, in addition to genetic factors will affect cancer, the most common are external stimuli, such as ultraviolet rays, friction, cutting, moles, cutting and other trauma.

Under the combined action of a variety of factors, the DNA of melanocytes allows melanocytes that should have fallen off to grow uncontrollably, overproliferate, and once they enter the dermis layer, they can invade blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and run to other parts of the body.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

1. Areas exposed to sunlight for a long time

Such as face, neck, back, forearms, calves.

2. Areas of the body that are susceptible to friction

Such as palms, soles of feet, armpits, often tied pants, belts, belts of the waist.

3. Moles under the nails/toenails

May be a rare transverse plaque melanoma, more common in Asian, African,and other darker races.

4. Moles that grow on the mucous membranes

For example, eyes, lips, mouth, esophagus, anus, genitals, etc.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

(Pictured: iris melanoma)

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

If you are worried about your mole, you can first do a self-examination to see if it has the following 5 characteristics of "ABCDE".

"A" is asymmetrical, referring to the asymmetry and distinctness of the two halves of a mole;

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

"B" is the border, which refers to the irregular and notched edge of the mole;

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

"C" is color, and moles appear in different shades or completely different colors (such as black, coffee, red, white);

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

"D" is the diameter (Diameter), the diameter of the mole is greater than 6 mm (about a small melon seed);

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

"E" is a change, progression (Evolution), the size, color, uplift, shape of the mole suddenly has a significant change, or bleeding, itching, ulceration.

There are these 5 changes on the skin, be careful that the cancer is eyeing you! Take a shower and take a look!

In addition to the above signs, these may also be manifestations of cancer:

More small moles were newly emitted around the mole;

The mole that was originally hairy, the hair suddenly fell;

The treatment of moles with lasers, potions, etc., can not be removed or relapsed in situ several times, and may also indicate problems, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department or general surgery department in time for diagnosis and treatment.

It is recommended that you check the moles of the whole body (including the armpits and soles of the feet) once a month, especially for friends who have a family history of melanoma.

If you are really unsure, it is recommended that you go to the hospital for dermoscopy as soon as possible, because not all pigmented nevi and melanoma can be distinguished by the naked eye.

combine! moreover!

Do not go to the beauty salon to order a mole, in addition to causing irritation to the mole, it will also cover up the early condition and delay treatment.

Review expert: Sun Liyuan | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University


[1] Cutaneous melanoma. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Accessed Nov. 27, 2020.

[2] Common moles, dysplastic nevi and risk of melanoma. National Cancer Institute. Accessed Nov. 27, 2020.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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