
These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

Moles on the body are a very normal phenomenon. Some people's moles grow on the thighs, some people's moles grow on the hands, some people's moles on the chest, and even some people's moles will grow on the face, moles grow on the face to affect the beauty, some people think it doesn't matter, where the mole grows is not important, and there is no rush to remove the mole.

However, if your understanding of physical moles only stops at the extent that they affect aesthetics, you are wrong. Because of a small mole, it can evolve into cancer, which is often referred to as malignancy of melanoma.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

So, what changes in a mole mean it's turning into melanoma?

In general, the range of moles in the human body ranges from 10 to 30. Moles appear because of excessive accumulation of melanin in the epidermis or in dermal cells.

At the same time, the shape of different human moles is also different, some are semicircular, some are round; the color is also different, there are black or tan;

The growth speed of moles will also vary, some fast and some slow, and some have not been long since they appear.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

But what they have in common is that there is usually no pain and other symptoms, except for a little impact on the appearance, other manifestations are basically nothing, if there are other manifestations, it is necessary to pay high attention.

If one day your mole undergoes the following five changes, be careful, it may start to quietly develop into a malignant tumor!

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

1. The size of the mole has changed significantly

If your previous mole was usually less than 5 mm in diameter and you found that the mole was growing within a certain period of time, and it was even obvious that it was larger than five millimeters, then the mole may have become cancerous.

2. The color of the mole changes significantly

In general, moles are mainly black or tan, but there are also yellow-brown ones, if your mole is quietly changing color, such as a situation that turns blue-black or pink;

Even some moles will turn blue, which may be malignant.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

3. The shape of the mole has changed

In general, the shape of a mole with normal pigmentation is more regular and symmetrical. In general, moles that satisfy one of the regular, symmetrical conditions are normal.

For example, some people have moles that are semi-circular or circular, even if irregular, but still follow a symmetrical situation, such moles are normal.

If the shape of the mole is irregular and no longer follows symmetry, then it may be that the mole is cancerous.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

4. The edge of the mole has changed

The edges of ordinary moles feel smoother and the surroundings are neater. If one day the mole you touch is no longer smooth;

And it is jagged, it is still very rough, and it feels like a foreign body to feel, so you must be careful.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

5. The skin around the mole begins to show other symptoms of discomfort

As mentioned earlier, normal moles have no big effect other than having a slight impact on the aesthetics. But once there are obvious symptoms of discomfort, there is a possibility that there is a problem with the mole.

For example, the skin around the mole begins to itch locally, and there may be bleeding or ulceration in severe cases, and there are some small moles next to the original mole, so you really have to be careful.

These 5 changes in the skin mole occur, be careful, or have developed into a malignant tumor, need to be paid attention to

The moles that appear in these 5 changes must always be careful, especially these 4 types of people, and pay more attention to the changes in the moles:

1. People who have been exposed to strong sunlight for a long time;

2. People who are often exposed to radiation;

3. People who often had blistered sunburn when they were young;

4. People with a family history of albinism, pancreatic cancer or melanoma.

These four types of people should pay special attention to the changes in their moles, it can be said that although the moles are small, even the moles in some places cannot attract our attention, but we cannot ignore it.

You should know that a small mole can also develop into a malignant tumor, which threatens your physical health and life safety.

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