
Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

A few days ago, a relative pushed an article in the family called "Long-term no fever, be careful that these diseases find you", which immediately caused an uproar in the group.

The elders are discussing fever-related issues, and even some elders are already afraid: "I haven't had a cold for almost 3 years, what can I do about this..."

Is it really angry and funny, isn't it good not to have a fever? Why do you think about having a fever?

But we do see some people who are in good health, usually do not even have a cold and fever, and suddenly one day they can't afford to get sick. It is also because of this that the saying that "long-term fever indicates that the body is not good" has slowly passed down, and even more and more mysterious.

Causes of fever

There are many causes of fever, such as bacteria, viruses and various infectious diseases caused by microorganisms, the most common of which are tonsillitis, pneumonia and so on. Of course, tumors, surgeries, and hyperthyroidism can also cause fever.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

However, in this special period, if you have a fever, don't deal with it yourself, after all, we don't know if you are infected with the new crown, and we can't afford the risk.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good?

No! Absolutely not! This statement must be corrected today!

Fever is actually a protective mechanism, when some "outlaws" in our body "do evil", as the internal "guard army" of our body's immune system will pay attention to it, and establish a "guard barrier". In many "ways of defending the city", raising body temperature is an important link.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

If you don't have a fever for a long time, it may just be that the "offensive" of those "outlaws" is relatively small, not enough to attract attention, and has little to do with your immunity.

From another point of view, if you do not have a fever for a long time, it means that your physical fitness is relatively good, or you usually pay more attention to maintenance and hygiene, and stay away from those pathogenic bacteria. Or the pathogenic bacteria have not yet entered the body, they have been solved by your immune cells, and there is no need to raise the body temperature.

However, fever is only one aspect and does not fully reflect your physical condition. Many diseases do not cause an increase in body temperature, the most typical of which are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and some tumors.

Therefore, your lack of fever does not mean that you will not get these diseases, the physical examination should still be done!

Why does a long-term fever suddenly become ill?

In real life, we do see some people, usually almost no fever, but suddenly one day sick, and then they can't afford to get sick, what is going on?

It is not difficult to understand that the emergence of a disease contains many factors, such as heredity, living habits, work and rest, diet, and perennial physical examination.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

Those who do not get sick for many years or do not have a fever and cold all year round are often the most likely to be careless, fighting for their "good health", never physical examination, carrying a small illness... As a result, carrying it on it turned a small illness into a major illness.

Therefore, even if you don't usually have a fever or a cold, regular physical examinations can not be forgotten!

Is it easier to get cancer without a fever for a long time?

I really don't know how this statement came out, but some people actually believe it!

Cancer is obviously because of the role of some carcinogenic factors, resulting in genetic mutations in our cells, and eventually develop into cancer, and fever is not necessarily related.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

So why is there such a false statement? In fact, because of negligence, long-term fever and cold, I and the people around me think that this person is in good health. Since you are in good health, you don't have to do a physical examination or anything, and the result? Those precancerous lesions are ignored in this careless way, and it is too late to find out when the diagnosis is made.

At this time, some people will feel that this person does not have a fever for a long time, and the result is that it is cancer, which must be more or less related.

These fever reduction methods are dangerous!

In the winter of the previous year, there was a half-year-old baby in Wuhan who had an enema fever because of fever, and as a result, the child was damaged in multiple organs and had acute kidney failure.

Long-term fever does not mean that the body is not good? More likely to get cancer? The truth is not so simple!

In the end, although he saved his life, he would have to do 10 hours of dialysis every day in the future, and he would also need to change his kidneys, who could have imagined that a fever would require such a big price.

This is the consequence of ignorance!

Although many large hospitals now have no enema fever, many township health centers are still in use. Because enemas are difficult to control the amount of medication, some medications will come out, and it is difficult for the doctor to judge how much the child has absorbed. At this time, once the drug is overdose, the consequences are really unimaginable.

In addition to enema fever, there are also anti-fever needles, alcohol fever and sweat fever are not recommended to try.

How to reliably reduce fever?

Drink plenty of warm water

Drinking warm water when fever can replenish water on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also increase urination and help the harmful substances and metabolites in the body to be discharged.

Take antipyretics

If it exceeds 38.5 ° C or when it is time to take the necessary medication, acetaminophen or ibuprofen tablets can be used under medical advice. When taking drugs, be sure to follow the doctor's advice, don't think that taking more medicine can get better quickly, just change the dosage at will!

Seek medical attention in a timely manner

If there is no improvement after taking antipyretic drugs, and the fever lasts for more than 3 days thereafter, then see a doctor quickly. If it is a child, accompanied by convulsions, diarrhea and dehydration, you must seek medical attention in time.

Other aspects

At this time, you must rest more, even if you are busy with work and study, you must give yourself time to slow down. Do a good job of indoor ventilation, do not close the doors and windows without any wind.

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