
"The hardest Chinese in the flow": the nucleic acid has turned negative, and after the isolation is over, continue to look for his son

Health Times reporter Qiu Yue

Hearing that he was now called "the hardest Chinese in the flow of the tune" by netizens, Yue Mou smiled and said: "I don't think I am hard, working and finding my son is my life, you also have your life, aren't you hard?" I have reported the case and submitted the petition materials, either to report anything, or I hope to get more information and find my son as soon as possible. ”

On January 19, Yang Beibei, deputy mayor of Beijing's Chaoyang District, announced at a press conference the activity trajectory of the new nucleic acid test positives in Chaoyang District on the 18th, Yue Mou traveled to 28 places in 18 days, worked until the early morning, and was called "the hardest Chinese in the flow".

On the morning of January 20, the Health Times reporter interviewed Yue Mou, the "hardest Chinese in the flow", who told the Health Times reporter: "I am still in isolation and treatment at Beijing Ditan Hospital, the nucleic acid has been negative, the fever has receded, there is still a little cough, the hospital and Chaoyang Disease Control staff are very good to me." ”

When you receive a call on the train that you are "standing still", the first reaction is to cooperate with the work

"Please don't move, give the phone to the flight attendant or the conductor, there is something that needs to be explained." Recalling that two days ago, when I received a call from the staff of the CDC on the train that was about to run from Beijing to Weihai, Yue told the Health Times reporter, "At that time, I was not nervous at all, and I thought I must cooperate with the work." ”

According to Yue's recollection, he handed the phone to the train conductor at that time, and the train captain told Yue after answering the phone that his nucleic acid was abnormal and needed to be isolated.

"I immediately obeyed the arrangement and got off the train, put on my protective clothing, and when the car picked me up, I was directly pulled to ditan hospital." Yue told the Health Times reporter, "I am not afraid at all, now the country is so strong, what disease is not cured, I believe in the country, I believe in the government." ”

On January 20, the nucleic acid was negative and the health code was restored to the green code

Yue showed his Shandong health code to the Health Times reporter, and the health code has shown a green code, prompting "no abnormality in health verification", and the nucleic acid test information query column is also displayed as "negative".

"The hardest Chinese in the flow": the nucleic acid has turned negative, and after the isolation is over, continue to look for his son

The health code provided by Yue Mou, provided by the interviewee.

Yue told the Health Times reporter that the latest nucleic acid collected on January 20 has been negative, "Now I have everything normal, it is fine, but I still need to continue to isolate." ”

According to Yue's description, his body temperature rose to nearly 38 ° C on the 19th, but after taking the medicine, the fever basically subsided that night, and by the morning of the 20th, he felt basically recovered.

"I don't need money, I just want to find my son"

Yue Mou said that this time he came to Beijing to find his son who had been lost for two years while doing odd jobs, "Beijing has a high salary, and there are still six people in the family who have fathers and mothers, wives and children to support, and I can't stop working, nor can I stop looking for my son." ”

"The hardest Chinese in the flow": the nucleic acid has turned negative, and after the isolation is over, continue to look for his son

Yue Mou looked for the son, the interviewee provided a picture.

Since the announcement of Yue's whereabouts, many caring people have tried to get in touch with him and want to fund him, but he said: "I don't need money, I have hands and feet to earn money, yesterday the hospital charged me 150 yuan, and then gave me another 500 yuan, and another doctor wanted to give me 2,000 yuan, which I refused." The medicines I eat, live and use now are arranged by the state, the isolation ward of a single room, the medical staff and the staff of the CDC are very concerned about me, I don't need anything, I just want to find my son. ”

Yue told the Health Times reporter that in the past two years, in order to facilitate the search for his son, he bought a three-wheeled motorcycle, drove everywhere to find his son, sometimes ate and lived in the car, and the Spring Festival in 2021 was spent on the motorcycle. "I believe my son just accidentally lost, and when my quarantine is over, I'm going to go home and get on my motorcycle and continue to find my son."

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