
When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Fever is a body's defense response caused by a variety of diseases, and studies have shown that most of the causes are related to colds or other epidemics, or may be caused by low resistance.

Therefore, fever is a common disease in people's daily life and work, and the general patient will feel muscle pain throughout the body and the head is also very painful.

This is a normal reaction to the disease, patients do not need to worry too much, as long as the fever is treated with the correct anti-fever method, the body can return to normal.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

First, adhere to indoor air circulation

If there is air conditioning at home, you should insist that the indoor temperature is 25 ~ 27 ° C, and if there is no case, you need to open the window to ventilate and ventilate.

And during the fever process, we should pay attention to keeping warm and let the body temperature gradually drop, but if the patient's limbs are cold and shaking violently, it is necessary to use a hot water bottle to improve.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Second, sleep on ice pillows

When fever is feverish, sleeping ice pillows can help dissipate heat, but it is not recommended for children to use, because children do not move their bodies often after falling asleep, it is easy to cause local cold or hypothermia.

So the child recommends using antipyretic cream, which can take away the heat without excessive cooling, and is the best way to cool down.

However, in the process of sleeping on the ice pillow, parents should grasp the time and not let the child sleep for a long time.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Third, physical cooling

This is a very traditional method of pressing the brain door with a wet towel and then relieving the body's fever symptoms.

Of course, you can also use a more convenient antipyretic sticker than a hot compress, which also saves the trouble of changing towels every other time.

However, it should be noted that the hot compress time can not be too long, if you want to cool with water, it is best to wipe the forehead, armpits or hands and feet with warm water to achieve better results.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Fourth, drink more water

When the fever occurs, the body is prone to dehydration, which is caused by the body's water against viruses in the body. Good to drink boiled water, do not drink too much at a time, if necessary, you can drink some ginger sugar water, that is, slice or chop the ginger and cook it with brown sugar.

Patients need to pay attention to drinking while it is hot, and then sleep later, so that the body can return to normal faster.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Fifth, use a fever-reducing needle

When the fever is severe, the spanking needle has a good cooling effect, so that the disease can be controlled quickly.

Therefore, in most cases, after the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees, you can first perform a buttock injection to lower the body temperature, and then take medication or physical cooling.

Of course, if the patient is a child, in the process of spanking injections, parents must cooperate with the doctor to give the child an injection.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

Sixth, antipyretics

The choice of antipyretic treatment is mainly for people with a body temperature of more than 38.5 degrees, because the human body temperature is too high, and when the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, the enzyme activity in the body will be damaged.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose some antipyretic drugs, including oral, muscle injections, intravenous injections, etc., no matter which medication method, in the process of choosing medication, it is best to combine their own conditions to determine, do not take drugs casually.

When you have a fever, you may wish to try these 6 methods, or can help reduce fever, need to understand

In general, the temperature is not very high after fever, which can be treated by physical cooling, during which attention should also be paid to covering the quilt at night and drinking ginger water.

However, this method is only suitable for the early stage of fever, if the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, you need to go to the hospital immediately, understand the symptoms, and treat them under the guidance of a doctor, so as to reduce the body temperature as soon as possible.

Therefore, there are many ways to reduce fever when fever, and which one to choose is best to go to the hospital for examination.

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