
Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

As soon as the child is sick, the whole family chicken flies and the dog jumps

Usually no matter how obedient the child is

It may also be due to physical discomfort

Instantly transform into a "divine beast"

Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

Once your child develops symptoms of fever

Parents should not delay

And don't pin your hopes on folk remedies

You should still seek medical attention as soon as possible

And before that

A medical cold compress gel can be used

Relieves the discomfort caused by your child's fever

Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

Medical cold compress gel is a kind of external cooling substance

It is also widely used in clinical applications

At the time of fever symptoms

It can play a good physical cooling effect

Of course, it does more than that

Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

Parents for medical cold compress gel

It's easy to get a misconception

That is to use a medical cold compress gel

It will give your child a fever reduction

First of all, Reading Zi can tell everyone with great certainty:

Medical cold compress gel can not reduce fever!!

It just cools down on the surface of the body!!

Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

To speed up the cooling speed

A medical cold compress gel can be applied

Apply to forehead, temples and other areas at the same time

And it can be reused

The ball design is also able to allow parents

More convenient for children

Can you use a medical cold compress gel to reduce your child's fever? The truth is this!

Summer is here

It's season again for air conditioning and fans

Parents must pay attention to their children not to catch a cold

After all, now once the fever symptoms appear

It's still quite worrying.

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