
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

author:Who is not yet a clown
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

The South Korean film emperor Huang Zhengmin's version of Mr. Wu's rescue is definitely overturned!

I had been looking forward to this movie for a long time, and I liked it very much, and Korean movies were better at crime movies than domestic censorship. Hwang Jung-min is also a Korean actor who is particularly fond of him! Today I finally saw this Korean film hostage, remade from the domestic movie To Save Mr. Wu. Conclusion This is a bad movie, OK!

Huang Zhengmin's classic works are numerous, and the south Korean drama-level film emperor needless to say. The acting skills in this movie are actually as stable as ever, and the character emotions and character reactions that should be expressed are also well done!

South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

But I really can't stand the overall story of this movie, the adaptation is too bad, completely illogical! Spit it out, involving some spoilers, please read [A flash of inspiration]

1, the robber boss completely collapsed.

First of all, the robbers must have kidnapped hostages for money, and the killing of people is also to eliminate clues, which is logical.

However, after getting rid of the police arrest, the robber boss found that he was wanted, and went to the police station to turn himself in, and the purpose of the movie expressed that he was probably to delay time and then eliminate a group of policemen?? What the is this fairy plot?? What is the purpose?? This is neither fierce nor cruel nor high intelligence, this obviously mentally retarded, okay?

After the regiment eliminated all the policemen, it was good that tuanji [covered his face] [covered his face] and then casually picked up a silver suspected Cort python revolver, and then went to the place of detention without uncuffing. Did not explain the specific purpose, probably to find Huang Zhengmin and the little brother, may want to kill and hate?? No motives at all!

In all kinds of violent crimes, the technical content of kidnapping should be much higher than robbery, theft! This kidnapper gang is simply neurotic, kidnapped in front of Huang Zhengmin's house, the surveillance video is clearly filmed, then tear up the ticket and fart?

In addition, the kidnapper boss found himself exposed not to run, wanted by the police or not to run, but to turn himself in and drag out time? Alas, it can only mean that these two intelligences are firmly locked in by the screenwriter.

South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

2, the Korean police were hacked too badly, which is also a basic feature of Korean crime movies!

From the beginning to the end, the police officers of the Seoul Wide Search Force in South Korea are a bunch of big fools, I really don't know how the casting is chosen, it feels like a group of people selected by the unemployment benefit agency? The only memory point of the female policewoman who is relatively prominent in the scene is that one is the facial features that are plastic surgery to obscurity! The other is that the accomplices were shot like two people and were shot by the handcuffed kidnapper boss twice! Is this South Korean police too special waste?

There is also the white-haired criminal police head, pretending to be like a stupid X, first interrogating the Erlangzi kidnappers, turning off the surveillance after a probationary confession, the result of the Erlangzi biting the tongue [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] (in addition, science pointed out, biting the tongue to commit suicide is not scientific at all, the pain ordinary people can't stand, basically can't die) and then interrogating the kidnapper boss, after a kindergarten like fighting wisdom, the result was brought into the circle by the mentally handicapped boss [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet], Finally the homemade glass nail earth bomb regiment wiped out all the police, is this particularly scientific? Deal with a group of kidnappers with homemade weapons to rescue and hold hostages, and the police force must also deploy enough police force! It is reasonable to injure or even kill a few, and all the regiments will be destroyed? Are you kidding me?

South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

3, Huang Zhengmin's character image setting is a bit too much, and the IQ of the kidnapper gang is really nothing to say!

Let's start with the kidnappers! A planned kidnapping will pick a star? Will the kidnapping of Huang Zhengmin be done under the camera in front of the house? Directly to the meat ticket to see the ticket tearing process? There are two meat tickets tied here, and there is still the mood to applaud love over there? Can the holding of hostages be entrusted to an intellectually handicapped person? Kidnapping hostages when they are not shut?

Finally, let's talk about Huang Zhengmin's characters! After being kidnapped, was he too calm and witty, and too brave? This part should really learn from Andy Lau's performance in Mr. Wu, even if you want to show the wit and bravery of the characters, you should also make up moderately. If you are interested, you can experiment, you don't need to be kidnapped at all, just tie people's hands and feet, and ordinary people generally lose their mobility in six hours! After more than twelve hours, basic people are paralyzed! Also a battle of wits and courage or run away to fight?? alas!

Also, a bunch of kidnappers and 5 people, there are also loan sharks in the middle of the term! Kidnapping Hwang Jeong-min for 500 million won? A total of more than 2 million? Money laundering through the underworld and still have to be pickpocketed 10%? If you succeed, you will kill a national actor?? Playing?? Korean dishwashing aunt did a good job of 1.5 million a month! Chinese hard workers working in South Korea can earn 300,000 a day! The minimum hourly wage in South Korea seems to be more than 9,000! So it's all ridiculous, right?

South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned
South Korean film emperor Hwang Jeong-min's new film hostage overturned

Compared with the domestic rescue Mr. Wu, the hostages of this adaptation are absolutely overturned, and the script and casting are a mess! What a blind actor as Huang Zhengmin!

There are still many people on the Internet who blow, I personally like Korean movies, but I will definitely not blow it brainlessly, good is good, bad is bad!

Above [Teeth] [Teeth]

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