
Full of confidence in achieving the goal in 2022 Jianghuai Automobile continues to write high growth

In 2021, in the face of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the shortage of global chip supply and other unfavorable situations, Jianghuai Automobile rose to the challenge and composed a legend of high growth against the trend: the annual sales exceeded the 500,000 mark, won a number of domestic and foreign awards and honors, and the brand was highly recognized by consumers and politicians and business people around the world. Multi-dimensional innovation can be described as the key to the success of JacHuai Automobile: new models emerge in an endless stream, MIS Haoxue architecture sword pulls out of its sheath, strategic cooperation is promoted in an all-round way...

Jianghuai Automobile has made new achievements in many fields, and the strongest report card in history is exciting: from January to December 2021, the cumulative sales volume of Jianghuai Automobile was 524,000 units, an increase of 15.63% year-on-year, far higher than the average growth level of the industry.

Looking forward to 2022, Jianghuai Automobile is full of confidence and is ready to continue to write a high-growth legend: to greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results and make greater contributions to the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui.

The word "new" is one of the important keywords in the development of Jianghuai Automobile in 2021.

In April 2021, under the unfavorable domestic and foreign situation, jianghuai automobile led the high-speed movement against the trend.

In 2021, Jianghuai Automobile will continue to amaze all parties in terms of the launch of new models. Under the witness of millions of people around the world, JacQue Automobile's new model JS4 was officially released online, and the prelude to the international passenger car 3.0 era was fully opened; the Zhimei pure electric tide car Sihao E10X was officially listed, providing intelligent solutions for young people's commuting, colorful and fashionable Q10X not only led the new trend of urban shuttle, but also brought a heavy impact on the A00-level pure electricity market with its Ashkenazi intelligent manufacturing genes and many intelligent configurations The new generation of passenger pickup truck T8PRO for 17 major international markets synchronously released, from T6 to T8, and then to T8PRO, JAC pickup truck continues to open up high-end markets, to help overseas markets continue to expand rapidly; the blockbuster release of "cold chain No. 1" Dr. Jianghuai Bing refrigerated truck, with intelligent, high-tech cold chain transportation mode for agricultural products supply chain industry to bring new high-value solutions, inject new momentum into the development of the industry.

Whether it is in the field of passenger cars or commercial vehicles, every appearance of new models of JacHuai Automobile has aroused strong repercussions in the industry. Among them, in recent years, Jiangqi Group is constantly improving its organizational structure, strengthening core technology capacity building, continuously improving its independent research and development capabilities, and continuously enhancing its pragmatic efforts to continuously enhance its product strength.

In 2021, one of the most eye-catching plots interpreted by Jianghuai Automobile also includes the opening of the new energy era of "Sihao", and the transformation and upgrading of intelligent and electrification directions continue to accelerate.

In April, at the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show, Sihao brand officially released the high-intelligence, high-performance, "MIS Haoxue Intelligent Vehicle Modular Architecture" technology brand, referred to as MIS Haoxue Architecture, Sihao Automobile entered the era of comprehensive architecture car manufacturing. This is a demonstration of jiangqi group's latest achievements in the field of advanced energy saving. Mis Haoxue architecture adopts a hybrid special DHE with a thermal efficiency of up to 43%, builds a multi-mode hybrid system, and combines the weight reduction of the whole vehicle to achieve more than 40% energy saving and consumption reduction. In June, the first model of MIS Haoxue architecture, Sihao QX, built with the theme of "Hao qi heart to Hao Qi xing", was officially launched.

Full of confidence in achieving the goal in 2022 Jianghuai Automobile continues to write high growth

At the 2021 Shanghai International Auto Show, the MIS Haoxue architecture was officially released

At the same time, the "new" cooperation situation is constantly being created. Whether it is the joint venture with Weilai to establish Jianglai Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd., the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement with Horizon to open the mass production of domestic independent research and development of high-end models of autonomous driving, or the signing of a strategic cooperation framework agreement with iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. to carry out in-depth intelligent cooperation in many fields, the main plot line followed by Jacques Automobile is clear: whether it is the global development trend of electrification, automatic driving or intelligence, it is still being explored in development, and the huge capital and personnel investment are needed. It is difficult for any enterprise to achieve it alone; through the continuous deepening of cooperation with many strategic partners, the transformation of intelligent networking and new energy vehicles will be promoted more rapidly, and the long-term growth space will continue to expand.

Full of confidence in achieving the goal in 2022 Jianghuai Automobile continues to write high growth

JAC Weilai advanced manufacturing base all-aluminum body production line

In terms of export business, Jianghuai Automobile's exports reached 73,500 units in 2021, a substantial increase of 100.41% year-on-year. Behind this is the marketing network that Jiangqi Group has established covering more than 130 countries and regions in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. In the journey to the sea, JAC Automobile has continuously strengthened external cooperation, actively innovated marketing models, and expanded its overseas R&D team, and its increasingly safer, environmentally friendly and comfortable travel solutions have been recognized by consumers and politicians and business people around the world.

In 2021, Jianghuai Automobile won a number of awards and honors at home and abroad. According to a brand value survey report cooperated by kantar and Google, Jiangqi Group ranked 40th among the top 50 Chinese brands and ranked 5th among China's local car brands; Sihao A5 won the runner-up of the 9th annual Altair Enlighten Award for automobile lightweighting, making Chinese car companies stand on the podium of the international award for the first time; at the 2021 World Intelligent Connected Vehicle Conference, Sihao QX won the "Intelligent Connected Vehicle Award" with its excellent performance in intelligent networking. Popular models of intelligent and connected passenger cars", ranked high in the "Anting Index", China Automobile (Passenger Car) Enterprise Innovation Ranking, China Automobile (Passenger Vehicle) Enterprise Innovation Ranking, China Automobile (Commercial Vehicle) Enterprise Innovation Ranking and many other lists...

In addition, in the "Notice on Releasing Typical Cases of Digital Transformation of State-Owned Enterprises in 2020" issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the "JAC Auto Intelligent Cloud Interconnection Digital Marketing Ecosystem" was selected as an excellent case of digital transformation of state-owned enterprises in 2020. In the list of state-owned key enterprise management benchmarking creation action benchmarking enterprises, benchmarking projects and benchmarking models ("three benchmarks") released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the project "Digital Transformation of Jiangqi Group Based on the Integration of Informatization and Informatization Management System" was selected as the state-owned key enterprise management benchmarking creation action benchmarking project.

As one of the leading enterprises in China's automotive industry, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Co., Ltd. has formulated an exciting vision for the development of the Year of the Tiger: in the face of 2022, Jiangqi Group will continue to embrace the needs of users, steadily improve product quality, price positioning and even the overall brand level, and meet the diversified needs of consumers in the new era with more excellent product strength, bringing users a better travel experience.

At a time when the wave of transformation and upgrading is sweeping the global automotive industry, Jianghuai Automobile continues to strengthen the gene of scientific and technological innovation, accelerates the direction of digitalization, networking, intelligence, electrification and green development, and the road to vigorous development in 2022 is expected.

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