
How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

In "The Book of the Dragon Slaughtering in the Heavens", the Ming Sect suddenly rose in the martial forest, and the wulin of the Archery Eagle and the Divine Eagle did not have the Ming Sect at all.

The main masters in the Ming Sect are: the Sect Leader, the Bright Left and Right Envoys, the Four Dharma Kings, the Five Scattered People, and the Five Elements Banner Bearer.

Yang Dingtian made Xie Xun the deputy head of the sect in his last words, but before the Ming Sect did not have the position of deputy head of the sect.

Judging from the combat effectiveness of the Ming Sect masters, these dozen people can be called the heroes of the martial forest.

Most of the jin yong martial arts sects are like this, and one or more big brother-level figures form a small group.

How strong the combat effectiveness of this small group is, it determines how strong this sect is.

From the perspective of the organizational structure of modern enterprises, the organizational structure of Mingjiao is actually very bad and has great shortcomings.

If any of the readers are human resources, they can see the problems.

The Ming Sect's Bright Left and Right Envoys, the Four Dharma Kings, the Five Elements Banner Bearer, and the Five Scattered People have no affiliation with each other.

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

To put it bluntly, no one obeys anyone.

Yang Xiao can be described as "under one person, above ten thousand people" in the Ming Sect, and he himself also drummed up a storm and thunder and lightning four doors.

However, Yang Xiao could not control the Four Dharma Kings and the Five Scattered People, and could only adjust his own storm clouds and thunder and lightning four doors.

And the four kings of the Ming Sect were not fixed positions, there were originally only three, Wei Yixiao, Yin Tianzheng and Xie Xun.

Because Daisy won the battle against Han Qianye in the water and saved face for Yang Dingtian, there was one more Dharma King.

The Messengers of Light and the Four Kings of the Ming Sect were all staff officers and assistants of the Sect Leader, but they were awarded different titles according to the value of the force.

In this way, the things that the Ming Sect decided had to rely on the Yang Ding Tian, and no one but him could decide things.

In fact, the Five Elements Banner is the foundation of the Ming Sect, and the Five Palm Banners really govern the Ming Sect's people.

For example, Chang Yuchun is under the banner of Jumu, Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Da are under the banner of flood, and they are all well-known good men.

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

Next, let's talk about the martial arts of the Ming Sect masters.

The strength of the Second Immortal, Yang Xiao and Fan Yao is not much different, and in the later stage of "Leaning Heaven", Yang Xiao is slightly stronger than Fan Yao.

Fan Yao's martial arts were slightly superior to Xie Xun's, and they were not much stronger than Yin Tianzheng's.

The Ming Sect's Idle Second Immortal was only a little stronger than Wei Yixiao and Daisy.

Daisy is indeed not strong enough, Wei Yixiao relies on light skills, basically can stand in an invincible position.

Daisy couldn't take advantage of the exterminator too.

The Protector Of the Fa King is the Five Scattered People, and the status of the Five Scattered People is actually very high, at least similar to that of the Five Elements Banner Bearer.

How strong is the strength of the five scattered people? Because most of the TV series and movies have deleted the scenes of the five scattered people.

Therefore, many readers think that the five scattered people are five small people, and the martial arts are very bad.

In fact, the martial arts of the five scattered people are very strong, and even compared to the Seven Heroes of Wudang, they are not much worse.

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

The five scattered people include: Mr. Lengmian Lengqian, Peng Monk Peng Yingyu, Iron Crown Daoist Zhang Zhong, Cloth Bag Monk Can't Say, and Zhou Qian, the Strong King of Mouth.

The martial arts of the five scattered people are generally of the same grade, of which Leng Qian is the strongest and Zhou Qian is the weakest.

Peng Yingyu is the backbone of the five scattered people, and this person's martial arts cultivation can be regarded as a really good man.

The original work of "Leaning Heaven" has such a description, Peng Yingyu picked eight, singled out eight decent masters.

Among these 8 upright masters were Ji Xiaofu and Ding Minjun, disciples of the Emei Sect.

Ji Xiaofu is the next generation leader in the extinction heart, and the martial arts cultivation is very strong, and Ding Minjun is not much worse than Ji Xiaofu.

In addition, there are two Shaolin Yuanzi masters and four other decent masters.

Pick eight, what is this concept? In Jin Yong's martial arts works, in addition to the strength crushing, how many people dare to pick eight?

Huang Yaoshi beat Quanzhen Seven Sons, and Qiu Chuji fought seven monsters, relying on strength to crush them.

If it is not crushed by strength and the formation of a dimensionality reduction strike, it is very difficult to pick three.

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

What is the end of Peng Yingyu's pick and eight?

He faced the siege of eight decent masters, killed 1 Shaolin monk, and seriously injured 5 people, leaving only Ding Minjun and Ji Xiaofu uninjured.

In fact, Peng Yingyu's overall strength is only stronger than Zhang Cuishan when she first appeared.

In order to investigate the truth about Yu Daiyan's injury, Zhang Cuishan ran to the Longmen Dart Bureau, only to be misunderstood by the Shaolin monks.

The three Shaolin monks of the Yuanzi generation can fight with Zhang Cuishan without distinction between victory and defeat, and they are on an equal footing.

The three yuanzi senior monks may not be the upper limit of Zhang Cuishan, but Zhang Cuishan's coping with the three of them is also a bit difficult.

And Peng Yingyu, single-handedly picking out five or six monks of the round character generation is not much of a problem.

From the above analysis, we can see that Peng Yingyu's strength is not weaker than Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan.

Yu Daiyan's age is similar to Zhang Cuishan's, and his actual combat experience may be a little richer, but his comprehensive strength will not be stronger than Zhang Cuishan.

Look at the body method of saying no, saying no, it is so fast that people are confused.

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

When Brother Wuji had just practiced the Nine Yang Divine Skills, he was said not to be able to find the north near the top of the light.

He couldn't say anything about it, so he stuffed Zhang Wujie into a cloth bag, and Zhang Wuji didn't even have the opportunity to fight back.

Regardless of the unspeakable internal force cultivation for the time being, the speed of his body technique was definitely the first-level level of the Heavenly Leaning.

As for Mr. Leng Leng, the head of the five scattered people, it is a typical "people don't talk much".

Cold and humble do not like to talk, the whole book seems to have no lines.

In the Battle of Guangming Peak, Leng Qian dared to go head-to-head with The Thunderbolt Mixer Cheng Kun, and it took 30 moves to be defeated.

What is this concept? Cheng Kun's strength is very strong, counting the phantom yin finger, the strength is not weaker than xuan di yi lao.

Shi Huolong, the leader of the Gang, was killed by Cheng Kun's 12 palms (of course, Cheng Kun himself vomited blood).

How high is the martial arts of the Ming Sect's Five Scattered People, and can they be compared to Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan?

Moreover, at this time, Cheng Kun was not a remnant of blood, but a Cheng Kun with a slight loss of physical strength.

Later, when he confronted King Yin Ye, Cheng Kun was the one who was bloodied into Kun, because he was broken by Zhang Wujie.

In the case that the phantom yin finger was not broken, Leng Qian could single out about 30 moves with Cheng Kun, which was not strong enough?

Among the Seven Heroes of Wudang, except for Yu Lianzhou and Song Yuanqiao, I am afraid that no one can single out 30 moves with Cheng Kun.

Therefore, the strength of the ming sect's five scattered people is also good, except for Zhou Qian's slightly weaker, the rest are good men!

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