
The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

Su Shi once said in a poem: "I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but I am only in this mountain." "The truth of the facts is the result of unremitting exploration, but the people of the world are often confused for a long time by the blindness of the moment, and it is incomprehensible to outsiders, so the people of the world should learn to listen to the opinions of others and look at things in a comprehensive way." Only in this way can we restore the original nature of things.

As a country with thousands of years of glorious civilization, China is full of mysterious charms and attracts countless people to come and visit. In contemporary China, ancient tombs have become the focus of attention of countless scholars and experts today, and many experts and scholars are committed to exploring and excavating new ancient tombs, looking forward to discovering historical truths and filling historical gaps.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

In 2004, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics in Shaanxi Province inadvertently discovered the relics left by ancient times during the construction of a new campus. Soon, the archaeologists rushed to the site of the ruins, and after preliminary investigation and research, they basically determined that there was a large-scale ancient tomb under the ground.

Subsequently, the archaeologists reported to the higher authorities and requested excavations. After comprehensive consideration, the excavation of the tomb was approved. Shortly thereafter, archaeologists began excavations and clean-ups.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

Archaeologists have certain expectations for the size of the tomb, and when the tomb is fully presented to everyone, its size shocks everyone present, and this ancient mausoleum with a length and width of hundreds of meters is the "second largest tomb in China" that has been excavated in China so far.

According to the study of the funerary products excavated in the tomb, archaeologists basically determined the identity of the owner of the tomb, she was the grandmother of Qin Shi Huang, Empress Xia. In this grand mausoleum, archaeologists unearthed many valuable cultural relics and brought many new discoveries to the Chinese archaeological community.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

During the excavation, archaeologists found the skeletons of many animals in the southeast corner of the mausoleum. During the identification of these animal skeletons, an animal skull caught the attention of archaeologists. Unlike the skeletons of many other animals, the strange thing about this skull is that experts can't determine exactly what kind of animal it is.

Just when domestic experts were puzzled, foreign experts recognized the animal skull and pointed out the reason. So, what exactly is this animal skull? And why did it appear in Empress Xia's mausoleum?

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

The excavation of the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother lasted for 4 years, and many new discoveries in it have brought a lot of shock to the archaeological community. Among the many excavations, the skull of a strange animal has puzzled many experts and scholars, they compared the skeletons of many animals, none of which matched it, and the research work on this animal skull was in trouble. After trying many methods, research around this animal skull has not progressed. Just when the experts and scholars were about to give up, foreign experts woke up the "dream man" with a word, they thought that the skull was primate.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

After the mystery surrounding this animal skull was unveiled in 2012, Chinese experts and scholars named the gibbon "Imperial Gentleman Gibbon" based on ancient books and excavation sites. After the mystery surrounding this animal skull was uncovered, Chinese experts and scholars named the gibbon "Imperial Gentleman Gibbon" based on ancient books and places of origin.

Foreign experts said that the skeleton of this gibbon will appear in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother, and it is very likely that this gibbon is the pet of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother, and after her death, her pet was used for burial. This inference is supported by the discovery of traces of chains on the skeletons of other animals, which in part proves the historical fact that they were domesticated.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

Domestic experts are puzzled, in fact, because they have fallen into the misunderstanding of thinking, they have not thought that gibbons can exist in the ancient Shaanxi region, and foreign experts are not subject to these restrictions, they only need to observe the skull, and then find similar animal skulls.

Foreign experts say that this gibbon is likely to live in the ancient Shaanxi region. More than 2,000 years ago, the Shaanxi region was densely forested and the climate was humid and hot, which was a suitable area for the life of the imperial gentleman gibbon. As human activity intensified, trees were cut down in large numbers, the climate shifted, and the population of imperial gentleman gibbons decreased dramatically, eventually leading to the extinction of the species.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang's grandmother unearthed a strange biological skull, experts were puzzled, and foreign experts pointed out the reason

The discovery of the imperial gentleman gibbon is of great significance to some Chinese scholars, and it has a high reference significance for the study of ancient organisms and climate. These joint studies on the skulls of the imperial gentlemen gibbons are conducive to the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultural research, and also provide a new direction and new way for future research work.

Through this incident, we should realize that we should pay attention to the environment. Now we have the ability to transform nature, but we still can't control nature, and many natural disasters have caused great damage to human beings. While cherishing the environment, we should pay attention to protecting the environment and avoiding biological extinction as much as possible, which is both a respect for nature and a kind of self-help for human beings.

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