
"Serial" long-form reportage "Bow" (VII)

author:Luqu County Rong Media Center
"Serial" long-form reportage "Bow" (VII)
"Serial" long-form reportage "Bow" (VII)
"Serial" long-form reportage "Bow" (VII)

Chapter III

Avenue to Jane (Bottom)


Although the cadres do not understand in their hearts, they must also think of convincing themselves, understanding and implementing them for personal progress and obedience to work arrangements. It is necessary not only to implement it well, but also to help and lead farmers and herders in backward areas to clean up environmental sanitation. Therefore, in the early days of the "environmental revolution", cadres not only had to clean up the garbage around themselves and in their hearts, but also went to the villages and herdsmen in Baobao to help them clean up the garbage and clean up. Many times, the herders not only do not appreciate and cooperate, but also look at them coldly or say a few cool words with a sense of resistance. Once, when Tashi Cao went to his own relatives' homes in pastoral areas to do mobilization work, his relatives unceremoniously told her: "Is it ridiculous that a cadre comes to the pastoral area to clean up?" Don't you really have anything serious to do? ”

To the surprise of everyone, including Tashi Cao, after a few years of persistence in a simple thing, a miraculous effect appeared.

In the past, everyone walked in the corridor of the unit, walked on the road, walked on the square or other public places, and walked with their heads up, and no one could see the surrounding environment, let alone the cigarette butts and garbage under their feet. When Yu Chenghui and other leaders said that they would pick up hundreds of cigarette butts and garbage on the road every day, Tashi Cao was still secretly wondering in his heart, where did so much garbage and cigarette butts come from? But then, as the number of times she picked up the garbage increased, she suddenly found that her eyes had become bright, and every tiny garbage was clearly and intolerable. Every day, when she went to work and left the house, she had to carry a pair of disposable gloves and garbage bags in her pockets, and on the way, she saw the garbage picked up casually, and put the garbage she picked up in front of the door before entering the unit gate. She also finally found that once people's habits are formed, it is really difficult to change. Once she went to Shenzhen on a business trip, found a lot of garbage on the streets of Shenzhen, and involuntarily picked it up one by one, wrapped it in paper, and threw it into the nearby garbage bin.

People in the company joked with her: "Did the garbage come to Shenzhen?" Is it addictive? ”

Tashi replied, "Yeah, I want to pick up all the garbage in the country!" ”

In the agency, colleagues not only developed the habit of "zero tolerance" of garbage like her, but also underwent major changes in their attitudes and enthusiasm for people and work. Concepts are being renewed, capabilities are improving, and efficiency is also significantly improving. The lazy style, procrastination efficiency, and the style of being an official and a master in the past have disappeared. In the past, the attitude of a grass-roots clerk to the organ was to ignore the reason, but now there is a modest attitude, moderate enthusiasm, and a gentle smile everywhere.

The speed of the work has increased significantly, and in the past, even her leader in the front row asked for a small amount of material for at least a day or two, urging a reply of "Oh, oh, oh! Again, "Oh yeah, oh yeah! "But no one sent the materials." Travel back to report the account, generally there is no half a month or a month of travel expenses will certainly not be reported back. It is said that one county actually suppressed the travel expenses of the deputy county governor for more than 8 months and did not deal with it. Since Gannan is an important ecological region and an important ecological protection barrier in the country, the state has already given them preferential policies for all transfer payments, and there will never be no money in finance, but it cannot be reported, and a question is "Oh, oh, oh!" Processing! The next question is still "Oh, oh! Processing! Seeing the efficiency and consciousness of the yak, the leaders could do nothing. As long as outsiders deal with certain cadres or employees in Gannan, most of them are iron blue in the face, shaking their heads like a rattle, and they are miserable. Now, the organ is really like an organ, and the number of cadres and employees of the "Oh-oh" type has decreased significantly.

What moved Tashi Cao even more was that the relatives of the pastoral area who originally had great opinions about themselves not only consciously cleaned up their own houses and outside their homes, but also completely liberated themselves from the filth and smell of cow and sheep feces, but also learned to sort garbage.

Tashi Cao was going to accompany the NPC delegation to various places to investigate, and this time she seemed particularly excited. In the past, when the chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of these places got together, they all turned around to publicize or boast about the work of their localities: this "nationally well-known", the "national first", and the one is unique! At this time, Tashi Cao was silent, because his Gannan Prefecture really had nothing to show off. Because nothing has ever been ranked ahead of the country in all these years, there have been two famous incidents, or negative, what is there to say? Most of the time, she hopes that the members of the league will understand and understand her colleagues from backward areas, and not always boast about her past and talk about the future is not good? Gannan has good mountains and good water, Tashi Cao knows in his heart, that is natural existence, not the credit of man, moreover, when mentioning the beautiful natural scenery, someone will always say about Gannan's dirty mess. Some people said that when they went to Gannan, they didn't expect it to be so dirty and unhygienic: "That smell, it's unbelievable!" "Sometimes some people say that the people of Gannan are not as simple as they used to be, and they go to their homes to take pictures and chase after them for money... In short, it is not this bad, or that problem, so good scenery seems to be wasted in our hands.

Now, Tashi Cao felt that he had a lot of confidence. Since the launch of the "environmental revolution" in 2015, Gannan's fame has become more and more famous, and many big cities can't do things that Gannan has done in a small place; many things that can't be done in such a good place with an external environment, Gannan has done it, almost creating a myth. Now when it comes to Gannan's "no garbage in the whole region" activity, almost all parts of the country know it, and those who originally looked down on Gannan are all vying to visit and study in Gannan. Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, and the province... Everywhere. "People's Daily," CCTV, Guangming Ribao, "Economic Daily," and various media in Gansu Province are staring at Gannan propaganda reports; the on-site meetings of several mouths in the central and provincial governments have been put in Gannan to open; and leaders of provinces and cities in the province have said at every meeting that Gannan's "no garbage in the whole region" is a legend in Tibet-related areas, and Tashi Cao, as a representative of the Gannan people, is naturally proud of his confidence.

"Let the inferiority and cowardice of the past go to hell!" Tashi Cao said secretly in his heart.

Before this inspection of various places, Tashi Cao pondered in his heart, about Gannan's achievements and legends, is it to tell everyone or not to talk about it? If you don't talk about it, it means very modest and low-key; if you don't talk about it, you are selflessly sharing it with everyone. As a result, that time she made Gannan's "no garbage in the whole region" a central topic, and everyone was talking about this matter over and over again along the way, and the directors of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in several places had to finalize the time with Tashi Cao at that time, and they wanted to lead the team to Gannan to study and learn from the scriptures. Tashi Cao said that she also behaved particularly atmospheric that time, promising and guaranteeing that the visitors would not be worth the trip.

When the "environmental revolution" in Gannan is steadily advancing, about to enter the stage of transition and upgrading, and began to plan to build a "five-free Gannan" (no garbage, no fertilizer, no plastic, no pollution, no pollution), there is news that Yu Chenghui may leave Gannan because of his work. Therefore, some cadres had the courage to ask Tashi Cao: "If Yu Chenghui leaves Gannan, will our 'environmental revolution' stop?" ”

"No!" Tashi Cao did not answer the question of whether Yu Chenghui left, but firmly answered another question, "Today in Gannan is done by a group of people from the state party committee with everyone, and it is also the crystallization of the feelings and painstaking efforts of each of our cadres and masses." I think because each of us has really paid, each of us knows that all this is not easy to come by, and we understand its value and significance, and we can know how to protect and cherish it. In fact, as the highest authority representing the people, The previous director of the People's Congress, An Jinlong, presided over the legislation of the systems, regulations, and regulations related to the "environmental revolution", among which the "Regulations on the Protection of the Ecological Environment in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province" have been approved and approved by the Provincial People's Congress; if anyone really starts from personal purposes and tries to start a new stove, then it is necessary to ask the people of Gannan whether they agree and ask whether people are willing to go back to the past. But Tashi Cao is a soft and emotional person at heart, so she is reluctant to speak very bluntly.

People with rich emotions and vivid expressions often have a problem, that is, it is easy to pull a solemn topic into the emotional orbit. After Tashi Cao talked about the topic of Gannan's "environmental revolution", he said a very emotional sentence. She said: "Gannan's changes today, Yu Chenghui has played an irreplaceable role, we all admire his never-say-die spirit and perseverance. ”

In fact, this has already been expressed clearly, but she will continue to say: "You see how young Yu Chenghui was when he first came to Gannan, the waist bar is straight, and after a few years, what has become of it!" The man is old and his waist is bent, and I feel sad when I see him. Saying sad, her tears flowed.


Among the cadres in Gannan, another person who had the same feelings as Tashi Cao was Luo Yongcheng. But Luo Yongcheng is not weak, a Tibetan man of five big and three thick, dark skin, ring eyes, thick lips, with a black and dense "plate inch", a thick, straight tough guy at a glance.

That day, Luo Yongcheng drank a little wine, and after the wine softened people's emotions, he dared to say something soft: "You say, Yu Chenghui, that old man, is usually quite humble but also quite majestic, but sometimes as soon as he turns around, you will feel that he is quite pitiful." It's really pathetic, so old, alone every day, busy without dying or living, not even a considerate and caring person around..." At this point, he stopped, choked, and his eyes were red.

Before coming to Luqu, Luo Yongcheng worked in the inspection office of the Gannan Prefecture Party Committee. From the perspective of working relations, even if you are closer to Yu Chenghui, the people who need to implement the inspection office as soon as possible in the state party committee should rush ahead, especially in Gannan, and the supervision work has its special importance. But emotionally it is difficult to say close, because of the pace of work and efficiency, Yu Chenghui will often supervise these people in charge of supervision, if a work starts or runs slowly, the first to be inspected and criticized is the people in the inspection room. At that time, Luo Yongcheng was afraid of meeting with Yu Chenghui, because if he met, he might be criticized, and it was best to hide away.

It is often the case that the more afraid of being criticized, the thinner the "skin" of the person. Can things at work really be hidden within the scope of their duties? In order not to be criticized, there is only one way, that is, to do it and find a way to do it well, "Rather let the body suffer, do not let the face heat up"! After a long time, everyone had penetrated Yu Chenghui's temper, and there was no concept of hierarchy in his heart. In his place, it is basically a kind of superior and subordinate, a small kind of official, a small kind of Tibetan Han, the right thing is not right, as long as you do things well, you can get affirmation, praise, and attention in his place; if the work is not done well, don't think about getting a good face in him, as soon as you meet, you will be criticized by "no nose and no face", Yu Chenghui's mouth is strong, two sentences can portray people's characteristics and main behaviors, easy to remember, catchy, easy to circulate. Later, everyone had a unanimous understanding and experience, if you want to get dignity and praise, the only way to do a good job is this way.

In those years in the inspection office, Luo Yongcheng's main job was to follow up and supervise the "environmental revolution" throughout the state. It is said that it is a "global garbage-free" development, and in fact, there are many supporting work at the same time at the beginning. Global garbage-free is actually a system engineering about ecology and the environment, if you want to ensure that there is no garbage, the work of each system must be promoted together, as long as one can not keep up, garbage can not be completely eliminated. In order to ensure a clean, tidy and pleasing goal, it is necessary to grasp a series of work at the same time, including the comprehensive treatment of landscapes, forests, lakes and grasses, systematic governance, and source treatment; including a new round of returning farmland to forests (grasslands), natural forest protection, wetland restoration, water and soil conservation, etc.; including urban dust, exhaust emissions, outdoor barbecues, pollution from small coal-fired boilers, and excessive emissions of catering fumes. By the way, there is also a statewide "plastic ban" movement, so that disposable plastic appliances and plastic items completely withdraw from the production and life of the vast number of cadres and the masses. All the work inspection rooms related to the environment and ecology must be managed, because they have to impact people's traditional concepts and living habits, and it is very difficult to supervise each work.

At that time, Luo Yongcheng's position was deputy director of the state party committee's inspection office. About Yu Chenghui also expected the difficulty of achieving "no garbage in the whole region" in advance, originally Luo Yongcheng had other divisions of labor in the inspection room, but Yu Chenghui designated Luo Yongcheng's other division of labor in the inspection room to be borne by others, and Luo Yongcheng specially grasped the supervision of "no garbage in the whole region". When the inspection work was advanced to two months later, in order to strengthen the supervision work, the state party committee appointed Comrade Ruan Minxiang as the deputy secretary general of the state party committee and the director of the inspection office. In the following three or four years, the supervision of the "global garbage-free" work became the top priority of the work of the state party committee inspection office. Or Ruan Minxiang and Luo Yongcheng patrolled at the same time, or the two took turns to lead the team to carry out high-density inspections and supervision of the "environmental revolution" throughout the state. Every Monday morning they go out in the car until they come back in the car on the weekend, running outside all week. Urban areas, townships, streets and alleys, village groups, along highways, grasslands, scenic spots, rivers and waters, in addition, also into the organs, into the countryside, into the enterprises, into the schools, into the monasteries, into the shops, into the scenic spots, into the construction site... His task is to go down all the time, find problems at any time, take pictures with mobile phones at any time, record the time and place at any time, judge the nature and category of problems at any time, start from sunrise to stop after dark, find an inn to sort out the day's forensic materials and suggestions overnight, and feedback to the responsible unit overnight... After running a large circle, it is necessary to summarize the inspection situation of all counties and cities in the state, and carry out "one ranking in January and one briefing in January". In Gannan Prefecture, it is necessary to talk about the mileage of the vehicle, that is, the car he uses can be PK with Yu Chenghui's car.

In the first year of the year, many cadres did not understand and did not understand the matter of carrying out "no garbage in the whole region", although they did not say it on the surface, but they had emotions in their hearts, especially after being informed by the inspection office of the state party committee, they had more complaints in their hearts: "How can such a big leader stare at the garbage!" "There are emotions that dare not mess with Yu Chenghui, and can only vent bad emotions on the staff of specific work." Because the inspection office is responsible to the state party committee, in the position of handling specific matters, Ruan Minxiang must stand in front of Yu Chenghui, and Luo Yongcheng must stand in front of Ruan Minxiang. Although Luo Yongcheng is the lowest level, he must be the first to stand up and speak, take a stand, and handle specific matters such as shooting, feedback, ranking, and notification, and naturally bear the greatest resistance and pressure. A deputy director, whose rank is not high, goes around everywhere every day to "point fingers and feet," supervising this today and informing that tomorrow, thus making the grassroots leaders very passive. Each ranking is not only publicly featured at statewide meetings, but also published on television and in newspapers. The name is in the front, naturally elated, extremely proud, once ranked behind, I feel that I can't get over the face: "That little disgraceful thing is almost a household name!" "For a time, Luo Yongcheng was synonymous with an unwelcome, both annoying and frightening.

Ruan Minxiang and Luo Yongcheng suddenly became celebrities, and there was no one in the whole state who did not know Ruan Minxiang and Luo Yongcheng, nor did anyone in the state who did not know the official car they were sitting in. Of course, their reputation is not a good reputation. Before Ruan Minxiang was transferred to the inspection office of the state party committee, he served as the deputy secretary of the county party committee in Maqu County, and he had a working group of 200 people. When the Qingming Festival was approaching that year, people began to discuss whether the state party committee inspection office headed by Nguyen Minh Hwan would come down to check the environmental health or go to the tomb. There are many opinions, some of whom say that they are all jumping out of the cracks in the stone and will not go to the grave. This seems to mean that they come and go quickly, but it obviously has another meaning, implying that they are ruthless and unrighteous and unkind.

When it was Luo Yongcheng's turn, he simply called him "a tendon" directly in the open and in the dark. In fact, he is indeed "a tendon", who does not give face, who can not take him. Even a colleague or classmate who came out of a department in the past became a leader in a certain county and wanted to be accommodating in this matter. Once Luo Yongcheng grasps the evidence in any place, no one will be able to say that the situation is useless, and any old leader, past colleagues, relatives, friends, sorry, must be on official business. In order not to be informed by Luo Yongcheng and not to be ranked behind, some counties sent people to the intersection of the inspection node to stare at Luo Yongcheng's car, as long as he came, the whole county immediately carried out a surprise cleaning, no matter how it was usually maintained, for the sake of safety, it was necessary to clean again. Sometimes there are stalkers with unclear intentions, probably under the pressure of Luo Yongcheng's transmission on themselves, and there is resentment in their hearts! Thinking about this matter is also normal, the pressure on the work must be conducted layer by layer. The leaders of the county have been criticized in the state, and when they come back, they will clean up the township that has affected the whole county; when the township is cleaned up, it will go to the backward village to settle the account, and the final responsibility will always be implemented on the people. Honest people find that they have problems and immediately correct them; dishonest people not only do not change, but after repeated criticism or punishment, they will transfer responsibility and anger to others. This kind of thing, Luo Yongcheng found several times, but there were no accidents, nor was it over-rendered. He believes that evil does not suppress righteousness, and these things he does are not for himself, they are all for the good of Gannan, and I believe that everyone will understand sooner or later. Later, when Yu Chenghui learned about these things, he encouraged him more than once: "Xiao Luo, don't be afraid, you should do what you want, behind you is still standing the Gannan Prefecture Party Committee and State Government!" ”

There are also some special cases among cadres, and not everyone is afraid and avoids Luo Yongcheng. When the work situation was the most difficult to open, Luo Yongcheng showed the most "black" face and the most "fierce" hand, and Tashi Cai, who was then deputy secretary of the cooperative municipal party committee, had to invite Luo Yongcheng to dinner. He invited Luo Yongcheng to dinner not to curry favor with him and ask him to raise his hand to them in the inspection and briefing sessions, but to let Luo Yongcheng focus on criticizing them once at the next meeting and point out a few more key issues. The reason is that the "global garbage-free" work of the cooperative city was only put in charge by Tashi, but the main leaders at that time have not attached great importance to it, and always put this work last in terms of personnel, resources and time, which is generally a dispensable, doable or non-dry orientation. In the case of his several times of stress and suggestions without success, he had to use Luo Yongcheng's mouth to emphasize this matter. This matter, there is no need to eat at all, it is all to get things done well! Luo Yongcheng not only cheerfully agreed, but also helped very carefully, and the effect was also very good. After several key issues were resolved, the ranking of cooperative cities quickly jumped from the middle to the bottom. Through this incident, Luo Yongcheng realized the meaning of doing a thing without distraction and without discounting, and also strengthened his belief in adhering to this quality.

In fact, Luo Yongcheng is not an iron heart and does not understand human feelings. Sometimes, he himself suffers from emotions. There is a county party secretary who is Luo Yongcheng's former boss, who has the grace of knowing Luo Yongcheng, and the two have a good personal relationship, and every time they meet, he respectfully calls out "old leader". However, there were many problems in their county that time, and if they came out little by little and published the rankings, they would definitely have bruises on the old leaders. But in fact, the actual situation is like that, the possibility of accommodation is not, in order to appease the old leader, he had to say hello to him in advance and tell him the situation and results of this inspection. The old leader was generous and smiled and said, "Don't worry, report truthfully!" As a result, when briefing on the situation, he watched the sweat of the old leader flow down his forehead and cheeks, and his heart was fried, as if the landless person should be himself.

After that, I saw the old leader again, and the other party acted as if nothing had happened, as always. In this way, Luo Yongcheng was much relieved in his heart.

A few years later, Luo Yongcheng relived the past, looked back on the road he had traveled, and felt more down-to-earth and calm in his heart: "Reverence and respect for their own career is the proper meaning of everyone. If you can't do your duty and do a mess, maybe you are not a problem of being resented and feared by others, but are looked down upon by others. People have to do something meaningful when they are alive. Yu Chenghui was so old and so desperate to do it, and it was not for him personally. If it is only for the sake of individuals, such as his identity and status have long had capital to rest or go on a sightseeing trip, is he not also for the cause! ”

Just when Luo Yongcheng was doing those things that offended people such as supervision, inspection, notification, and ranking until the third year, the unfriendly or evasive eyes that had been used before suddenly disappeared without a trace, and were replaced by praise that kept coming from the face or behind, because every Gannan person, including those cadres who had been criticized, had more honors and praise because of the "environmental revolution" and Luo Yongcheng's "one string". As a result, Luo Yongcheng became a hero in the minds of many people, especially those young people who were on the way to their careers.

Luo Yongcheng knew in his heart that everything he had was just to pay sincerity and awe for the cause, and the cause also gave himself the highest feedback and praise, but if there was no leader like Yu Chenghui as a bridge, the payment and return could not be fulfilled. Everything is reincarnated in an orderly manner according to its own laws or "tao", and after the promotion of the position, it is time to talk about gratitude and dedication. When Luo Yongcheng became the executive deputy county magistrate of Luqu County, some young people began to quietly ponder the secret of his career success behind his back. How did he get to where he is today? Some people say that what is relied upon is to use a force to the end, to be consistent; some people say that it is nothing more than a road running to the black, single-mindedly; some people say that it is called one and the same, a heart eye, a tendon...

In short, that is, the "one". "One" is a beginning, "one" is a way, and "one" is also a person's original intention of not changing and not regretting; as long as this "one" is present, everything, including human miracles, may be born. (To be continued)

"Serial" long-form reportage "Bow" (VII)

Ren Linju

He is a member of the National Committee of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Jilin Writers Association, and vice chairman of the Electric Power Writers Association. He is the author of: "Corn Land", "Grain Road", "The Form of Time", "This Mind and This Thought", "Tiger Howl" and so on. His works have been translated into English, Russian, Korean, Mongolian and other languages. He has won the 6th Lu Xun Literature Award, the 6th Bingxin Prose Award, the 7th Lao She Prose Award, the 2nd Feng Zikai Prose Award, the 1st Sanmao Prose Award, the 2014 Best Chinese Prose Award, the Changbaishan Literature and Art Award, the Jilin Literature Award, etc.