
Parents and schools join hands to cultivate talents - Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School held a 2022 spring parents' meeting

author:Information is seen in Chuan

In order to allow parents to fully understand the students' learning and living conditions in school, strengthen parent-school communication, further explore education and training issues, obtain parents' support for school work, and lay the foundation for their children's future development, Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School held a school-wide parents' meeting on February 14.

Parents and schools work together to cultivate talents. The conference was divided into four agendas to collect parents' opinions and suggestions, display the teaching achievements of art and sports characteristics, and convey the development direction and related policies of the school.

On the first agenda of the conference, the host introduced the basic situation of the school to everyone, so that parents had a further understanding of the school's running situation, internal construction and development direction.

Parents and schools join hands to cultivate talents - Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School held a 2022 spring parents' meeting

The talent display of teachers and students in the art class highlights the solid professional quality of art teachers and students.

Parents and schools join hands to cultivate talents - Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School held a 2022 spring parents' meeting

At the meeting, the speech of Comrade Kang Zhiyong, secretary of the party branch and principal of Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School, always focused on the two keywords of "co-construction" and "co-education". He reported to the parents the gratifying results achieved by the school's junior high school and high school in the previous period, but at the same time pointed out that the school needs to take multiple measures to improve the quality of teaching and take the route of the art and sports college entrance examination. The school offers four special courses of art and sports in dance, music, art and physical education for students to choose voluntarily. Finally, he talked about the issue of family education, put forward the requirements of "strict management" to parents, and hoped that parents and schools would work together to create a harmonious environment and jointly insert ideal wings for students, so that they could spread their wings and fly high and achieve a better future.

At the class parents' meeting, around the theme of "growth, achievement, hope", each class teacher introduced the basic situation of the class in detail, including the composition of subject teachers, the students' achievements and voluntary statistics of art and sports learning, and the management ideas and strategies of the class. Many parents have also given feedback to teachers on their children's home situation, exchanged experiences and experiences in educating children, and discussed effective educational methods.

Parents and schools join hands to cultivate talents - Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School held a 2022 spring parents' meeting

At this parent-teacher meeting, parents and schools improved their understanding and reached a consensus. The relationship between teachers and students will be more harmonious, students will be more confident and positive, parents will have more trust, understanding and support for the school's education and teaching work, and with the cooperation of parents, teachers, students and other parties, the future of Shizhong will be better. (Xu Aibo)

(Photo courtesy of Meishan Tianfu New District Experimental Middle School)