
What do you do to make you feel happy?

author:The dragon jumped out of the heavenly pool

Busy all year round, take 10 minutes to 15 minutes of time, think about what you are looking forward to in the coming year, the most valuable thing is what is the most meaningful thing, the most meaningful thing is what is the thing. Take a little time to answer this question. This is actually not a task requirement for anyone, it is a question of oneself, it is a vision of one's own future, I think this is a very meaningful thing, but also a very valuable thing. And this 15 minutes is definitely worth the money, and in your 15 minutes, if you can really find and find something you really like to do, it will be a very happy thing.

What do you do to make you feel happy?

Someone once said that the happiest thing in the world is to do what you are happy about and make money from it.

Develop the habit of looking to the future regularly. This small act may not be able to discover your truest thoughts and inner desires at once, but if you can develop such a good habit of looking forward to the future regularly, you may have 20 minutes and 30 minutes a day every week or every month to look forward to life, look as far as possible, to sincerely empty the freedom, well, let your thoughts go wild, free to soar. This may be a very important thing.

What do you do to make you feel happy?

It might be a bit like meditation. The two most crucial points of meditation that I understand are one is to relax your body and relax your thoughts. Let go of yourself, let your thoughts and thoughts have a feeling that the sky is high and the birds fly wide, and the fish leap freely.

What do you do to make you feel happy?

Frequent imagination of the future may escape the inner volume. Think about the moment of life, old age, illness and death, will we still worry about the status quo? Think about the time when we are on the verge of aging, will we still be angry about the chickens and horses in life? Even think about the scene when you were lying in the urn. Will we still stop at nothing?

The Year of the Tiger has begun, let us bravely take big strides to imagine the future, follow our hearts, and do what we really like to do.