
"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

author:Entertain Sun Dasheng


In the shot, a young girl with a provocative figure, wearing a slip dress...

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

The magazine Health once said of her:

"She's one of the most beautiful actresses in the world!"

A mixed-race face is beautiful and three-dimensional, and a pair of feminine eyes are seductive

The Male God of Hong Kong fell down under her pomegranate skirt in turn,

It made Wu Yanzu cry, made Chen Guanxi unforgettable, and was the only actress who could ride on Xie Tingfeng's shoulder!

Her Chinese name is Maggie Lee, the most attractive woman in the Hong Kong entertainment industry!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01、</h1>

A mixed-race child under the U.S.-Vietnam War, he was lucky enough to be brought back to the United States by his father!

In 1979, it was the time of the US-Vietnam War!

Many American soldiers would go to Vietnamese girls to solve their needs, and american-Vietnamese mixed races could be seen everywhere in that era.

After the war, many children were "left behind", and Li Meiqi was the darling of fate.

The American father did not abandon her and her Vietnamese mother, choosing to take them back to the United States to live.

Life in the United States is not rich, a family of three is lucky to be together, and Li Meiqi also has a heavenly beauty.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Maggie Lee's father has French, Canadian, Polish and Irish genes, and her mother is Vietnamese, so Maggie Lee is a 5-nation mixed-race child.

When she was a child, Li Meiqi's round little face, her eyes were particularly large, and her appearance was the same as that of a doll.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

At the age of 15, Li Meiqi was already standing tall, and she used her spare time to work part-time to subsidize the family.

Because of her young age, Li Meiqi can only work as a flat model, and her excellent appearance makes her quite popular.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Two years later, the family really couldn't afford to go to college, and Li Meiqi offered to withdraw from school.

At the age of 17, she felt she could sign up for models to support herself, but the idea of young people is still too simple.

Although Li Meiqi is beautiful, her height is only one meter and seven meters, which is some distance from the requirements of professional models.

Under the restrictions of hard conditions, Li Meiqi can only choose a job as a flat model, and her income is very small.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

After becoming famous, Li Meiqi once recalled those days, she said that it is still unforgettable, she can only take an apple every day to fill her hunger, and there is no extra money to eat.

Thinking that she had half of the Asian appearance, Li Meiqi decided to go to Asia to find development opportunities.

She came to Japan first!

The Japanese are not friendly to faces like Maggie Lee, preferring either pure blondes or petite Asian girls.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Maggie Lee left Japan and came to Taipei!

At that time, the Taiwan entertainment industry had a good momentum of development, and Li Meiqi quickly found an opportunity.

She first took over a few advertisements, and during the shooting of advertisements, professionals suggested that she could go to the Hong Kong entertainment industry to develop, where there were many opportunities.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Li Meiqi embarked on a journey once again, to Hong Kong, and did not expect that the god of fate really cared for her.

Nicholas Tse, who was 19 at the time, needed to shoot a magazine cover, and was suffering from the lack of a suitable female partner, and the female model was either tall or not beautiful enough.

The arrival of Li Meiqi met all these conditions, and the two sides hit it off!

Nicholas Tse and 20-year-old Maggie Qicon completed their only collaboration!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

At that time, Nicholas Tse's popularity was very high, and Li Meiqi began to emerge with the fame of Tse Tingfeng.

At that time, some media joked that she was "the only woman who could ride on Tse Tingfeng's shoulder"!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02、</h1>

Handsome men and beautiful women, the media naturally will not let go of such a good news

The scandal with Nicholas Tse made the popularity of Li Meiqi, a newcomer, soar, and thus became a part of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Not long after, Jackie Chan's big brother noticed this beautiful newcomer and immediately decided to include Li Meiqi under his banner.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Li Meiqi was also quite angry, training martial arts assiduously, and learning leg skills, boxing, sword techniques, etc. one by one.

Later, Wu Yanzu also joined the "family class" and completed a chance encounter with Li Meiqi.

Both grew up in the United States and have a lot of common language when they meet

Two young hearts are close to each other, and love burns at a moment's notice!

At that time, the man was handsome and compelling, and the woman was beautiful and indispensable

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Because of their high appearance, this pair of immortal couples was accepted and blessed by fans, and at that time they were recognized as the golden children and jade girls of Hong Kong.

Wu Yanzu is very attentive to this relationship, and every time the two appear in front of the camera, they clasp their fingers and do not shy away from showing their love

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

But just when the audience thought they would enter the palace of marriage, the news of their breakup came out on the Internet.

Later, Wu Yanzu said in an interview that the breakup with Li Meiqi made him very painful

Even after being depressed for a long time, midnight dreams often wet the pillow with tears!

I didn't expect that the male god Wu Yanzu would actually be hurt by a woman, this woman was fierce enough!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Men's affection is often not available, Li Meiqi never regards feelings as a necessity, and career is the necessity she pursues.

With the skills she learned in the family class, with the scandal with Nicholas Tse and the love affair with Wu Yanzu, Li Meiqi has gained a firm foothold in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and only one work is needed next.

In 2000, Li Meiqi starred in the first movie "SWAT New Humanity 2" with Chen Guanxi and Yan Yingsi.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

This time, Chen Guanxi's close cooperation also became the fuse that triggered li Meiqi and Wu Yanzu's breakup.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03、</h1>

In 2001, Maggie Li received an invitation from the director of "Midnight Manhattan" to contribute to her career again.

There are some large-scale scenes in the film, and as she grew up in the United States, these are nothing at all, and the shooting is going well.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

After the release of the movie, Li Meiqi was selected by the Hong Kong media as "the woman that Hong Kong men most want to hug", and in the same year, she appeared on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine, and her fame was greatly enhanced!

In 2002, "Naked Agent", which detonated Li Meiqi's career, was launched

Li Meiqi in the film is sexy and beautiful, fist to flesh, earning enough attention from the audience!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

In the movie, Li Meiqi and her boyfriend Wu Yanzu staged a sincere intimate scene, but unfortunately, after this movie, the rumors of the two's breakup followed.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

The reason for the breakup is that li Meiqi and Chen Guanxi have kept in touch privately after cooperating, and are discovered by Wu Yanzu!

When people were still speculating whether the scandal was true or not, Li Meiqi Wu Yanzu announced the breakup.

After that, Wu Yanzu never shared the stage with Chen Guanxi again, and the Hong Kong media expressed deep regret for their breakup!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Years later, Wu Yanzu also revealed the real reason for the two's breakup,

It turned out that Li Meiqi felt that Wu Yanzushuai's people were indignant, which made her very insecure.

Simply do not do two without stopping, Li Meiqi first took the lead and found a third party to leave Wu Yanzu, which deeply hurt Wu Yanzu.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

The feelings that are lost with Chen Guanxi are also the focus of media pursuit, Chen Guanxi has always liked to hunt for beautiful women around him, but Li Meiqi is very open to feelings.

With some fame, Maggie Li is no longer limited to the development of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

In 2004, she had a relationship with Japanese star Hidetoshi Nakata, a leading figure in Asian football, as famous as Wu Yanzu and Chen Guanxi.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

It was only that Hidetoshi Nakata was engaged to a Japanese actress, and the appearance of Li Meiqi forced him to cancel the wedding.

Li Meiqi and the Japanese man are destined not to go long, because her goal is to make a career, and Nakata Hidetoshi wants her to return to the family.

The two who disagreed did not last long before they parted ways.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

After that, Li Meiqi began to move to the US market.

In 2006, Maggie Lee was given the opportunity to participate in "Spy 3" and played with Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise, wearing a red dress.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Li Meiqi's beauty and temperament are especially suitable for this role, beautiful and incomprehensible, cold and sassy!

In 2007, she played Bruce Willis in "Die Hard 4", playing a female hacker, which is also a very cool character.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

In 2010, Maggie Lee ushered in the spring of her career in Hollywood.

In the American drama "Nikita", Li Meiqi starred as the female number one, becoming one of the few Asian faces in the American drama.

Some people say that Li Meiqi successfully made a name for herself in Hollywood by relying on this play, and then received invitations from major directors.

During the filming of the American drama "The Stalker", Maggie Lee and actress Dylan Madimon fell in love from the play to the outside.

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Dylan Madimon is more than 20 years older than her, and during the relationship, Maggie Li was happy every time she was photographed!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Three months later, Li Meiqi announced her engagement with a pigeon egg ring in her hand, and everyone wished her a home.

Unexpectedly, four years later, this relationship has also come to an end, and the reason for the breakup is still unknown.

In short, Maggie Li, who is in her 40s, is single again!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04、</h1>

Throughout Li Meiqi's love history, "Male God Harvester" seems to be the best description!

She just has a mixed-race and sexy beauty, and her body is too charming.

Nowadays, Wu Yanzu has long become "Ni Dahong", Chen Guanxi has also become "Zhao Benshan", but Li Meiqi is still beautiful, and her hands and feet are full of style!

"Riding" on Xie Tingfeng's shoulders, let Wu Yanzu shed tears for her dreams, what did she rely on? 01、02、03、04、

Is there anything you like about Maggie Lee?

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