
The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

author:ACG dimensional rice

As more and more game voice actors enter the original gods, Tivat's adventure world seems to become more lively. However, in addition to exchanging experiences with travelers, some voice actor players will also explain some of the character's voice-over problems, such as why Lisa has strange sounds when climbing.

The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

In the recent live broadcast of Lisa Day voice actress Riki Tanaka, she once again embarked on her own adventure with Lisa as the protagonist shortly after returning to the pit. After she experienced the game of Harajin for a while, some fans sent a bullet screen to express their distress about the strange noise made by the Japanese Lisa when climbing, and sealed Rie Tanaka, who hoped to voice it, to answer this interesting question.

The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

When Riki Tanaka saw the request from fans and original god players, she was confused and said that she had forgotten this voice of Lisa. In order to meet the requirements of Harajin players and fans, Riki Tanaka immediately used his own Lisa to climb and began to try to recall his experience when he voiced Lisa.

The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

However, due to Lisa's lack of physical strength due to climbing, Riki Tanaka suddenly remembered the past of this voice and explained to everyone that when he loaded the climbing voice for Lisa, he used this intuition to voice Lisa. However, after hearing Lisa's climbing voice again, Riki Tanaka himself felt very embarrassed and shyly "asked" the other self (Lisa) not to make such a misleading sound.

The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

However, Riki Tanaka's explanation seems to be a bit pale and weak, because in the hearts of many fans and players, Riki Tanaka is a voice actor who understands people's hearts, after all, she has also dressed up in the swimsuit killing house in the FGO mobile game before, so there is no such thing as her "very" embarrassed. Shortly after Riki Tanaka ended the live broadcast, she also brought a live-action version of Lisa to fans and Hara Shin-play.

The original god Lisa climbed the mountain with a strange sound, and the voice actor felt embarrassed and released herself

Although Riki Tanaka's version of Lisa is very restored in terms of dress and style, her strange expression is instantly dramatic. Such a scene of release made Riki Tanaka receive a lot of praise, but such a strange expression will probably make Lisa Kitchen have a "psychological shadow".