
Allow Japanese fighter jets to enter Chinese territory and preemptively bomb Chinese missile bases? The Japanese are a bit fluttery; Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi is listed on the Budget Committee of the Lower House of Japan's Parliament

author:Military miscellaneous talk

Allow Japanese fighter jets to enter Chinese territory and preemptively bomb Chinese missile bases?

The Japanese are a bit fluttery;

Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said on the Budget Committee of the Lower House of The House of Representatives of Japan that in order to ensure that the Japanese mainland is protected from "enemy missile attacks", it is not ruled out that Japanese fighter jets will be allowed to enter enemy territory for bombing before launching attacks on enemy missile bases;

There are two emphases:

1. Enter the territory of the enemy country to carry out bombing;

2, do not have to wait for the other side to declare war, as long as you think that the other party has "intention to attack", you can take the lead in attacking without declaring war;

To put it bluntly, it is a "replica of the Pearl Harbor sneak attack", directly taking the plan of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II to continue to use it;

Were the Japanese when China's early warning radars, shield ships, anti-aircraft missiles, and stealth fighter jets did not exist? But if there are a few dishes under the wine, it will not be drunk like this.

#军事 #

Allow Japanese fighter jets to enter Chinese territory and preemptively bomb Chinese missile bases? The Japanese are a bit fluttery; Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi is listed on the Budget Committee of the Lower House of Japan's Parliament
Allow Japanese fighter jets to enter Chinese territory and preemptively bomb Chinese missile bases? The Japanese are a bit fluttery; Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi is listed on the Budget Committee of the Lower House of Japan's Parliament
Allow Japanese fighter jets to enter Chinese territory and preemptively bomb Chinese missile bases? The Japanese are a bit fluttery; Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi is listed on the Budget Committee of the Lower House of Japan's Parliament

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