
France still raised the "white flag", von der Leyen will be re-elected, and Macron dares to stop or step down first

author:Times Concern

According to the latest news reports, the leaders of the six major EU countries have reached a consensus on the choice of the post of president of the European Commission and unanimously agreed to let von der Leyen continue to be re-elected. This "personnel" arrangement caused displeasure among Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

However, at present, Hungary cannot prevent von der Leyen's re-election, because according to the regulations, in order to prevent von der Leyen's re-election, Hungary needs to unite at least 8 countries against it, and at the same time, the total population must reach at least 35% of the total population of the EU.

France still raised the "white flag", von der Leyen will be re-elected, and Macron dares to stop or step down first

After all, Macron publicly announced that he would remove von der Leyen, but now Macron has also compromised, so that the outside world has resounded spicy comments against France, thinking that the French "raising the white flag" at a critical moment have not changed.

The reason why Macron wanted to remove von der Leyen was also related to Macron's policy of advocating "European independence and not being a vassal of the United States". But von der Leyen is very pro-American, and some people on the Internet even picked up von der Leyen's family background, saying that her husband and 7 sons have American nationality, so von der Leyen is actually a "spy" planted by the United States in the European Union.

France still raised the "white flag", von der Leyen will be re-elected, and Macron dares to stop or step down first

Of course, this is an exaggerated statement, but it can also show that von der Leyen's practice of often tying the interests of the entire EU to the American chariot is indeed obvious to the outside world, which is obviously contrary to the realization of Europe's "strategic autonomy", so Macron does not want to see von der Leyen.

But on the flip side, Macron does not like the pro-American von der Leyen, but the United States certainly likes such von der Leyen. Previously, Biden even wanted von der Leyen to be the next NATO secretary general, but he gave up because of Germany's strong opposition. It is the style of the United States to form gangs and form various small circles to bully other countries, so the United States will naturally not give up on winning over the European Union, and it is in the interests of the United States to have a pro-American person serve as the president of the European Commission.

Moreover, the United States has a strong sense of revenge, and Macron shouts "not to be a vassal of the United States" every day, so the United States has naturally been eyeing Macron for a long time. Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton has publicly admitted that the United States will help orchestrate coups in other countries. Over the years, there have been frequent domestic riots in France, which may provide the United States with many opportunities to operate.

France still raised the "white flag", von der Leyen will be re-elected, and Macron dares to stop or step down first

With the end of the European Parliament elections, the European right-wing forces have begun to rise, and the far-right national coalition led by Le Pen has also won a big victory in this European Parliament election, which has further limited Macron's ruling position in France, so Macron is now too busy to take care of himself.

At this time, if you want to prevent von der Leyen's re-election, I don't guarantee that the United States will directly take advantage of your illness to kill you and catch Macron off guard. Macron now needs to concentrate all his energy on the country, and then he can think about other things, in a word, only by staying in the green mountains can he not be afraid of running out of firewood.

France still raised the "white flag", von der Leyen will be re-elected, and Macron dares to stop or step down first

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