
Hot pot "aura theory"

author:Entrepreneur Daily

Li Houqiang

(Deputy Director of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, Chairman of the Chengdu Federation of Social Sciences, Second-level Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences)

Hot pot "aura theory"

Sichuan hot pot has a long history, and Sanxingdui has hot pot utensils. The birthplace of modern hot pot may be in Zigong, Sichuan, and is related to salt making and boiling. Comrade Deng Xiaoping liked Sichuan cuisine and also loved hot pot, and there was a story of "one hot pot, one big opera". On January 17, 1979, Deng Xiaoping feasted on "five elders and a hot pot" in the Fujian Hall of the Great Hall of the People, saying that "money must be used, and people must also be used", opening up the forbidden area for the development of China's non-public economy! These "five elders" are the former industrial and commercial giants Hu Jiwen, Hu Ziang, Rong Yiren, Zhou Shutao, Gu Gengyu, involving machinery, steel, textiles, cement and other fields, history will not forget this hot pot! Deng Xiaoping sometimes ate hot pot when entertaining foreign guests, deliberately creating a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, making casual conversations and exchanges more smooth and resonant, and leaving a deep impression on foreign friends.

The influence of hot pot lies in its powerful aura, which is essentially an energy field and a quantum field. In quantum field theory, each particle is an excited state of its field, produced by oscillations. Hot pot has some important characteristics of new quality productivity, because the new quality productivity is based on the jump of laborers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combinations as the basic connotation, with a substantial increase in total factor productivity as the core symbol, characterized by innovation, the key is quality, the essence is advanced productivity, itself is green productivity. The innovation of new quality productivity includes not only innovation at the level of technology and business model, but also innovation at the level of management and system. In order to meet the needs of consumers, hot pot has been constantly innovating with the times. The great charm of hot pot lies in the unique personality of "semi-processed and semi-self-use", eating while cooking, cooking and eating, steaming, self-selection, self-cooking, self-seasoning, self-enjoyment, fully respecting the personal autonomy of consumers, can meet the demands of human nature, and other meals cannot be compared. We should focus on the development of new quality productivity to lay out the hot pot industry chain, promote the relevant links to supplement, extend, upgrade and build chains, and improve the resilience and reliability of the hot pot industry chain and supply chain.

Hot pot "aura theory"

Sichuan cuisine is seen for Chinese food in the world, and hot pot is seen for Chinese Sichuan cuisine. As of the first half of 2023, the number of Sichuan cuisine stores in the country has exceeded 320,000, making it the cuisine with the largest number of stores and undoubtedly the largest Chinese food industry. According to a survey by Frost &Sullivan, the number of hot pot restaurants in mainland China increased from 406,000 in 2013 to 601,000 in 2017, with a compound growth rate of 10.30%, and the number of hot pot restaurants increased to 896,000 in 2022, with a compound growth rate of 8.31%, reaching 900,000 in 2023. It can be said that there is no controversy about calling hot pot the first major category of catering, and the output value has exceeded one trillion. As of the first half of 2023, Sichuan has nearly 200,000 hot pot restaurants, making it the province with the most hot pot restaurants in the country, of which Chengdu has nearly 80,000 hot pot restaurants. In the number of hot pot brand stores in the country, Sichuan hot pot accounts for 70%, and Sichuan hot pot can be seen in more than 80 countries around the world. It can be seen that Sichuan hot pot has become a global food brand! Therefore, we should vigorously promote the diversification, branding, chaining, health, capitalization and internationalization of Sichuan hot pot, and strive to show the unique charm of Chinese hot pot to the world.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

Section 1 "Sichuan Cuisine Culture" and "Sichuan Cuisine Civilization"

Something man-made is called culture. "Sichuan cuisine culture" refers to the sum of material and spiritual created by the people living in the Sichuan Basin. In culture, 80% is material (tangible) and 20% spiritual (intangible). Sichuan cuisine is a typical cultural product, both material and spiritual.

Culture is marked by tools (making and using tools), which distinguishes it from beasts (animals) and is the dividing line between man and ape. Culture is divided into advanced and backward, excellent and decadent, so it cannot be considered that culture is all good things, only excellent culture is good things. What is "excellent"? There is a value judgment involved.

Civilization is marked by public order (good customs, rules, benevolence, legal system, morality), which is distinguished from barbarism (ignorance), and is the watershed between ignorance and civilization. Civilization is the advanced stage of culture, the advanced and excellent part of culture, and the positive, good, upward, bright and positive part.

There is a clash of cultures, but there is no clash of civilizations. The principle of social control is to preserve cultural differences and seek common ground among civilizations.

China is mainly "four cultures" - land culture (plain culture, represented by Jiangsu and Zhejiang, with a peaceful character), grassland culture (represented by Mongolia and Xiongnu, with a brave and fierce character), forest culture (represented by the Manchus, very complex, strong imitation and absorption ability, strong pioneering and enterprising spirit), marine culture (represented by the West, and things outside China, China is most lacking).

Chinese culture is "love the ancients" and "heavy face". In some places, some people do not understand the "strong culture" (doing things according to the rules and working hard), and the "weak culture" (waiting for the needy) is heavier.

The law of human social development is closely related to genetic characteristics, and it needs to survive and reproduce. Human genes determine your appearance and height, and human cultural genes determine your charm and luck. Biological genes have a two-strand structure (identical, reversed), a five-carbon ring, H, C, N, O, P elements, hydrogen bonding, and self-replication (repair). The chemical and physical structure of the genes (DNA) of all human beings is the same, but the code is different (sorting, matching), so everyone has a different genetic code (twins are different), and if the genetic code is the same, it must be the same person.

China's cultural genes (different from place to place) are also two-strand structures (Yandi and Huangdi, Yangtze River and Yellow River), with five elements of "metal, wood, water, fire, and earth" and "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith", a five-pointed star (golden ratio), hydrogen bonds (adhesion, unity, collectivism, team consciousness, family, country and beauty), and self-healing ability (three times a day, self-criticism). The cultural genes of each industry may be different. The Chinese cultural code is 0 to 9, and the essence is 0, "making something out of nothing", "Wuji and Taiji, Taiji and Liangyi". The "on, off" of 0 and 1 (yin and yang) is the foundation, which is actually Boolean algebra and computer principles.

"Cultural genes" refer to man-made tangible symbols and intangible concepts, which are habits of thought, thinking patterns and value orientations, and are the basic units and minimum information chains of cultural inheritance. The best way to preserve history is to create a new one.

The tide of history is unstoppable. "Drinking culture" turns to "wine tasting civilization", and "Sichuan cuisine culture" must turn to "Sichuan cuisine civilization", which is clearly marked by "entropy reduction" - beauty and beauty, each with its own beauty, a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend, no involution, internal friction, infighting, more coupling, synergy, beauty, more harmonious, powerful, orderly.

Section 2 Sichuan Basin and Sichuan Flavor Industry

The Sichuan Basin is a "natural dojo", a "natural hot pot", a "natural wok", a "natural fermentation pool", a "magical monster" of the earth, and a "Shenque acupoint" and "life-gate acupoint" (navel) of the earth. Some scholars believe that human beings originated in the Himalayas, evolved into Homo sapiens in the Sichuan Basin, and spread around the world. The mature diet of human beings originated in the Sichuan Basin. The Sichuan Basin includes parts of Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Shaanxi.

The Sichuan Basin is one of the four major basins in China and the best in the world. The special geographical environment and the wonderful Sichuan Basin have created the beauty and richness of the land of abundance. The Sichuan Basin has the great advantage of being backed by the Himalayas, with "West China Rain Screen", "Southwest Vortex", "Taijitu", Hengduan Mountain, "Jinshan Yinshan", "Extraction Fan" of the earth, "Freshwater Tower" of the world, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, more than 5,800 rivers, an inland oceanic climate, 30 ° north latitude, giant pandas, unique "Tianfu mushrooms" (Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, and Langjiu have all found their own special strains), Sichuan cuisine that has traveled all over the world, and the best "Golden Nine Degrees" for winemaking (suitable temperature, humidity, altitude, wind speed, etc.) and so on. Nowhere in the world has such superior conditions for brewing fragrant and sauce-flavored liquor. The Sichuan Basin belongs to the second tier of geography, but it has low altitude, numerous rivers, warm climate, beautiful natural scenery, profound cultural heritage, rich biological resources, and unique plants and animals in the world, such as giant pandas, hollyhocks, etc. We have written the book "Tianfu Studies" to illustrate these characteristics. Sichuan cuisine is the best dish in the world, with remarkable inclusiveness, universality, health and pleasure, and great affinity, centripetal force, influence and shaping power. Respecting the ancient is not retro, keeping the right and not keeping the old, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovative, which is the main feature of Sichuan cuisine.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

In recent years, we have studied the common problems in the development of Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan wine, Sichuan tobacco and Sichuan tea, and put forward the concepts of "Sichuan flavor economy" and "Sichuan flavor industry". What is "Sichuan Flavor"? It is difficult to form a consensus because it involves the material Sichuan flavor (Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan wine, Sichuan tea, etc.) and the spiritual Sichuan flavor (art, discourse, customs, etc.). However, we found that the characteristics of Sichuan flavor are mainly "spicy", and the "spicy" here is fresh, first, strong, greasy, enthusiastic, high quality, high grade, etc., and it is the meaning of high energy level, high level, high stimulation, high nutrition, high memory, etc., mainly referring to "strong fragrance" does not refer to "spicy", and the stimulation can be particularly strong "spicy". The "hemp" of Sichuan pepper is "vibration", with a frequency of 50 Hz, which is the marker, gene, and characteristic of Sichuan cuisine. The "spicy" of chili pepper (sea pepper) is burning, which is an adjunct, seasoning, and adjuvant of Sichuan cuisine, which was introduced to China in the Ming Dynasty and replaced the long-standing ginger, which is more stimulating than ginger, has high strength and long memory. The fresh and strong "spicy" is the "Sichuan flavor"! The strong and sauce-flavored liquor is the "Sichuan flavor", which is a unique landmark product in the Sichuan Basin, and its personality is extremely distinct!

"Sichuan flavor economy" is a discipline that studies the laws and benefits of planting, breeding, processing, distribution, marketing, consumption, and sharing based on strong fragrance (spicy) categories, and is a characteristic branch of economics. The "Sichuan flavor industry" is all production activities and their economic and social effects around the strong fragrance (spicy) category. Catering is the combination and integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the combination is addition and subtraction, and the integration is multiplication. Sichuan cuisine is a high-order rooted industry, at least six industries, up to nine times, that is, 1+2+3=6, 1×2×3=6, or (1+2)×3=9, which is the new quality productivity. At present, people eat Sichuan cuisine mainly from "eating taste" to "eating nutrition, eating environment, eating service", and the future development will be "eating experience, eating culture, eating theme, eating scene, eating feelings, eating popularity, eating poetic ......", not the "third industry, is the service industry", but is actually a typical creative industry integrated by the combination of the three industries, so it is necessary to justify the name of catering, especially Sichuan cuisine!

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

Section 3: Policy Supply and Development Opportunities

The people's yearning for a better life is our goal. To build a healthy and happy China, it is necessary to develop the catering industry and industry. The people take food as the sky, and catering is the "great man of the country". All industries related to people's livelihood are sunrise industries, advantageous industries, and important industries, and "hot pot is in China, and the source is in Bashu" has become the consensus of the industry. Hot pot may bring heat and light to the current economy, and should be highly valued and strongly supported.

The party and the state attach great importance to the development of Sichuan cuisine. In the "Outline of the Construction Plan for the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, it clearly put forward major strategies such as "building a global pickled (pressed) vegetable export base, Sichuan cuisine industry and bamboo industry base", "promoting the branding of catering products such as classic Sichuan cuisine, Chongqing hot pot and gaiwan tea, and creating a gastronomic landmark", "strengthening geographical indication agricultural products, promoting characteristic brands such as Bawei Yuzhen and Tianfu Longya, and building regional public brands such as Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing". Therefore, the development of the Sichuan cuisine industry and the expansion of "Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing flavor" are the requirements of the Party Central Committee and a national strategy, which must be deeply understood and highly valued. The Sichuan Basin has a special environment and climate, rare biological resources and unique microbial systems. The Sichuan Basin is "the last home of the giant panda and a real paradise for gourmets", "the living root of Chinese Sichuan cuisine, and the regional center of global Sichuan cuisine". "Cohabiting" with giant pandas is definitely not too bad. Sichuan Basin is a river network structure, natural fermentation pond, Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan wine, Sichuan tea is of high quality, world-renowned, "Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing flavor" occupies more than 30% of the national catering industry market, Sichuan should vigorously develop biotechnology, digital technology, artificial intelligence to promote the Sichuan cuisine revolution, for the "Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing" industry to make a demonstration and leadership.

Hot pot is the original rooted industry of Sichuan and Chongqing, is the advantage of "longevity without borders", and is an outstanding representative of "Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing flavor", with cheap and high-quality, multi-flavor and multi-dish, self-love and self-selection, disinfection and sterilization, warm atmosphere, smooth communication, turning waste into treasure, regardless of high and low, regardless of the number of people, etc., can live forever, go on, and should sum up new experience on the new journey, and create new brilliance. From the historical documents, it can be seen that the Yellow Emperor created Sichuan cuisine, Zhuan Xuan perfected Sichuan cuisine, Dayu developed Sichuan cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine culture is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. In the new era, it is necessary to conscientiously implement Xi Jinping's economic thought, Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the new development concept (innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing), vigorously promote the diversification, standardization, digitalization, intelligence, localization, nutrition, intellectualization, and scenario-based of Sichuan cuisine, promote the integrated development of Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan wine, and Sichuan tea, and promote the coordinated development of Sichuan cuisine and giant panda culture, Sanxingdui culture, Jinsha culture, and Bayu culture, so that "Sichuan cuisine and Chongqing flavor" will float in the world.

At present, the proportion of Sichuan hot pot market is still the local brand Haidilao occupies the first place, and other well-known brands such as Xiaolongkan, Shu Daxia, Tan Yaxue, Dalongyi, Roadside, Sichuan West Bazi, Nan Hot Pot, Zhu Guangyu and other well-known brands go hand in hand, forming a typical "one super and many strong" pattern. The number of hot pot stores accounts for 53% of the sinking market, which is significantly higher than the overall catering in the country, among which fish frog hot pot, rabbit hot pot, chicken hot pot, etc. are aimed at Mianyang, Meishan, Leshan, etc., as well as the national sinking market. Spicy hot pot-based non-ingredient hot pot (no material in the pot or not much material and mainly shabu-shabu ingredients) has fallen into a serious fight of homogenization, and the special dish hot pot with beef offal, string of incense, spicy tang, fish frog, beef and other core ingredients has sprung up.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

Sichuan cuisine is one of the four famous cuisines or eight major cuisines in China, which is famous for its unique taste, rich flavor and diverse ingredients, and has a long history and rich cultural connotation. Sichuan cuisine has great potential in stimulating consumption, promoting the development of agriculture, tourism, food processing industry and other related industries, expanding foreign economic and cultural exchanges and product exports, increasing urban and rural employment, and facilitating people's lives. However, with the influx of foreign cuisines and the change of lifestyle, the changes of the times and the change of people's consumption concepts, the Sichuan cuisine industry is also facing many pressures and challenges. For example, consumer demand for health, nutrition and diversity has increased. We have done a special research and written a report "Countermeasures and Suggestions for Promoting the High-quality Development of Sichuan Cuisine Industry - Based on the Research of China Sichuan Cuisine Industry City", which has been approved and valued by provincial and municipal leaders.

Sichuan Province attaches great importance to the development of the Sichuan cuisine industry and has issued many relevant policy documents. For example, in April 2013, Sichuan Province Sichuan Cuisine Industry Development Plan (2013-2015); On June 30, 2016, the General Office of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government on further accelerating the development of Chengdu's Sichuan cuisine industry; On March 21, 2018, Sichuan Province promoted the three-year action plan of Sichuan cuisine to go global; Opinions on Vigorously Promoting the Development of Agricultural Products Processing Parks on September 7, 2018; On September 23, 2019, opinions on accelerating the construction of a modern agricultural "10+3" industrial system and promoting the leap from a large agricultural province to a strong agricultural province; On November 26, 2019, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued an implementation opinion on promoting the Healthy Sichuan Initiative; On June 6, 2020, Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a "4+6" Modern Service Industry System and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Service Industry. On June 26, 2024, the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Sichuan Provincial People's Government officially announced the "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the County Economy in the New Era", drawing a "road map" for the development and expansion of the county economy in the new era and new journey, and clearly putting forward the idea of "grasping the strong, strengthening the cadres, and improving the weak", and vigorously developing Sichuan grain and oil, Sichuan livestock, Sichuan fish, Sichuan vegetables, Sichuan fruits, Sichuan tea and other "Sichuan brand" characteristic agricultural products. Wait a minute. On March 28, 2024, it was reported that the development of Sichuan cuisine and the protection of Sichuan opera were included in the legislative plan of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress.

Looking back on history, as early as November 1999, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued the Notice on Issues Concerning the Vigorous Development of the Sichuan Cuisine Industry [Reference Number] Chuan Fu Fa [1999] No. 67. The provincial government decided to set up a Sichuan Provincial Coordination Group for the Development of Sichuan Cuisine with Vice Governor Wang Hengfeng as the team leader and the heads of relevant provincial departments as members, to determine the development goals, organize and implement them step by step and stage, so as to make the Sichuan cuisine industry develop in a healthy and orderly manner. Vigorously support the development of Sichuan cuisine leading enterprises, vigorously develop urban and rural catering industry, vigorously develop Sichuan cuisine processing industry, vigorously develop vegetable processing industry and further research and development of new Sichuan cuisine condiments, increase the Sichuan cuisine industry to the inside and outside the outside world, and further improve the popularity of Sichuan cuisine outside the province and abroad.

In March 2018, the General Office of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued the Notice on the Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting Sichuan Cuisine to Go Global (2018-2020) in Sichuan Province. Promote the culture of Sichuan cuisine, enhance the competitiveness and influence of Sichuan cuisine, drive the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, and boost rural revitalization. The overall idea is to actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" construction and the "Yangtze River Economic Belt" development strategy, adhere to the development principle of "government guidance, enterprise main body", reshape the Sichuan cuisine system standards, promote the standardization of Sichuan cuisine, enrich the cultural connotation of Sichuan cuisine, enhance the brand awareness of Sichuan cuisine, expand the scale of Sichuan cuisine industry, and cultivate Sichuan cuisine into an important business card and pillar industry with characteristic advantages in Sichuan Province's opening up. Give full play to the unique role of Sichuan cuisine, drive the development of agricultural advantageous and characteristic industries, green food planting and breeding bases and agricultural product processing industries, boost the prosperity of tourism, health care and elderly care industries, and promote the linkage and promotion of "first, second and third" industries. In accordance with the "123456" path of "one plate of Sichuan cuisine, driving two major actions at home and abroad, implementing three major innovation projects, boosting the construction of four major bases, promoting the development of five major industries, and forming six promotion achievements", we will consolidate the foundation for the development of Sichuan cuisine, extend the Sichuan cuisine industry chain, strengthen the promotion of Sichuan cuisine, and realize the purpose of Sichuan cuisine leading enterprises, green products, cluster brands, cultural skills and talents going out. Development goal - by 2020, the annual turnover of the province's catering industry will exceed 300 billion yuan. Cultivate 100 leading catering enterprises and form a number of cross-provincial and cross-border Sichuan cuisine brand enterprises; Cultivate 10 modern food industry demonstration bases, 100 forest food bases, 5 million acres of woody seasoning bases such as pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, 1,500 green foods, and 100 agricultural product export enterprises; Create a number of market carriers and publicity platforms to promote Sichuan cuisine to go global. In 2023, the output value of Sichuan cuisine has exceeded 350 billion yuan.

The specific content of the Sichuan Provincial Government's "123456" path is as follows:

1. Key tasks - with the theme of "Beautiful China, Taste Sichuan", in accordance with the idea of "giving new connotations, developing new dishes, forming new formats, and creating new engines", we will establish a "going out list" from the establishment of Sichuan cuisine brand image, quality standard determination, cultural promotion, market development and other links, implement list management, and drive the economic and cultural development of our province.

2. Carry out two promotion activities - based on the domestic market to carry out a series of promotion activities of "Sichuan cuisine Hongchuan", and based on foreign markets to carry out a series of promotion activities of "Sichuan cuisine overseas travel". 3. Implement the "three major innovation projects" - promote the three major innovation projects of dish innovation, brand innovation and cultural innovation, and improve the quality of Sichuan cuisine, promote the upgrading of the catering industry, boost the development of food processing industry, and establish a good market image of Sichuan cuisine through the standardization of Sichuan cuisine cooking and hygiene, production and processing traceability system, brand promotion and high-quality service standardization.

4. Strengthen the construction of four bases - combined with the construction of Sichuan characteristic agricultural products advantage area, build traceable, high-quality, ecological, green and healthy edible agricultural products planting base, breeding base, processing base, raw and auxiliary material base, vigorously cultivate forest food base, promote the construction of woody seasoning base such as pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, etc., and consolidate the foundation for the development of Sichuan cuisine.

5. Promote the development of five major industries - promote the integrated development of five major industries: catering, commodity retail, tourism, health and elderly care, and culture. Relying on the famous Sichuan cuisine store, with activities such as "Global Sichuan Cuisine Famous Restaurant and Sichuan Food Tour" as the carrier, the joint marketing of "eating, living, traveling, traveling, shopping and entertainment" is realized.

6. Create six business cards - make a batch of Sichuan cuisine marketing and brand promotion promotional materials suitable for long-term promotion, including a set of Sichuan cuisine series meals, a Sichuan cuisine promotional video, a provincial food map, a Sichuan cuisine food story, a batch of Sichuan cuisine tourism boutique routes, and a set of Sichuan cuisine production demonstration CDs. Expand social publicity through promotion meetings, exhibitions, television media, online platforms, publications, etc. Support local and catering industry associations to organize relevant famous catering enterprises and famous teachers to hold Sichuan cuisine exchanges, exhibitions and training activities at home and abroad to enhance the influence and competitiveness of Sichuan cuisine. Promote Sichuan cuisine catering enterprises to "go global". Support catering enterprises in our province to open chain outlets outside the province and abroad, establish production bases, processing and distribution centers, and gradually develop and grow into trans-provincial and multinational enterprise groups, extend the Sichuan cuisine industry chain, and drive products and services to go out.

At the same time, it is required to strengthen the cultivation and exchange of Sichuan cuisine talents - strengthen the vocational training of practical talents such as Sichuan cuisine cooking and catering services, explore the establishment of an international talent training base for Sichuan cuisine, and rely on overseas key catering enterprises and Chinese chambers of commerce to establish overseas Sichuan cuisine training and exchange centers. Within the scope permitted by the policy, encourage and support Sichuan cuisine chefs to work in overseas Sichuan cuisine restaurants, and support Sichuan cuisine talents to carry out domestic and foreign skill exchanges, cultural inheritance, teaching and research.

Finally, it is called for strengthening organizational safeguards. Put the promotion of Sichuan cuisine going out on the important agenda, formulate and implement the plan, and clarify the goals, tasks and time nodes. The Department of Commerce, in conjunction with the relevant departments directly under the provincial government, shall follow up and evaluate the progress of this program and report to the provincial government in a timely manner. Strengthen policy guidance. The provincial finance co-ordinates the existing relevant special funds to support the Sichuan cuisine to go global. All localities and departments should strengthen the support of various policies such as finance and taxation, finance, employment and social security, give full play to the superposition effect of policies, and accelerate the formation of a work pattern that promotes the development of Sichuan cuisine and the development of Sichuan cuisine industry. Give play to the role of industry associations. Further give full play to the role of the catering industry association in promoting the development of the Sichuan cuisine industry, strengthening industry self-discipline, promoting standardization, carrying out talent skills training, disseminating Sichuan cuisine culture, expanding domestic and foreign markets, etc., timely transmitting policy information, reflecting the voice of enterprises, and becoming a bridge and link between the government and enterprises. Support the development of industry associations through government procurement of services.

Section 4 Advantages of hot pot and hot pot aura

Hot pot is a great invention of China, a beautiful gift from China to the world, and has had a profound impact on the international catering industry. Under the current economic situation, how hot pot can promote the high-quality development of the catering industry is worthy of serious study.

Hot pot is an important part of Sichuan cuisine. It is necessary to pay attention to policies, study policies, and make good use of policies to achieve high-speed, high-quality, and high-efficiency development, so as to better benefit the people of the world. Hot pot generally refers to the cooking method of using a pot as a utensil, boiling a pot with a heat source, and boiling water or soup to cook various foods. It is characterized by eating while cooking, or the pot itself has a thermal insulation effect, and the food is still steaming when eating, and the soup is one. Similar dishes can be found all over the world, but they are particularly popular in East Asia.

Chinese have had the gene of "loving hot pot" since ancient times. Hot pot, known as "Dong Soup" in ancient times, was named after the gurgling sound made when food was put into boiling water. The ancients ate hot pot, and the pot they used was much more "expensive" than it is now, and it was a bronze tripod. "Ding" is a vessel used by the ancients for sacrifice, and it is also used for cooking. The convenience is that there is no need to make any stove, directly stuff the firewood to the bottom of the tripod, and after the fire is lit, you can start the operation directly. There is physical evidence that the ancients ate hot pot, not the imagination of later generations, and there is also "mandarin duck hot pot". Many unearthed tripods have been found to be burned and smoked under it, but in ancient times, the ancients did not call this way "hot pot". According to the record of "Han Poems", ancient sacrifices or celebrations often "hit the bell and lie in the tripod" and eat, that is, everyone sat around the tripod and put beef and mutton and other foods into the tripod to cook and eat, which is the most primitive way to eat hot pot. However, at that time, because there were many more hot pots than Ding, dozens of people had to be gathered to eat hot pot. In the Han Dynasty, the volume of hot pot became smaller, and it became a delicacy that several people could eat, and later there was a "foodie" named Cao Pi during the Three Kingdoms period, which divided the hot pot into five squares and made one pot five eats. By the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, dozens of different kinds of hot pot had been formed in the country, and each had its own characteristics, and there were more than 500 kinds of eating methods recorded in the historical books alone. However, if you want to talk about who loves hot pot the most, it should be Qianlong. According to historical records, Qianlong once set a record of eating 23 kinds of hot pot and 66 times in a month, and also held a "dam feast" with 550 tables of hot pot. According to the "History of the Development of China's "Hot Pot" and "China's Great Archaeological Discoveries - Ding", we can see various hot pot utensils from the Xia and Shang dynasties to the Qin and Han dynasties.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

What is the gene of hot pot? What is blood type? What is Temperament? What is a genetic mutation? And dig deeper. The umami taste of hot pot may be genetic, which is a signal for proteins, which is triggered by organic substances such as glutamic acid, inosinate, guanylate, succinic acid, L amino acids, nucleotides, free amino acids and their salts, organic acids and bases, peptides, etc.

Hot pot has a strong aura, great cohesion, centripetal force, unity, affinity and influence. The hot pot aura is also a "dojo"! The hot pot aura is the breath, temperature, smell, spirit, spirit, temperament, style, temperament, steam, aroma, heating, anger, atmosphere, prosperity, popularity, and luck. The hot pot aura is a tensor field and a quantum field, and its influence has magnitude, direction, excitation, and resonance. The discipline that studies the root, characteristics, efficacy, and development and application of hot pot aura is called "hot pot aura theory", including biological field, electromagnetic field, chemical field and social field.

The hot pot aura refers to the influence of a hot pot on its surroundings, which is a metaphysical mysterious energy and a description of the invisible energy of hot pot. Any hot pot has an aura, and the aura is also very different. A large hot pot aura can be composed of several small aura in a unique way to achieve a dynamic balance, and the adjacent aura and the aura are also mutually influential, and its main manifestation is the continuous rejection of each other and the continuous assimilation of each other. The hot pot aura emits a colorful aura around the human individual or other living beings, and through telepathy, it is composed of chakras, which can reflect the current emotions or thoughts of the human individual. Chakras refer to the seven energy centers distributed in the human body, which are the crown of the head, between the eyebrows, the larynx, the center of the chest, near the navel, the lower abdomen, and the tailbone. Hindu philosophy holds that the chakras reside in the body and govern the functioning of the body and mind. In yoga, the seven chakras of the human body are considered to be the seven energy centers, and recent scientific studies have shown that the human spirit, consciousness, and thinking may be a kind of energy wave. The strength of the hot pot aura mainly depends on the temperament and energy of the gamer, and whether its own energy field conforms to the energy field of the surrounding environment.

There are "five characteristics" of hot pot aura - vector characteristics, infection characteristics, leveling characteristics, civilian characteristics, and memory characteristics.

It is now found that the essence of the hot pot aura is the flow of energy and the exchange of messengers (photons, bosons). Gravitational force is the result of space-time bending, which is related to "massless topological defects" (irregularities), and the dimensions of the defects are 0 dimensions of monopoles, 2 dimensions of cosmic strings, and 2 dimensions of domain walls. Hot pot energy may be accompanied by "dark matter" and "dark energy", which is the invisible gravitational pull of the universe.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

Chinese hot pot has "ten advantages" - such as 1 immersion participation, 2 freedom of food selection, 3 disinfection and sterilization, 4 warm atmosphere, 5 smooth communication, 6 constant temperature, 7 refined waste materials, 8 cheap price, 9 suitable for all ages, 10 equal status. These unique and comprehensive advantages are unmatched by any other type of catering. At a time when all industries are tangled and miserable, hot pot is still strong. Hot pot can promote the development of China's catering industry, "hot" out of heat, speed, strength and brightness, and boost the "boiling" of China's economy.

Chinese hot pot has "four major disadvantages" - greasy, smelly, heavy taste, and fire. These problems are not good for health, environmental protection and hygiene. It is necessary to actively embrace the new quality of productive forces, study solutions, eliminate disadvantages, carry forward advantages, and shift from hot pot culture to hot pot civilization. For example, take measures such as "making equipment, being a partner, changing the base material, adjusting the firepower, and changing the seasoning". At the same time, it is necessary to formulate hot pot dietary operation standards, just like the procedure of taking medicine, such as hairy belly "seven up and eight down", etc., so that "not spicy, not smoked, not boiling", supporting special vegetables and fruits, etc.

The future development of hot pot - follow the theory of "six senses and pleasant changes" (vision, taste, hearing, smell, touch, and heart), deeply reform the production, processing, marketing and sharing of hot pot, and advocate "refinement, personalization, diversification, health, and green".

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

Physics refers to the distribution of a certain physical quantity in a region of space as a field, such as temperature field, density field, gravitational field, electric field, magnetic field, etc. The field is the distribution of energy and mass, and there are numerical values at every point in space-time, such as electromagnetism, curvature, etc. If the physical quantity that forms the field only changes with the position of space and does not change with time, such a field is called a "constant field". If it varies not only with spatial position, but also with time, such a field is called an "indefinite constant field". In practice, the general field is an indefinite field, but for the sake of research convenience, a field with a small change in physical quantity over a period of time can be approximated as a constant field. From the perspective of the value properties of various fields, they can be divided into two categories, one is that each point corresponds to a quantity, which is collectively called a quantity field, such as temperature field and density field, which are mainly expressed by gradients. The other type is that the first point corresponds to a vector, which is called a vector field, which has direction and magnitude, such as gravitational field, gradient field, electric field, and magnetic field, which are mainly expressed by curl and divergence. Maxwell's equations are the basic tools.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

The hot pot aura belongs to the social aura. Social Aura Theory was founded by the German-American social psychologist Kurt Lewin (1880-1947), the founder of field theory, the founder of gatekeeping theory in communication studies, and the founder of modern social, organizational and applied psychology. Lewin was born in Mokino (present-day Poland) in the German province of Posen and moved to Berlin at the age of 15. He studied pharmacy and biology and was interested in philosophy. He studied under W. Koehler, the main representative of "Gestalt Psychology", and received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Berlin in 1914 under the supervision of Stumf. Gestalt is the transliteration of Gestalt, which means "whole, shape", so Gestalt theory, also known as "gestalt theory", emphasizes wholeness. Human beings are a whole, and their behavior is not determined by the individual person, but by the intrinsic characteristics of the whole, and the individual person and his actions are only part of the process of this whole. The main exponents of Gestalt theory are: Wetmer, Kaufka and Kohler. Lewin is the originator of group dynamics in social psychology and the founder of topological psychology. He is the author of The Dynamic Theory of Personality (1935), Principles of Topological Psychology (1936), Contribution to Psychological Theory (1938), Resolving Social Conflicts (1948), Field Theory in Social Science (1951), etc., and put forward many classic theories of communication, which influenced the research of later scholars. According to Lewin, geometry, as a branch of mathematics, is a tool for all sciences, and topology, as a non-metric geometry, is one of the most useful tools for expressing the structure of mental situations. Lewin used topology and vector analysis to explain mental phenomena. He believed that the concepts of topology and vectors were superior to any other concepts in psychology that existed at the time. Topology helps to understand the events that may or may not happen in an individual in a particular space; Vector analysis can indicate which of the various behaviors that an individual may have in a situation will become a reality. Lewin's most important contribution was the "field theory", which was based on the field theory of physics. He believed that the "field" refers to the existence of a whole, in which the properties and changes of each part are determined by the overall characteristics of the field, and this overall characteristic is not equal to the sum or sum of the characteristics of the parts. He sees behavior as a function or "field" of man and his environment, where the "field" is borrowed from a concept in physics. He and his colleagues have applied terms such as vector, dynamic field, topological psychology, living space, space of free movement, vector, tension, tensor, and "field is" (i.e., the pressure of the group on the individual) to engage in a series of studies on the resistance to change and the influence of leadership on the group. Earned a high social reputation in the West. According to Lewin, a group is like a field, which must be seen as a whole, not as the sum of the members of the group, and that the group is not equal to the mechanical sum of the individuals who form the group. In the relationship between the group and the individual, it is the group, not the individual, that plays a decisive role. The group is certainly influenced by each individual member and their psychological factors, but more importantly, the individual is influenced by the group to which he belongs. In 1947, Lewin published his paper "The Channels of Group Life", which first put forward the concept of gatekeeping and the theory of gatekeeper. Lewin pointed out that any group will have the characteristics of a gestalt: the group is a whole, and each member of the group will interact with each other. A person's status depends on his region, which in turn is linked to other regions (members of the group). Groups are subject to cohesion and disintegration. Cohesion is a measure of how members are attracted to the group and are willing to stay within the group. The size of group cohesion is affected by many factors, the important factors are: (1) group leadership style (2) external influence (3) group size (4) reward method within the group...... When the barriers to communication between members are too great, a disintegrating force occurs. The group constitutes a force field, and the attraction or repulsion between individuals depends on the repulsion value within the group.

Hot pot "aura theory"
Hot pot "aura theory"

According to Lewin, man is a field, and his mental activity takes place in a mental field or living space. 1ife space (Ls) includes individuals and their psychological environment. A person's behavior (B) depends on the interaction of the individual (P) with his environment (E), that is, the behavior depends on the individual's living space (LsP). Thus, the basic formula for Lewin is:


The "gestalt rule" of Gestalt theory has four points: 1. Proximity: parts that are close to each other tend to form a whole. 2. Similarity: Parts that are similar in a certain way tend to form a whole. 3. Closure: The parts that belong to each other and form a closed entity tend to form a whole. 4. Simplicity: The parts with symmetrical, regular, and smooth simple graphic characteristics tend to form a whole. These four points are the Law of Organization, which is the research result of psychologists in the field of cognition, and is actually closely related to the "fractal", "chaos" and "synergy" characteristics of nonlinear systems.

Hot pot is an "indefinite constant field", which can be approximated as a "constant field", the essence is a quantum field (excited state), the radiation of energy is a piece of quantum, quantum is the smallest energy unit that cannot be redivided, the magnitude is Planck's constant h=6.6260755×10-34J·s (joules. seconds). Lewin's field theory is the basis of the hot pot aura hypothesis, which is important for us to re-understand the influence of hot pot. With the continuous improvement of the hot pot aura theory, Chinese hot pot will definitely win more rational international consumers.

It is certain that Chinese hot pot is endlessly charming, and Sichuan hot pot has a bright future.

(Summary of Li Houqiang's speech at the "2024 Sichuan Hot Pot Industry Ecology Conference" on June 28, 2024)

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