
WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

Beijing time on February 19, 2022 news, today's senior wrestling media Sports Illustrated announced the WWE wrestling fever main battle schedule and the potential spoilers of the iron cage secret room results in advance! Tomorrow morning Beijing time we will officially usher in the Iron Cage Chamber Competition, and on April 3, 2022, Beijing time, we will usher in the wrestling mania 38!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

And today's senior wrestling media Sports Illustrated released many of the relevant spoilers, sports illustrated in the Iron Cage Chamber Competition, Brock Lesner will most likely walk out of the Iron Cage Chamber Competition as a WWE champion, which means that Bobby Leslie is likely to become an excessive champion again!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

In addition, Sports Illustrated also pointed out that WWE is interested in arranging for Austin Theory to win the WWE championship in the future, but not now! Because it's too early for Austin Theory to win the WWE championship! In addition, the relevant arrangements for the Wrestling Mania 38 Main Battle Match have also been exposed!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

Once Brock Lesner walks out of the Cage Vault as the WWE Champion winner, then this will directly mean that on Wrestling Mania 38, the Global Championship between Roman Raines and Brock Lesner will be directly upgraded to a winner-take-all tournament!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

Romain Raines holds the Global Championship and Brock Lesner holds the WWE Title, and the winner will come out of the Wrestling Mania as a double champion! And this match will be placed in the main battle of the second night of Wrestling Mania 38! And as for the main battle arrangement of the first night of Wrestling Mania 38!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

Veteran wrestling media Sports Illustrated points out WWE will be scheduling the Smackdown Women's Championship match between Ronda Rossi vs Charlotte! This championship match will be scheduled for wrestling mania 38 first night main battle! As for other related duels, they are still in a state of uncertainty!

WWE Wrestling Mania Main Battle Schedule and Potential Spoilers for Iron Cage Vault Results Are Made Public In Advance!

In addition, the question of whether ColdStone Steve Austen will participate in the competition, Austin himself has not responded at present! And today WWE internal staff confirmed that WWE does intend to arrange Austen's comeback in Wrestling Mania 38, and Austin's own attitude is willing to compete!

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