
In this life, life is a foot, and I do not seek a foot


There is a way that there is a foot in the life, not a foot in the face.

It's yours, don't ask for it; it's not yours, you can't ask for it.

People, always have to have self-knowledge, do not have to be a "do not hit the south wall and do not turn back" people.

The more you clench your fists, the more you have nothing. Let go of the hand, time slipped through the fingers, but left a breeze, and a free state of mind.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a man named Gong Yibo, who became a celebrity because of his infinite strength.

One day, King Xuan of Zhou invited him to come and show his strength. As soon as the two men met, King Xuan of Zhou became suspicious, because Gong Yibo was thin and weak.

King Xuanwang of Zhou said, "I can have the tail of a nine-headed cow, what can you do?" ”

Gong Yibo said, "I can break the legs of locusts and pierce the wings of autumn cicadas." However, my fame is not because of strength, but because strength is used just right. ”

Deeply. Don't cling, you can't have everything; don't give up, you can't have nothing.

Not seeking perfection is true perfection.

In this life, life is a foot, and I do not seek a foot


Love, too hard, is the beginning of bondage.

One female reader told me that she was particularly kind to her husband.

When her husband goes on a business trip, she will buy round-trip tickets, book hotels, and also meet a driver who loves cleanliness and has a particularly good attitude through the Internet platform to help pick up and drop off in the city.

The second minute after her husband got off the high-speed train, she would call to greet her husband and tell her husband that out of the high-speed rail station, there is an exit on the left-hand side, and if you go straight, you can see the online driver.

The air quality in a foreign country is not very good, and she will let the hotel attendant send masks to the room, and she must let her husband wear a mask to go out.

Last year, she got divorced. The reason is simple – the husband needs to be free and can't stand the constraints.

Whether it is love, or family affection, friendship, or classmate affection, as long as there are too many constraints on each other and too much time to get along, contradictions will increase. Feelings are deep, and there will also be a phenomenon of "full moon loss".

A lot of times, we need someone to be quiet and have a little bit of privacy.

When you love someone hard, the more you give, the less you get, and it will drive the other person away. Love, like a rope, strangled the neck.


Seeking wealth, too much effort, is the beginning of becoming poor.

I have seen a story: there is a poor man, when he went out, he met a dying old man, and without hesitation, he divided half of the food he had begged for the old man to eat.

The kindness of the poor touched the gods. The god gave the poor man a cloth bag and said, open the cloth bag, you can take out the gold, if you think there is enough gold, tie the cloth bag tightly and send it back. Then the gold will all be yours.

The poor man took the gold out of his cloth bag with great effort, and did not close his eyes for three days and three nights. The house was full of gold, but he didn't think it was enough. Thus he was trapped in the house for the rest of his life; there was a lot of money, but no blessing to be consumed.

Greed can really ruin a person. No matter how much money you make, if you don't feel satisfied, you're still a poor person.

Always make money, have not spent money, no matter how much money you have, it is only placed in the bank, and in the end, others help you spend money. Poor poor man, it's you.

The saddest thing is that an old man who is very rich and oily has raised a few idle children, and everyone is together, competing for wealth, and turning against each other. Such a family is poor and scummy.

In this life, life is a foot, and I do not seek a foot


Longevity, too much effort, is the beginning of humiliation.

In ancient times, Emperor Yao said, "Shou is much of an insult." ”

A person's lifespan is too long, and it is not a good thing.

First, when people reach old age, they will inevitably have pain, and when you are terminally ill, you have to go back and forth between the family and the hospital, and there is no quality of life; if you are paralyzed in the hospital every day, looking at the white walls, looking at the shaky ceiling fan, it is really uncomfortable.

Second, very old parents will inevitably have to involve their children. One person gets sick and the whole family is affected. "There is no filial piety in front of the bed for a long time", children circle around their parents every day, and it is inevitable that there will be complaints. If the children's small family has no money and filial piety to the parents, it becomes a big problem.

Third, when people of the same age leave one by one, the old man's heart will be particularly uncomfortable, and it is inevitable that he will be very lonely. In ancient times, Keiko and Zhuangzi were good friends, and after Keiko's death, Zhuangzi could not find anyone who could speak well, and he was deeply saddened.

Fourth, too much concern about how old you can live will lead to "urgent medical treatment". Eat health care products recklessly, buy fitness equipment, over-maintain yourself, and get older faster.

The best thing is to grow old naturally and live every day of the present as a poem. Life, old age, illness and death, let it go.


Tossing, too hard, is the beginning of failure.

A classmate of mine works in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province. Husband and wife, working hard for more than ten years, saved hundreds of thousands of yuan. Five years ago, her husband credulously believed the words of his colleagues and went to Guangxi to speculate in houses, losing more than 200,000 yuan.

The unwilling husband, with money, went to a project to buy shares, and all lost money.

Someone said, "The more you toss, the better your life." ”

The reality is not like this, people who toss too much, most of them are "blindly tossing". The direction is wrong, and every action is a backwards, and all the previous achievements are lost.

Find the direction, and then toss, if the direction is not clear, stop, is the stop loss.

Whether it is the economy, or marriage, family, friendship, or residence, excessive tossing will lead to life and chaos.

Life, with harmony as precious, like flowing water, flows slowly and rushes to the sea, which is a blessing.

In this life, life is a foot, and I do not seek a foot



"Sometimes there must be something in fate, and there must be no demand in fate at any time."

Some things, gained, are not necessarily good, lost, and not necessarily bad.

Life will never be satisfactory, people who can live better and better are just "doing good deeds, not asking about the future", cherishing the current time, cherishing the people in front of you, as for whether there will be accidents tomorrow, tomorrow will talk about it.

Learn to recognize life, not to treat life negatively, but to take the initiative to choke the throat of fate and retract freely.

We can't have everything, we always have to leave something for others. If you know how to "follow the joy", then what others have, you can also share happiness, really wonderful.

Life is a passer-by, come empty-handed, go empty-handed, and the only thing that can stay is the rich spirit.

Don't fight, just go with the flow.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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